This Folder on 03/25/2002 03:04 AM CST
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Post your questions comments and concerns about Transference here.
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Re: This Folder on 04/09/2002 12:53 AM CDT
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>Post your questions comments and concerns about Transference here.

I'm concerned that transference is really obnoxious and hard to learn.

How about that?


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Re: This Folder on 04/10/2002 05:01 PM CDT
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I second the motion. Move to strike transferrence from the system, all in favor say 'aye'.

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Re: This Folder on 04/10/2002 06:01 PM CDT
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>all in favor say 'aye'

'aye' to that!

Heck, even just removing the TF requirements and raise the general lore higher...

Oh, the sweet, sweet pipe dreams we harbor...

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Re: This Folder on 04/10/2002 07:09 PM CDT
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>I second the motion. Move to strike transferrence from the system, all in favor say 'aye'.<

AYE, I'll fourth that motion! I understand the reasoning behind it and am still relieved that they picked empaths to mess with first,when they thought up the STUPID idea of a do-only decaying skill. The gods only know what might've happened to the other guilds!
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Re: This Folder on 04/12/2002 01:36 PM CDT
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Re: This Folder on 04/14/2002 04:40 PM CDT
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For those of you that can remember the days without transference.. those were wonderfull days. Correct me if I'm wrong.. but isn't Transference the only skill in existence that only has ONE way to learn it? I think trading can't be taught.. but you can "trade" and you can sell gem pouches for it right? Backstab can be taught.. <ponders> Devices: Taught... TM: taught... Oh wait.. Multi Opp can't be taught can it? And there's only one way to get it right? Of course.. Multi Opp is pretty damn easy to learn for just about anyone so long as you find the right critters. Transference is a really good idea done really badly. I'm extremely lackluster about healing people at all, and I've found that circling is something that just doesn't interest me now that it means I'd have to spend at least a few hours a day doing non-stop healing. I could go on and on.. but I suppose it's a moot point. I do seem to see a rash of "Battle Empaths" who don't train anymore.. so it looks like around 35th is where most people get sick of the grind. I used to know every empath over 40th.. but it seems like alot of them fall to the obscurity of "train mode" and don't socialize that much. The other day I met a Master Healer who said she didn't really know anyone in game. That makes me sad.

Lord Cayene
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Re: This Folder on 04/14/2002 04:48 PM CDT
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>I think trading can't be taught..

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Re: This Folder on 04/15/2002 12:33 PM CDT
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Cayene! how dare you agree with me! And then forcing me to agree with you, what has the world come to that such bitter sparring foes are forced to come together on an issue?! Obivously transferrence is a big evil monster for the both of us to come together to try and destroy it!
Yes, I, too, am from the time before transferrence, and actually left because of it. I simply did not like the idea of being the only guild forced to do something if we ever wanted to get anywhere. And when we heal, we really don't get a lot of skill from someone. It seems to me that the healing spells need to be more effective, the level of trans gained per patient needs to be upped, or the ammount required per level needs to be dropped, or all three.
I'm with Cayene on the 35th level max out for empaths who actually have a "life" in game. If you were to try and get any levels still, then you'll never have time to talk to people. I hardly do anything but socialize (which is really the only long-term draw to this game, but that's a whole nother subject). I'm getting passed up by people all the time, who are surprised I can heal as well as I do, because i'm only a "battle empath". I've seen master healers who overheal because they're not careful in thier work, and then they're surprised! And of course, all the rules put in place to stop them, such as mind getting clear and tired but alert REALLY quickly, also stops those of us who just sit, socialize, and teach. I'm having to turn people away from teaching, simply because if I want to gain any transferrence, I have to keep my mind clear. And this doesn't even go into how fast my mind locks on primary magic and harness.
It's rather disappointing to have this game turning out this way, but I think it shows how trans is really not doing it's intended purpose anymore.

Master Jakdon
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Re: This Folder on 04/15/2002 08:09 PM CDT
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>And this doesn't even go into how fast my mind locks on primary magic and harness. It's rather disappointing to have this game turning out this way, but I think it shows how trans is really not doing it's intended purpose anymore.

