Any 200th clerics in Prime? on 04/01/2016 02:04 AM CDT
I know we have a whole slew of high-level clerics roaming around, but any that have hit 200th? Just curious since people in the guild seem to think it's a bad idea to keep their names up on the register in the Crossing guild after they hit like 160-170. Please don't post a name of another character if you're not sure how they feel about the whole world knowing.
Re: Any 200th clerics in Prime? on 04/01/2016 10:07 AM CDT
Re: Any 200th clerics in Prime? on 04/05/2016 07:02 PM CDT
Well I'll tell you this, unless Theurgy somehow magically becomes relevant, Shaidval is -never- going past 150. Circles are pretty meaningless post-TDP gain.
Prydaen prayer for the hunt:
Prydaen prayer for the hunt: