Fallen Empath on 05/16/2006 01:35 PM CDT
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I've been desiring this title for quite some some. Maybe if I put it here, someone will take a look at it?

*Fallen Empath*

Must be shocked (or have shock scar)
100 ranks in highest weapon
500 ranks total weapons
100 ranks in highest armor
500 ranks total armor
200 Empathy

Any thoughts?
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Re: Fallen Empath on 05/16/2006 03:58 PM CDT
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I like it, maybe a title you can only choose when you have active shock. Maybe a title called evil empath of doom but yet redeemed for those with the scar.
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Re: Fallen Empath on 05/16/2006 06:30 PM CDT
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It could be an in-shock thing, kind of like how heretic shows up for the paladin who has done a bit o' sinning.
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Re: Fallen Empath on 05/17/2006 12:30 AM CDT
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I'd like to see Blighted (for someone activly shocked) and Scarred (for someone with the scar). Not sure if they should have any other reqs.
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Re: Fallen Empath on 05/17/2006 12:54 AM CDT
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I like the idea, but why the big weapons and armor req's? 500 total armor is particularly huge IMO. I would make the sole req be active shock.
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Re: Fallen Empath on 05/17/2006 08:22 AM CDT
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There's a threefold reason for my desire to give it weapon and armor reqs.

1 - Call me elitist, but I don't want every empath who wants to RP a "bad mamajama" (to quote Reexa) to be able to go to ship rats and punch at a rat and consider themselves Fallen with their 1 rank of brawling. If you want this, and many will cos it sounds cool, they'll have to work for it.

2 - While it may look intimidating, 500 ranks of armors really isn't, if you allow shields into the mess. Weapons are the same if parry and multi are allowed. Shouldn't there be a sense of accomplishment to a bad mamajama title, anyway?

3 - "Fallen" gives the implication that the empath has reached a point where his redemption will be very difficult, if not impossible. To emulate this into game mechanics, the empath should have devoted himself to the call of battle -- and transgressed a few times.

In short, fishing should not be enough to make an empath "fall." But getting upset at a sand sprite because she giggles at you while helping someone get their bearings in the cave, and as a direct result you cleave off her arm with your bastard sword... that's what I'm going for.
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Re: Fallen Empath on 05/17/2006 08:51 AM CDT
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^Fallen Empath
^^Must be shocked (or have shock scar)
^^100 ranks in highest weapon
^^500 ranks total weapons
^^100 ranks in highest armor
^^500 ranks total armor
^^200 Empathy

OK, well this sounds interesting, but I agree the armor (and maybe even the weapon) requirement is a bit steep, while the empathy requirement is quite low. I would be utterly shocked (no pun intended) to find an empath with 200 ranks of empathy, yet all the other requirements for this title. Off the top of my head, maybe Bekannte would have had it, but I don't even know if she would. Mingold? Would you have had this? I don't say this because I want this title. I have no desire to get shocked, or have the scar, just so I can have a title. That said, I'm currently hunting hatchlings, training 3 armors (HP/LC/HC with a large gap in ranks between the three) and training shield, brawling is just under 100, with ME, HE and LE trained within the 40-75 rank range. I have the defenses of a mid-30s (maybe even min-req 40s) level barbarian, and I would not have the weapon or armor skill for this title.

It's all fine and dandy if that's what was intended. Just thought I would give a perspective as to the tertiary skill requirement inherent in this proposed guild title. I would say maybe 350-400 in armor and weapon totals, 300 empathy, etc. Make it a bit more accessible, but still a stretch for most empaths.

Renegade Empath Raudhan just arrived.

Souv says, "Annael should have been commended for her knifing empaths"

A white-eyed snow goblin reaches Raudhan's severed arm over one shoulder and uses the limb's dead fingers to scratch its back.
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Re: Fallen Empath on 05/17/2006 08:52 AM CDT
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> Maybe a title called evil empath of doom

Put down the healing stick and step away from the title. There will be no hijacking of my evil titles.

Renegade Empath Raudhan just arrived.