Master Jakdon <

I've noticed my mind locking on PM and HA. It's not funny!

I think the master plan might've been a 'do-only' skill for all guilds, which would've taken the fun out of DR for everyone....isn't it great to be the guinea pig? There aren't very many guilds that're required to have MO (multi), which is the only other do-only skill I can think of...I think just Paladins, but I'm not sure if it's required beyond a certain circle.

Transference has been a sore point ( pun intended) since it came in. I've seen it create hard feelings between empaths. I sometimes have to leave healing rooms because there are greedy empaths stealing all of the transference. There might be a good reason for it (that last 1/2% or something), but I missed the announcement.

Let's hope the magic re-write helps with unlocking the skills we need to use to gain the skill we need to circle! I want to be in the field with a hunting party - keeping them alive and gaining skills & loot...not having to sit around an infirmary and take turns sharing patients. It's more fun being a battle-field medic with a group of people - or even my husband! Usually people don't hunt so far over their heads that they require an empath to stand by - so there are lots of hours that there's barely any transference. Why make titles for real combat empaths that can't circle?

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Re: This Folder on 07/22/2002 07:50 PM CDT
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>>all in favor say 'aye'

>'aye' to that!

>Heck, even just removing the TF requirements and raise the general lore higher...

>Oh, the sweet, sweet pipe dreams we harbor...


I'm torn about transference. I was certainly po'd when they made it a decaying skill. I could see where they'd eventually come up with a 'do-only' to other guilds....just couldn't (in my mind) come up with a do-only that would fit the other guilds. The rest of Elanthia balked on the decay thing, and we basically boycotted, and they changed it.

I do agree that there were guild-sitters that got many circles, just teaching afk. I know of a Battle Empath that actually touched 2 patients, and got Battle Empath. I believe that was the reason behind transference (wishes I could kill said empath, that quit when trans was created, cuz he couldn't do that no more - but we now have to deal with it forever - thankyouverymuchyaquitter).

Trans really pisses me off, cuz I really have the overall skills (cept that) to advance (like 15 circles), and can't. I do heal, I do make house calls. I look wounds, ask if want a touch up, then teach them something COMBAT I can teach.

I like to go into areas with youngins, give them a heal, and they very much appreciate it (I'm not even going for tips, I leave before they can offer). Is it cuz they're low circle that their wounds don't add much to my trans? I know darn well that I can't even have a weapon out, or I scare their critters away for THEIR skills, cuz my parry/evasion are so high for those areas...sheesh. I don't learn anything there but teaching them whatever weapon/armor/evasion (combat related) skill I have, just the measly trans I get from what appears to be nada wounds during my 'house calls'.

My teaching soars, as did that guild-sitter....but I earned my teaching in the field....just too bad my trans doesn't move like I feel it should! What am I to do? Put myself at risk cuz healing youngins isn't as worthy for that damn do-only skill called transference, as it is for higher level hunters in areas I'll end up killed in?

I am a teacher, and those that know me, know that I'm constantly either teaching or in a class. I want to teach everyone, that's my nature....I'm an empath!

What's the cost to a hunter that has to drag my arse out, cuz I was doing house calls in an area that my healing creates higher transference - and why the heck do I have to even do that? Is there a difference in wounds? What's a scratch on a 40th barb, compared to the scratch on the 5th?

Talk to me...

Acy <---wondering about it
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Re: This Folder on 07/23/2002 06:25 AM CDT
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Oh yea! I remember that...decaying skills. What a sadistic thing it was... boy, that alone is proof that "they" like to mess with empaths. They keep us around as their little play things. Yes. We knew it all along.
>>>I'm torn about transference. I was certainly po'd when they made it a decaying skill. I could see where they'd eventually come up with a 'do-only' to other guilds....just couldn't (in my mind) come up with a do-only that would fit the other guilds. The rest of Elanthia balked on the decay thing, and we basically boycotted, and they changed it.<<<

I was crazy enough to be happy to have transference when it first came out, not being far-seeing enough to realize (but I soon found out with my own eyes) how people would not respect empaths the way they once did. I hated teaching and still hate teaching. In fact, it was with the advent of transference that I made my way up to the highest (on scroll, although I know there was one or two higher) circled Empath (as I'm far from highest circle now, it's okay for me to mention that then). Because, I always liked healing better than teaching.

