Auspice And Teaching on 02/08/2016 05:31 PM CST
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Does the Charisma bonus afforded by the Auspice spell has any impact on your teaching ability/scholarship? I've been trying to keep it up when I'm teaching or listening to a class, but frankly I don't notice much, if any, of a discrepancy. I swear I've read that Intel and Wisdom boosting spells don't impact your learning rates and was curious if Charisma might fall into the same category. I figured I'd ask in case someone savvy with number crunching knew, and/or might have some interest in testing it out.
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Re: Auspice And Teaching on 02/08/2016 08:01 PM CST
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Wisdom/Intelligence boosts don't affect the base building blocks of experience drain, pool size and pulse rate, which impact how fast you convert field experience to actual experience. Charisma provides a bonus to class experience, which only impacts how much field experience is earned in a given time period and doesn't require the same limitation since the rate you convert it to actual experience remains the same.

That said, Charisma is just a small modifier to the equation. You could easily test how big by doing an orb rub test. Hug your orb then wait for a single pulse of your class. Rub you orb and count the number of rubs it takes to reach clear. Put up Auspice and repeat the hug, pulse, and rub for the same class. The difference in the number of rubs, if any, will give your answer.

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