Souv says, "Annael should have been commended for her knifing empaths"

A white-eyed snow goblin reaches Raudhan's severed arm over one shoulder and uses the limb's dead fingers to scratch its back.
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Re: Fallen Empath on 05/17/2006 09:32 AM CDT
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>I would be utterly shocked (no pun intended) to find an empath with 200 ranks of empathy, yet all the other >requirements for this title.

Agreed. I really like the title, but the reqs for armor and weapons are quite steep. I've been a field healer literally since the day I started and at 200 ranks of empath, I was no where near those armor and weapon ranks. That's after spending most of my time in the field, actively training three armors, shield and several different weapons. If you wanted to keep the armor and weapon req in there, and keep the empathy so low in comparison, I'd move them both to 200 combined. In my mind, 200 combined ranks of armor and 200 combined ranks of weapons would still show a pretty solid commitment to field skills at 200 ranks of empathy...

~ Gwynfydedig

You give your alfar avenger a hug, clearly making her feel self-conscious.

Want to know more about the Battle Empath Council? Visit: http://www.geocities.com/saerhyn/ESC/BattleEmpath.html
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Re: Fallen Empath on 05/17/2006 11:00 AM CDT
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I was taking the empathy req. from expert empath, I guess it could be bumped higher, though. I was taking the weapon and armor reqs based upon my own style, but Cormyss hasn't healed anyone in ages, so my empathy is quite lagging behind my other skills I'd guess. It seems that a reworking would need to be in order, and I'm basing this style of reqs off of the "Show Fighter" title.

350 total weapon ranks (NOT including parry or multi)
75 in highest weapon
300 in worn armor skills
75 in highest armor
250 empathy
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Re: Fallen Empath on 05/17/2006 11:03 AM CDT
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Again, in no way meant for it to be so out of feasability.

I'm loathe to discuss my skills, but Corm's only got 220 empathy. Well in excess of 600 ranks in weapons, and mid 400s in total armors.

Thought most of us battle'paths were in the same boat.

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Re: Fallen Empath on 05/17/2006 01:50 PM CDT
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how bout a title for those who tried to fish and got scared that way

schocked fisherman


scared fisherman

Treat empaths with respect, you'll live longer
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Re: Fallen Empath on 05/17/2006 02:05 PM CDT
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> how bout a title for those who tried to fish and got scared that way
>schocked fisherman
>scared fisherman

do you want to run around with a title that says fishing scares you?

Renegade Empath Raudhan just arrived.

Souv says, "Annael should have been commended for her knifing empaths"

A white-eyed snow goblin reaches Raudhan's severed arm over one shoulder and uses the limb's dead fingers to scratch its back.
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Re: Fallen Empath on 05/17/2006 03:34 PM CDT
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>3 - "Fallen" gives the implication that the empath has reached a point where his redemption will be very difficult, if not impossible. To emulate this into game mechanics, the empath should have devoted himself to the call of battle -- and transgressed a few times.

My main point of contention is that the title 'Fallen Empath' has no combat implications whatsoever in its plain words. To me it implies that the empath with that title has forsaken or violated the tenets of their guild. And there are no requirements of being anti-combat to be an empath, you just can't actually hurt anything. So having shock is really the only way to have fallen from grace as it were. And you can just as easily do that as a first circler as you can at 100.

There have always been two general schools in the guild, the path of the Alchemist/researcher/teacher/guild healer and the path of the Combat specialist/field healer. By restricting a generic negative title such as 'Fallen Empath' to only one school, in effect it implies that those in the other camp can't be just as wicked. Jomay for example was primarily a researcher and is undoubtedly the empath who would most deserve that title.
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Re: Fallen Empath on 05/17/2006 03:36 PM CDT
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More school-specific negative titles would be great, but I'm only saying the generic title 'Fallen Empath' should not be based on combats.
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Re: Fallen Empath on 05/17/2006 11:13 PM CDT
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i apologize for not being able to spell

Treat empaths with respect, you'll live longer
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