What I hate about transference is not the skill but the way it makes empaths utterly dependant on PCs...which makes too many PCs treat it like we are doing them a favor--I just ignore them and don't heal the ones who say, "I have some wounds for you" or "You can heal me if you want"....if all of us boycotted those bozos, maybe it would change.

So, who is for a boycott? Shall we spread the word? Do you have it in your hearts to do it? Or are you transference slaves?

~A, who is a little loony from lack of sleep, also...stirring the pot before leaving the kitchen :::cackles::
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Re: This Folder on 07/23/2002 07:53 PM CDT
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Amo, I know you're not here to see this response, but I thank you for responding. I re-read it and knew it was something I'd expressed before, and kinda useless saying again....tis why Shaunn, Ythik nor Maddie had a word to say - why bother. But I'll say, and unfortunately, you'll not be able to read.

>>Oh yea! I remember that...decaying skills. What a sadistic thing it was... boy, that alone is proof that "they" like to mess with empaths. They keep us around as their little play things.

I just recently read a hint about Multi-Opponent? Here's a non-teachable, do-only skill that will impact all guilds (cept Traders, the other non-combat withnopenaltiesiftheyfightguild) that even have a hint of it. Yes, the only thing I might gain in my house calls, would be MO. Soooo, is that important?

>>The rest of Elanthia balked on the decay thing, and we basically boycotted, and they changed it.

I remember sitting in a room Tilry was in. The friend I was with wanted to lick his sword, so I'd have a wound to keep from decaying, just cuz I was trying to cast spells to clean up, to go out again to NOT have my now-needed, new 'required skill' DECAY on me. He made an excellent point, which I think turned the trans thing around. He said, I don't want you to hurt yourself. THAT'S what we were all about, ease of hurt. To have good friends hurt themself, so we had the time to actually heal up, was horrid.

And this remark, I HAVE to address for the total Empath Mentality now-a-days:

>>What I hate about transference is not the skill but the way it makes empaths utterly dependant on PCs...which makes too many PCs treat it like we are doing them a favor--I just ignore them and don't heal the ones who say, "I have some wounds for you" or "You can heal me if you want"....if all of us boycotted those bozos, maybe it would change.

Once upon a day, we used to be the healers, altho they could just go to the hospital, too. Now - it's like they're KNOWING THEY ARE GIVING US TIDBITS OF SOMETHING WE NEED!!!

Oh, here's an excellent question:

>>So, who is for a boycott? Shall we spread the word? Do you have it in your hearts to do it? Or are you transference slaves?

Let me give you a real scenerio....I travel to Crossing, tis my roots, yanno. I met this novice empath, spent time teaching her (I'm maybe 20th by then). Later, she shows up in Shard...very popular, etc. This was afore the Gorbesh War, when she was on the gweth all the time.....

I stumble upon her, at the 'morgue' while she's healing the multiple deaders. She whispers to me, "I'm gonna take all these wounds [basically telling me they're all HER patients], just depart, so I can come back & get more. Don't say anything, just don't be alarmed." She overhealed on purpose, just for transf. Needless to say, she surpassed my circles in such a short time, doing that. It was NOT RIGHT.

This is what transference has gotten us, as Empaths. I'm not happy with our "do-only" skill that's required. I don't think we should teach it, or we'd get that 'guild-sitter-afk' that I mentioned before. I just think if it's a do-only for us, give everybody else a do only, non-teachable skill that's life threatening.

I donno, am I complaining too much?

