Training TM on 10/08/2012 01:59 PM CDT
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So.. I've been away for awhile but I'm getting back into the swing of things. Been rocking combat a lot, working up my defenses and locking my primaries, and then going and backtraining up my HT, HE, MB, and HX. So all that's fine and dandy.. can lock up everything.. but..

For the life of me, I can't effectively move TM outside of sitting in a class and learning! So I'm trying to figure out what I'm doing wrong.

My TM and my main weapon (ME) are about 10 ranks from each other, with TM being higher. I can slay through a variety of creatures that I hunt and lock ME.. but I get my TM up to learning, at best, slaying the same number of creatures via magic. Doesn't matter if it's undead, or a regular critter.. whether I use HE, FF, HORN.. etc. The closest I've been able to move my TM is to stand and snap target/cast DR for about thirty minutes and it locks my TM.

Any suggestions on what I'm doing wrong? I haven't quested for FOU and I haven't picked up HH.. figured FOU probably isn't a good idea when I'm just under 400 PM, and I don't hunt undead actively enough to pick up HH. But if I have to do that to lock my TM without sitting in a class, I will.

Thanks in advance!
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Re: Training TM on 10/08/2012 02:06 PM CDT
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>>For the life of me, I can't effectively move TM outside of sitting in a class and learning! So I'm trying to figure out what I'm doing wrong.

Nothing! Classes are pretty well the best way to learn right now.

If I recall, TM experience is awarded per hit and doesn't take damage into account. To best train it in combat you just have to constantly spam a TM spell at very low mana so you can get as many grazing hits off of a critter that you can before killing them.

I would be willing to bet that this TM learning model will change with 3.0
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Re: Training TM on 10/08/2012 02:20 PM CDT
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Find the highest level critter you can hunt that doesn't carry a shield and spam prep bolt/target/cast. That seems to work pretty well for me.
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Re: Training TM on 10/08/2012 02:21 PM CDT
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Ah, well.. if that's the case, then I guess I'll just stick with spamming DR then. Lame.

Might venture into FOU then as well..

Thank you!
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Re: Training TM on 10/08/2012 03:20 PM CDT
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Seriously- don't tell me you are locking HX faster than TM? Flavius is HX primary and it just annoys me. It really depends but in the right circumstances I can move TM pretty fast- certainly faster than HX. FOU if you have the magics helps- but you don't yet- at least I don't think you do.

I used DR rather than bolt, and if you defenses are good enough that trains decently. I found I could train TM reasonably well on sky giants just using DR. If you give us an idea of what you are hunting we might be able to give more advice- I prefer to train TM by killing things- but that requires a pretty good gen of monsters that are high enough(and without shield) to do.
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Re: Training TM on 10/08/2012 03:36 PM CDT
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Use multi-shot FF, works great.
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Re: Training TM on 10/08/2012 03:43 PM CDT
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I use FF or Horn in combat (tortured souls usually). With FF I go with 30 mana, Horn usually 20-30 mana for kicks.
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Re: Training TM on 10/08/2012 04:39 PM CDT
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HH if they're undead does an OK job at TM. FoU probably does better but requires PFE. HH can be fast-spam-cast for moderate mana, and isn't a super killer.

But other than that, spam DR if you don't want to kill.

Adding nothing to the conversation since 1834.
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Re: Training TM on 10/08/2012 05:44 PM CDT
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<If you give us an idea of what you are hunting we might be able to give more advice- I prefer to train TM by killing things- but that requires a pretty good gen of monsters that are high enough(and without shield) to do. >

Right now I'm mostly hunting in oshus. I'm sticking with the old fashioned way for now.. spamming DR on them until I get to locked (just takes a long while), and then killing them off with my weapons.

I've fiddled around with ur hhr'ziki (or whatever), death spirits, etc.. none of them are really moving my TM past learning (3/34).. only thing that has effectively moved my TM past learning was when I was doing the MF quest and I was killing off the fylgia with HORN.

Maybe I'll hop over to scorps and see if I can move TM.
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Re: Training TM on 10/09/2012 12:32 AM CDT
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Have you tried Lach's? A'danf?

Seriously it shouldn't be that hard to find a creature that can do better than 03/34- I have been able to every step along the way. Not perfectly but with experimentation I found the right combo of creature and TM spell that worked. Sometimes it was FF, sometimes HE, mixed with AE. Now its FOU or FF usually.
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Re: Training TM on 10/10/2012 11:45 AM CDT
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Another area that I thought of that you might want to try out- Hib- the whole blighted forest area- you probably are up to Blight Ogre's but there is a very nice progression of undead beasties from creepers to ice adders- one of them should teach you TM well.
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