Theurgy Tips on 01/08/2017 12:53 PM CST
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Just thought I'd make a post with a couple tips for people, not that it brings anything exciting to the Theurgy table, but if others have any other tips then they can be in one place for new people or people that are struggling with the skill. As a note my cleric has enough Theurgy for 200th+ and I still train it, it's easy peasy, just annoying since it really doesn't have any benefits and is just trained for the sake of training it.

1) Use Meraud in combat, as soon as you find the room you'll be in for a while, it opens up the doors to do rituals to regain that lost devotion. For me, once Theurgy drops below 20/34 I use Tamsine or Eluned, when it drops below 20/34 again I use the other one.
2) There's a 20 minute timer on gaining experience from using a particular commune, and mostly a 10 minute timer on gaining devotion from performing a particular rite but things like the prayer badge and anloral pins have much longer timers.
3) Incense, when you buy it, it's a stick of 10 parts, you can combine 10 of these so you end up with one incense that has 100 parts.
4) Dirt, find a thief and have them buy you one of the dirt containers from the thief shop. I use a leather bag from there and it holds 30 dirt, counts as 2 items (1=bag, 1=the pile of dirt).
5) Water, whatever container you use, fill it to the brim, Eluned can actually overfill the containers by a few parts so if you keep up on it you never have to worry about it again.
6) Beads, take a trip to Muspar'i and buy yourself some of the wood block wallets. Each wallet can hold 30 of X block and counts as 2 items total (1=wallet 1=pile of blocks), the wallets are specialized to a particular wood (dunno why), and in each major city there's an NPC that sells blocks to use for carving, the exception is Crossing the NPC is up in Dirge. The annoying part is they wander around and sometimes right in the middle of you filling your wallets they move to the next room.
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Re: Theurgy Tips on 01/08/2017 12:59 PM CST
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Thank you for the tips. I NEEDED THEM. especially the dirt container and wallet stuff.....
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Re: Theurgy Tips on 01/08/2017 03:57 PM CST
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The other thing to point out is hunting undead and prayer mats. Killing undead/cursed creatures restores a very tiny amount of devotion, but it's enough to keep the skill moving. It won't lock, but it'll move. You can also get a prayer mat to let you do things in combat you otherwise couldn't do. Kiss, dance, incense, and wine rituals work. You can use the runestones you find while looting to make yourself meraud orbs that you can toss or save for OM.
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Re: Theurgy Tips on 01/08/2017 05:49 PM CST
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Thank you for these! I did not know about the dirt container! Now it's time to make friends with a thief.

I also pray after every 5 kills or so. So simple, but when hunting cursed or undead it works like a charm to keep devotion moving. I also like to use lesser gems I find in boxes or off critters for a quick Truffenyi commune during hunting or box popping.

Keep the tips coming!

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Re: Theurgy Tips on 01/08/2017 05:50 PM CST
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If you have Meraud's up, you can dance in the room without a mat, and for me with the testing I did, last rites returned more devotion than killing undead so I abandoned the undead ladder long ago. That test was a few years ago though so maybe killing undead got uptweaked.
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Re: Theurgy Tips on 01/08/2017 07:19 PM CST
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Only thing I can think of where a mat is useful is for pouring wine on it. Otherwise Meraud is the way to go. Now if we could only get sacrifice to not be so horrible.
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Re: Theurgy Tips on 01/08/2017 07:27 PM CST
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> If you have Meraud's up, you can dance in the room without a mat

It's been a while since I've tested this, but aren't the two mutually exclusive? You can dance three times in the room and then dance mat three times too.
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Re: Theurgy Tips on 01/08/2017 08:36 PM CST
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>It's been a while since I've tested this, but aren't the two mutually exclusive? You can dance three times in the room and then dance mat three times too.

True, that's a good tip for people! I used to double dip dancing at an altar and then on my mat, should be able to do the same with Meraud's and then on the mat. Easy way to gain back more devotion faster. Wish we could edit posts so I could add that in to my original.
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Re: Theurgy Tips on 01/08/2017 11:10 PM CST
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yes, you can dance on your mat with Meraud's up and dance without your mat if you have Meraud's up. :)

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