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Re: This Folder on 07/24/2002 01:10 AM CDT
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I was here to read it! Your point about it not being teachable is worthy point... I also remember those teach only empaths.

Hmm...two things that don't make sense (and I'll have to borrow a friend's account to read the response, so I will...but I'll be on vacation for two weeks..then I'll borrow and read)...

One: the one who overhealed--wouldn't you lose all your skill pools if you departed? I don't see the sense killing yourself for the sake of getting a skill... so this empath you mention wasn't thinking strait.

Two: what is the way around this thing with people treating us like they're doing us a favor if we heal them (which is what I meant to say in the quote of mine you refered to...but I got it all mixed up... you knew what I meant, though, right?? <g>) if they know we need transference? I still say, don't heal 'em.

Easy for me to say, now that I'm not playing... but someday i want to return, that's why I'm being so pushy (and I know I'm probably annoying people with this...but then again, they are probably ignoring my posts anyhow).

Well, this really is my last least for a while...and definitely from this account.

Thanks again, Acy.


Amo, I know you're not here to see this response, but I thank you for responding. I re-read it and knew it was something I'd expressed before, and kinda useless saying again....tis why Shaunn, Ythik nor Maddie had a word to say - why bother. But I'll say, and unfortunately, you'll not be able to read.

>>Oh yea! I remember that...decaying skills. What a sadistic thing it was... boy, that alone is proof that "they" like to mess with empaths. They keep us around as their little play things.

I just recently read a hint about Multi-Opponent? Here's a non-teachable, do-only skill that will impact all guilds (cept Traders, the other non-combat withnopenaltiesiftheyfightguild) that even have a hint of it. Yes, the only thing I might gain in my house calls, would be MO. Soooo, is that important?

>>The rest of Elanthia balked on the decay thing, and we basically boycotted, and they changed it.

I remember sitting in a room Tilry was in. The friend I was with wanted to lick his sword, so I'd have a wound to keep from decaying, just cuz I was trying to cast spells to clean up, to go out again to NOT have my now-needed, new 'required skill' DECAY on me. He made an excellent point, which I think turned the trans thing around. He said, I don't want you to hurt yourself. THAT'S what we were all about, ease of hurt. To have good friends hurt themself, so we had the time to actually heal up, was horrid.

And this remark, I HAVE to address for the total Empath Mentality now-a-days:

>>What I hate about transference is not the skill but the way it makes empaths utterly dependant on PCs...which makes too many PCs treat it like we are doing them a favor--I just ignore them and don't heal the ones who say, "I have some wounds for you" or "You can heal me if you want"....if all of us boycotted those bozos, maybe it would change.

Once upon a day, we used to be the healers, altho they could just go to the hospital, too. Now - it's like they're KNOWING THEY ARE GIVING US TIDBITS OF SOMETHING WE NEED!!!

Oh, here's an excellent question:

>>So, who is for a boycott? Shall we spread the word? Do you have it in your hearts to do it? Or are you transference slaves?

Let me give you a real scenerio....I travel to Crossing, tis my roots, yanno. I met this novice empath, spent time teaching her (I'm maybe 20th by then). Later, she shows up in Shard...very popular, etc. This was afore the Gorbesh War, when she was on the gweth all the time.....

I stumble upon her, at the 'morgue' while she's healing the multiple deaders. She whispers to me, "I'm gonna take all these wounds [basically telling me they're all HER patients], just depart, so I can come back & get more. Don't say anything, just don't be alarmed." She overhealed on purpose, just for transf. Needless to say, she surpassed my circles in such a short time, doing that. It was NOT RIGHT.

This is what transference has gotten us, as Empaths. I'm not happy with our "do-only" skill that's required. I don't think we should teach it, or we'd get that 'guild-sitter-afk' that I mentioned before. I just think if it's a do-only for us, give everybody else a do only, non-teachable skill that's life threatening.

I donno, am I complaining too much?

