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A Call For Clerics on 08/04/2021 06:49 PM CDT
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Parchment missives have been posted in Clerics' Guildhalls, Temples, churches, and other spiritual centers and gathering places across mainland Kermoria and a smattering of the Reshalian Isles. They read as follows:

My Brothers and Sisters of the Clergy,

We Clerics are multifold. Though our individual methodologies are as varied as the Thirty-Nine Immortals we pledge ourselves to, it is our connection with the divine that unites us.

We are the intermediaries between Gods and men. We are the voices and armaments of our patrons, serving as conduits for Their divine power that we may effectuate Their will in all things.

We perform miracles in Their names, that others may see the grace and might of the Immortals and revere Them as They are due.

We seek out and destroy Their enemies, the legions of the demonic and the profane. We put practitioners of the forbidden and vile art of Necromancy to the sword, and we cleanse the hordes of undeath with holy fire.

For too long, the lich Jeihrem has befouled Reshalia with the blight of the demonic. From his isle of Basalt, he consorts with malicious entities intent on devouring our beloved Plane of Abiding. His minions sow desecration among the islands and the mainland alike in their insane zeal to invite and empower unholy abominations.

The lich and his ilk are a festering wound that mars the flesh of Elanthia. As he continues to scheme and to plot, the malady molders.

It will not be borne!

The Coalition Against the Lich stands poised to scour Basalt in one relentless and decisive assault. What greater opportunity have we to serve our Immortals in all of our capacities than to lend our aid to this meritorious campaign? With the divine power bequeathed unto us, let us cut out this infection once and for all!

Thus do I bid any and all Clerics to attend me several days hence at our Guildhall in the Crossing. The ways to contribute are as multitudinous as we are, and lack of advanced combat proficiency or advancement within the Guild is not a barrier to application! We will begin with a brief explication of current events along with an overview of available tasks. Afterward, I will field any questions and see to assigning interested Clerics to appropriate duties.

Hearken to me, brothers and sisters, and heed this most holy and just of causes! The call to arms is come, and we are to answer it! It matters not whether you serve the Light or the Dark, for together, we are One Holy Flame. Wielded in the resplendent hands of our most hallowed Immortals, we will purify that which is unclean, and incremate the legions of the profane! May Basalt become a pyre of glory to illuminate the eternal majesty of the Immortals for generations to come!

And may the righteous know jubilation in conquest.

By the will of the Storm,


Title: A Call For Clerics

Date: Thursday, August 5th, 10 PM EST
Location: Crossing Clerics' Guild, Courtyard

The Raid on Basalt Isle draws ever closer, and the need for Clerics is greater than ever! Join Whiteburn for a recap of current events and an overview of available jobs for Clerics. There's many ways to get involved, and all experience and combat levels are welcome!
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