New Meta magic spells on 01/23/2009 09:00 PM CST
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I've been pondering what makes sense for some new spells and it seems to me that something along the following lines makes some sense. A lot of people have been asking for AOE this, or a spell which acts similar to an existing spell except for a few modifications.

Imagine instead a spell (or set of spells) which work in roughly this manner:

Self cast, with a duration. Each spell it affects reduces the duration remaining until the spell's power is depleted. Said spells do nothing on their own, they merely modify outgoing (or incoming) spells in some useful way.

One such spell would make all curses cast by the cleric affect all creatures in melee/pole range. Another might make all disabler spells cast by the Cleric affect all creatures in melee/pole. A third might just be more generic and affect a few random spells: Turn EF into BF, make a cast of MPP also apply MaPP, and so forth.

It's mostly a rough idea. Not quite sure where I'm going with it yet, but I feel like it could have some potential as a system to build new spells upon, much like OM and infusion are.
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Re: New Meta magic spells on 01/23/2009 09:02 PM CST
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This sounds very neat and has the potential to be very awesome.
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Re: New Meta magic spells on 01/23/2009 09:47 PM CST
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Conceptually I like it. The idea of a spell that 'meta's' other spells is great. My only concern would be that each one would be broad enough to make it worthwhile.

"militantly enforcing the overly rigid standards of you and your small collection of friends"
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Re: New Meta magic spells on 01/23/2009 09:52 PM CST
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>Conceptually I like it. The idea of a spell that 'meta's' other spells is great. My only concern would be that each one would be broad enough to make it worthwhile.

Yeah that's my concern too. My thinking would be that each spell would have to provide a passive buff at all times in addition (obviously until consumed) -- similar to something like SAP but potentially weaker. This would make the spell always useful but have an active component as well. The other alternative would be to just make the spells very broad, or to have the meta components be more signifigant in nature.
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