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Re: This Folder on 07/27/2002 09:35 PM CDT
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I'm really confused on why empaths being able to hunt would make them too powerful. In all honesty, I've played other games and this is the only in which the healers couldn't hunt. Were those healers in the other guilds the most powerful of all? By no means! They were very poor at combat. They had to sacrifice advancing combat techniques to improving healing abilities. If you wanted to be a super bad fighter, you didn't chose to be an empath. If you wanted to be able to help others (without being dependent on said beings) then you became an empath. I'm sorry, that statement about 'being too powerful' makes absolutely no sense to me.

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Re: This Folder on 07/27/2002 10:07 PM CDT
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>>I'm sorry, that statement about 'being too powerful' makes absolutely no sense to me.

Well, in my opinion, that's the reason given out for PR purposes. I subscribe to "If they can't hunt then they'll be forced to heal the other guilds that do" reason for shock.

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Re: This Folder on 07/28/2002 11:25 AM CDT
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<<By no means! They were very poor at combat. They had to sacrifice advancing combat techniques to improving healing abilities. If you wanted to be a super bad fighter, you didn't chose to be an empath.>>

The thing in this case that is different about empaths in DR is that DR is a skill-based more than guild-based game. If you don't factor in combat-enhancing abilities (roars, dances, spells, communes, etc.), a moon mage with 200 HE will be as effective in combat as a ranger with 200 HE.

While an empath may be at a disadvantage if he or she did not train combat-oriented stats like strength, agility and reflex, rank for rank, an empath could very well be as good a hunter as a member of another guild.

I know of some very combat-heavy Traders, for example -- a guild with no combat-boosting abilities whatsoever. If Traders can hunt gargs, guardians and the like, Empaths could surely do the same, given the opportunity.

Basically, there would be no way to "keep the empaths down" on the critter level, and hence, with enough training, a combat empath could potentially become a very powerful foe.

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Re: This Folder on 07/28/2002 04:06 PM CDT
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> Basically, there would be no way to "keep the empaths down" on the critter level, and hence, with enough training, a combat empath could potentially become a very powerful foe.

And personally, I see nothing wrong with that. Why shouldn't Empaths be allowed to become powerful if they choose to focus on that? Is there some Rule saying that Empaths must be wimpy, no "Fear the Empath" allowed? Combat isn't exactly easy, ya know. Weapon and armor terts and no buffs sure don't help either. And may the heavens forgive us if the Empath guild ever became "cool".

I think there was once some concern about the PvP element. The ability to be able to cast healing spells on ourselves would be an unfair advantage. If that were true, though, then no empath right now would ever lose a challenge - since we can't hit back, we have no loading/slicing roundtime and all the time in the world to cast healing spell after healing spell. And we all know that Empaths are unbeatable in a challenge - Hahahaha!

Outside of PvP, we also know that Empaths never ever die in the field. Our healing abilities, combined with unlimited potential for learning defensive skills, are really unbalancing out there. ROFLMAO.

And in other paper and pencil D&D type games, where the Cleric is the one casting healing spells AND hitting back, we know those folks never ever died. ;>

But all that aside, okay, I accept that in DR, Empaths cannot hunt or fight or cause harm. Fine. I like experiments, and a non-combat guild has some interesting potential. As a previous poster stated, it's very rare to find a game with this sort of "profession". (But maybe there is a reason for that.)

For me, the most frustrating part of playing an Empath in DR is this constant focus on what I can't do, and little or no focusing on something that I can do. Am I so evil to just want something comparable to hunting that is challenging, has income potential and - hullo - increases interest level? Unfortunately, since the inception of the game, no one has come up with anything like that. Sure, I'd prefer a non-combat skill, but after waiting so many years, I'm ready to take the pre-packaged ready-to-go combat system kit - better than nothing, which is all I've been getting.

I've played DR since pre-web days. I've played Baboushka as my primary char for about 4 RL years. I'm still waiting, though lately am wondering why I still bother.

-p/o Baboushka, tired of seeing her $30 a month go only to enhance the playing enjoyment of other guilds
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Re: This Folder on 07/28/2002 06:27 PM CDT
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>Am I so evil to just want something comparable to hunting that is challenging, has income potential and - hullo - increases interest level?

