Just an Idea. on 06/24/2003 12:43 AM CDT
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Alot of empaths seem to be against the idea of taking a creatures right to make its own decisions away, then whynot rename the ability.

If we used 'Convince' instead of 'Manipulate' youd basically be trying to convince the enemy that you are actually a friend.

Its just like any sales person, if they manipulated you, it would be against the law. However when it comes down the final decision, you actually get to choose whether or not you want to buy the product.
I could definitely see this being applied to combat for empaths. The creature in the final decision would choose whether or not it would want to be your friend.

If I was someones friend, and somebody was attacking them, I would more than likely go out of my way to make sure that no harm was dealt to my friend. I assume this would make much more sense for the pacifist empaths.

Maybe charisma and circle could help to play a part. Also alignment (whenever thats coming out) may have something to do with it as well.

Anyway, thats just my two cents.

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