percieving npcs on 12/05/2009 08:04 AM CST
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when can you start percieivng npcs to learn empathy? elanthiapedia says 50 ranks in each, but i have 50 ranks in empaths and 62 ranks in power perception and i still have no luck, does any stats play into it or should i just keep trying?
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Re: percieving npcs on 12/05/2009 09:27 AM CST
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I think you can start perceiving other empaths around those ranks, but for shop NPC's it seems I had to wait until about 80 ranks.



You flat out, absolutely, 100% have no idea what you're talking about.

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Re: percieving npcs on 12/05/2009 09:45 AM CST
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Bear in mind that what Lofton put up was a very limited data collection. Other Empaths was 25, non-Empaths 50 and NPCs was 75. My experience has been different than that, but I was heavily weighted in PP over Empathy.
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Re: percieving npcs on 12/05/2009 09:47 AM CST
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how much does pp play in the weighedness for perc npcs? say you had 100 pp and 50 empathy, would it be easier to do it than having 50 pp and 50 empathy?
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Re: percieving npcs on 12/05/2009 09:55 AM CST
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I know that PP plays a part, but how big a part, I don't know. It wasn't that hard to move both of them together, and once you're able to perceive other non empath PC's you should start moving empathy fairly well. Be careful though. The first time you're able to perceive non empath PC's and it happens in a crowded room, you'll get stunned... badly. You'll also start to get head wounds from it.



You flat out, absolutely, 100% have no idea what you're talking about.

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Re: percieving npcs on 12/05/2009 10:00 AM CST
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crowds in plat are really not a big problem, finding people to heal however is, cant wait until i can learn empathy without healing
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Re: percieving npcs on 12/05/2009 11:52 AM CST
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At one point my PP was 120 and Empathy was 4. Having my PP so far ahead of my Empathy gave me results where I wasn't seeing what is posted at those ranks until my Empathy was notably higher than indicated. I've done that with multiple Empaths now to satisfy my curiosity, although none have been quite as severe in the discrepancy.

When I've kept an Empath at basically even PP/Empathy it's tracked closer to those guidelines.
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Re: percieving npcs on 12/05/2009 12:06 PM CST
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That chart does not accord with my findings either. Stats may also play a role and I don't think I was tracking Szrael's stats at the time.

For the record: My new empath has now sensed non-empaths with 60 PP, 63 Empathy and 13 Charisma. It is also very inconsistent and so far has only happened that one time.
Update: With 68 Empathy and 65 PP my Empath still only very sporadically senses non-empaths or NPCs. However, she also senses "a relatively healthy presence nearby." My suspicion is that NPCs, Non-Empath PC's and Creatures all happen at ~75 ranks.

If I recall, it was really closer to 100 ranks in both to sense NPCs, Non-Empaths and Creatures consistently.

Szrael got GS really early on and never sensed her GS without also sensing any non-Empaths or shopkeepers who were also on the room.

I am pretty sure therefore that "Non-Empath, Creature and NPC" all fall into the same category.

-- Player of Szrael --

"Necromancy is Bad" (GM Armifer)
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Re: percieving npcs on 12/05/2009 12:15 PM CST
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A GS shows up as "a relatively healthy presence".
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Re: percieving npcs on 12/05/2009 05:32 PM CST
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I don't believe Charisma is a factor, but Discipline definitely is a big factor.

I can PERC HEALTH other Empaths straight from joining the guild with 22 Discipline and 10 Charisma. I cannot do this with 22 Charisma and 10 Discipline. Charisma might still be there, but it's negligible. I couldn't PERC HEALTH other Empaths at 21 Discipline, or if I could it just took too much effort to sense one.

Granted, you need to spam it a BUNCH of times before it works, but it still works, and no one can see you spamming as there is no room messaging for failure at that level.

With 25 Discipline and ~50 Empathy and ~60 PP I still wasn't consistently seeing non-Empaths or NPCs. I'm guessing 50 ranks and 30 Discipline would do it?

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