Well, if you are evil, that makes two of us! If Sendi were still in our guild, there would be three and we could start a cult!


I am torn on this issue. Personally, I don't really want to hunt things. I think juggling wounds to stay alive is WAY more challenging and fun than swinging weapons at critters that can't really hurt you until you have enough skill to move onto another critter that can't really hurt you until...well, yea, you get the idea. And yes, I know, not all hunters train this way, but I don't like the whole 'die and wait for someone to trip over your corpse' thing, so I doubt I'd be a brave hunter. I don't really feel the 'shackles' of no-hunting when I look at things from that persepctive. I mean, yea, things to do...but it will get boring really fast.

However, I also am in tune with quite a few of the comments on how we get 'looked over' when it comes to game wide development. As always, this is not a direct reflection on the Empath team. They can not be involved in every single thing all the time. That being said, when we are not being looked out for, I agree that empaths are not even considered in the 'big picture' 8 out of 10 times, as this game is focused around combat. So, giving us more of a role IN COMBAT is something that needs to happen. And, although I am not jumping on the bandwagon saying we should be able to, I can totally see how giving us the ability to fight would even things back out and would not be, in any way, un-balancing in today's Elanthia.

I mean, you see a cleric in the field, you ask them for a bless if they have the time. You see a moon mage, ask them for a good prediction if they have the time. You see an empath, you ask them if they can heal you up if they have the time. It's not like it's unheard of for a hunting guild to also provide a useful service in the field.


Anyhow, while writting this, I have come to the decision that I don't support us hunting things in the typical hack and slash manner (at least on non-undead critters, now talk about undead, and maybe...:P). It makes us unique, and the choices we make help define us as a guild, even if right now, we are not respected for it as we once were. However, I do support any and all new things to give us options out in the field, and to bring us in line with the focus on combat the rest of the guild runs by. Blood worms for example are a good first step. I now leave my title on all the time, and stop to help hunters when they ask with no hesitation or obligation. Next step would be to introduce a means of money making, weather through skinning, or with a completely new critter-type.

I guess what I am saying is that I want the underlying problems fixed. I want us to not have to depend on hunters for our livelyhood and advancement. I want for us to be recognized for our choice of non-vilence instead of embittered for our quest for advancement. Yes, it bites that we are not able to participate in 75% of the things currently avaliable to do, but instead of breaking down the door and demanding to be a part of that, I would rather see new things created that enable us to participate in that 75% on our own unique way!

Kythryn, babbler
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Re: This Folder on 08/16/2002 09:23 AM CDT
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Greetings Baboushka.

>For me, the most frustrating part of playing an Empath in DR is this constant focus on what I can't do, and little or no focusing on something that I can do. Am I so evil to just want something comparable to hunting that is challenging, has income potential and - hullo - increases interest level? Unfortunately, since the inception of the game, no one has come up with anything like that. Sure, I'd prefer a non-combat skill, but after waiting so many years, I'm ready to take the pre-packaged ready-to-go combat system kit - better than nothing, which is all I've been getting.

You too should read my suggestion in the General discussion topic (about us being able to hire hunting hirelings) if you didn't already. This pretty much answers what you're asking for if this was to ever be implemented.


PS: Plus, as stated in my suggestion, one of your post is what made me think about it (your suggestion about an improvement of GS spell).
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Re: This Folder on 10/29/2002 11:44 PM CST
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I don't know if anyone has made mention of this yet, but reading through the boards, the two major things I'm seeing complained about are Empathic Shock and Transference. I understand, I think, that the Empath was put there to heal people and I've also noticed it's the most Role-play oriented class. We have transference that needs to be trained up in order to advance in the guild, it's non-teachable, do-only, so we HAVE to heal, therefore fulfilling the requirement of the Emapth's guild. Why not just give up shock as a thing of the past. We need to heal to level up, we can't gain it from taking wounds of other Empaths, so having us out in the fields covered in the gore of our fallen enemies will not detract from the main purpose of the guild. It's kind of a trade-off?

