After reading and thinking about the upcoming changes to combat a couple of spells/effects came to mind. Since the ideal way to hunt after the new change rolls out is to be in a hunting area where fighting any more then two creatures will be difficult what is the possibility of shackle towards both undead and living? Similar to maybe ANC or Energy manacles? Minimal success would be an entanglement with max success maybe a short immobilization?
Also, along those same lines what about the possibility of a Curse that would incur additional roundtime for each action taken. Starting at a one second duration and maybe capping at 3-4 with complete success against the target?
Couple ideas for spells. on 07/14/2009 12:54 AM CDT
Re: Couple ideas for spells. on 07/14/2009 01:20 AM CDT
Re: Couple ideas for spells. on 07/14/2009 11:30 PM CDT
<<Interesting idea- what do you hope to achieve with the shackle idea? In particular what would be the advantage of it over using PS? Or SICK against the living?
Versus PS it would be an alternative stat contest for those that train more towards SvA as well as the possiblity of the immobilization. I'd have hopes for it to last a little bit longer then PS to where you could keep more then 2 of what you're fighting at bay if you can't immobilize them and dispatch fast enough.
Versus sick I suppose in essence they both produce the same end results. Being stuck in roundtime or entangled yield the same outcome. They're unable to fight do anything while under the effect.
<<A curse which increased the RT of all actions could be very interesting- not sure if it would really be useful, but it might be.
I thought about that for a while, currently I don't see a use because of the non existant fear of death (barring critical strikes.) Once combat has been redone and we're fighting for our lives against two creatures I think decreasing the amount of attacks could become very useful. Especially on fast swinging mobs, or those that tend to hide/advance, or cast spells. Increasing roundtimes for each action = more survivability.
Versus PS it would be an alternative stat contest for those that train more towards SvA as well as the possiblity of the immobilization. I'd have hopes for it to last a little bit longer then PS to where you could keep more then 2 of what you're fighting at bay if you can't immobilize them and dispatch fast enough.
Versus sick I suppose in essence they both produce the same end results. Being stuck in roundtime or entangled yield the same outcome. They're unable to fight do anything while under the effect.
<<A curse which increased the RT of all actions could be very interesting- not sure if it would really be useful, but it might be.
I thought about that for a while, currently I don't see a use because of the non existant fear of death (barring critical strikes.) Once combat has been redone and we're fighting for our lives against two creatures I think decreasing the amount of attacks could become very useful. Especially on fast swinging mobs, or those that tend to hide/advance, or cast spells. Increasing roundtimes for each action = more survivability.