~Attendant Jeroph Michinan
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Re: This Folder on 10/30/2002 06:24 PM CST
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Because it's not going to happen unless Grasi kills Team Empath in their sleep and replaces them with Oculars under his control.

Hello, Shock's a major part of empath RP and guild history. Deal with it.

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Re: This Folder on 10/31/2002 02:29 PM CST
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Although it is a major part of our guild, and I agree it should not be wiped out totally, I also don't believe it's fair or right to make a quest to remove a shock scar, which if not done, will impair or hinder daily life of empathing. That crosses over into politics of the thing and frankly, those who wish to keep their shock scar for RP purposes should not be penalized because they don't choose to go with what everyone else in the guild wants to do. I'm sorry if many of you disagree, and I know many personally who do, but I just don't think it serves any purpose but to say "My RP is better than your RP; Why? Because it's more popular."

And yes, there are certain thngs that just don't fit with this guild, like being full on hunters in the barbarian-esque sense. But an empath who does no harm, but once did and has a peppered past and chooses to keep a reminder of it around, should not be told to straighten up and be cheery and wonderful, like everyone else because the guild leaders say it's "The direction this guild is going in". That's just unfair, and unwise, in my humble opinion.

~Kelly, player of Severa
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Re: This Folder on 10/31/2002 02:31 PM CST
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I forgot my point.. hehe

My point is, let those who want the shock scar removal quest have it and do it and I hope it's grad and they have a fabulous time! I'd be happy for them, totally! But please dont' punish me for not wanting the same thing for my character. That's just wrong.

~Kelly p.o. Severa
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Re: This Folder on 10/31/2002 04:02 PM CST
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In Response to Severa's post:

I agree with you that exp, circling penalties over the shock scar would be uncalled for, but what would you think of more rp verbs associated with it?

Right now, as far as I know, the scar is only visible to non-empaths during a certain barbarian roar...I think? Perhaps when the shock quest is developed, shock could be expanded to become visible at other times...

Let's have some fun verbs that let empaths show either their pure, snow-white natures or their dark, shocked core.

InnocentEmpath touches her hands together, a look of quiet peace radiating from her eyes.

ScarredEmpath touches her hands together, a look of stifled fire radiating from her eyes.

When we have our alfar back, and can hopefully interact with them, there's another option for verbs.

How would you like to see Shock developed?
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Re: This Folder on 10/31/2002 05:34 PM CST
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>My point is, let those who want the shock scar removal quest have it and do it and I hope it's grad and they have a fabulous time! I'd be happy for them, totally! But please dont' punish me for not wanting the same thing for my character. That's just wrong.

Hmm, here's what I'd do.

Impose penalties on shock scarred empaths.

Have a quest for 'scar removal'.

Upon the completion of the quest allow the empath to choose whether the scar still shows up or not. That way you're not actually scar in a mechanics sense, just in an RP sense.

But that's just what I'd do.

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Re: This Folder on 10/31/2002 10:41 PM CST
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That doesn't make sense. Why impose penalties at all? You want your fresh clean body with no scar? Go on your quest. But if I want nothing to do with it, I shouldn't be made to look as if I'm conforming to your style, as well, even if I'm still (mechanincs-wise) not having to conform. It's the same thing. Uh uh, not fair.

~Kelly, player of Severa
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Re: This Folder on 10/31/2002 11:29 PM CST
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So shock scars don't have any effect huh?

I was arrested for blowing a gasser in Riverhaven this past week...

You are taken before a council of Elothean elders, who look down at you with apparent mistrust.

The council look down at you, then turn to the token Empath, who shakes his head and murmurs, "The stain of guilt is heavy on this man's soul. I see no innocence here. It is a burden upon my shoulders, just to gaze upon him. Guilty. Guilty as charged with hooliganism, endangering the public, disturbing the peace."

And, yes, the gasser was from a box trap, not my baked bean eating.

Illcram The Evil Empath
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Re: This Folder on 11/01/2002 12:27 AM CST
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>> The council look down at you, then turn to the token Empath, who shakes his head and murmurs, "The stain of guilt is heavy on this man's soul. I see no innocence here. It is a burden upon my shoulders, just to gaze upon him. Guilty. Guilty as charged with hooliganism, endangering the public, disturbing the peace."

I love that. It may be from some other nefarious activity of yours, but if it is the shock scar I think it's great. I want shock, and the resulting shock scar to mean more, but that doesn't have to mean only in a bad way for "shocked" empaths.

We still know so little about what our empathic powers are based on and why they are damaged through attempting to harm others. Jomay certainly managed to harm others and her abilities don't seem to have suffered for it.

Depending on the unfolding logic of our past and of our powers I could potentially see (once there is a quest to get rid of it) shock scarred empaths having more difficulty healing others, but maybe having a slightly easier time shifting. I am not suggesting that in the sense of promoting it, just brainstorming out loud.

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Re: This Folder on 11/01/2002 03:40 AM CST
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I'm not quite willing to go get arrested to prove this but I'm almost certain that's the same message anyone gets when they're arrested and "tried." It's something of a kangaroo court I'm afraid, everyone's guilty.

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Re: This Folder on 11/01/2002 04:47 AM CST
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<<I'm not quite willing to go get arrested to prove this>>

Come on... what's one arrest? :)
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Re: This Folder on 11/01/2002 10:09 AM CST
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>We still know so little about what our empathic powers are based on and why they are damaged through attempting to harm others.

I don't remember the details too well, but K'Xonei once told me and Paschein the story of the first empath. It was from a book she was working on, so eventually it'll be published. And I know some other people've heard it too so if anyone has anything to add (or if I'm completely misremembering and making things up) feel free to speak up.

Our healing powers are a gift from Hodierna. Shock's always been a part of them, though the reasons weren't very clear.

Perhaps, somehow, Jomay's managed to make a pact with Hodierna's dark aspect.

Just a thought.

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Re: This Folder on 11/01/2002 12:13 PM CST
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I was arrested for spitting on a guard, the judge made his decision alone. I was charged even though I was innocent. The guard was fresh with me!

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Re: This Folder on 12/09/2002 01:13 PM CST
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>I'm not quite willing to go get arrested to prove this but I'm almost certain that's the same message anyone gets when they're arrested and "tried." It's something of a kangaroo court I'm afraid, everyone's guilty.


Hmmmm I might have been arrested once.... Yes, that's the same thing that they always say, <cough> Um, I mean that they said that one time really long ago.

Harshon Feathergrass, Smooch Bandit
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Re: This Folder on 05/13/2007 01:00 AM CDT
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Hahaha... I see what you mean:

Author: DR-CECCO
Subject: This Folder ? on 3/25/2002 4:04:26 AM

Post your questions comments and concerns about Transference here.

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Re: This Folder on 05/13/2007 11:26 AM CDT
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Is this really relevant?

I am quite certain that there are many Empaths out there who deserve praise for their service and time in saving your lives.

Praise them! It's more fun than making fun of a folder, no?


If you have any questions and/or comments, please feel free to send them to me at, Senior Board Moderator Annwyl at or Board Supervisor Cecco at
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Re: This Folder on 05/13/2007 11:32 AM CDT
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>Praise them! It's more fun than making fun of a folder, no?

Perhaps to some...

In any case, I will praise Team Empath again for the anatomy charts/compendiums. Sure, it makes me feel like a schmuck for shelling out 100 plats on a spellbook back in the day, but that was the only option at the time. These things rule.

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Re: This Folder on 05/13/2007 12:13 PM CDT
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Actually, my observation was this : Probably the most significant change in how an entire guild felt about itself and it's future occured when the Empath Team made the change from the transference skill to the Empathy skill, and this folder reflects that big time.

So I guess this is very belated praise to the empath team for their wisdom in making this change.
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