What's the deal with appraising a Guardian Spirit? Bug, feature, unrelated? on 03/26/2017 07:49 PM CDT
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I summoned a warrior to test out the new foci, and it's not working. The warrior seems to be cycling through offensive and defensive power if I just chain appraise it. Is that a problem with critter appraisals, or does the GS actually modify it's own offense and defense values?

(taking stock off offensive/defensive, all appraisals were careful)

_With a focus_
App 1: Challenging / Well Above
App 2: Challenging / Couldn't hope to hurt
App 3: Challenging / Well Above
App 4: Challenging / Simple
App 5: Challenging / Couldn't hope to hurt
App 6: Challenging / Simple
App 7: Challenging / Simple
App 8: Challenging / Well Above
App 9: Challenging / Well Above
App 10: Challenging / Well Above
App 11: Challenging / Something you couldn't hope to hurt
App 12: Challenging / Simple
App 13: Challenging / Something you couldn't hope to hurt
App 14: Difficult / Simple
App 15: Challenging / Well Above

_Without a focus_
App 1: Solid / Well Above
App 2: Challenging / Well Above
App 3: Worthy / Well Above
App 4: Challenging / Well Above
App 5: Challenging / Well Above
App 6: Challenging / Well Above
App 7: Challenging / Well Above
App 8: Challenging / Well Above
App 9: Difficult / Well Above
App 10: Difficult / Well Above
App 11: Challenging / Well Above
App 12: Challenging / Well Above
App 13: Worthy / Well Above
App 14: Worthy / Well Above
App 15: Challenging / Well Above

For all of the Simple changes, the brawling changed to training "somewhat poorly". There were no buffs up while casting or appraising. All appraisals were certain.
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Re: What's the deal with appraising a Guardian Spirit? Bug, feature, unrelated? on 03/26/2017 07:52 PM CDT
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Quick point of clarification. The test isn't working. I can't get a decent baseline to determine if the foci is having an effect.
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Re: What's the deal with appraising a Guardian Spirit? Bug, feature, unrelated? on 03/26/2017 07:52 PM CDT
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Just a point of clarification, but were your own buffs falling off and/or being refreshed? Were you switching which weapons you were holding?
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Re: What's the deal with appraising a Guardian Spirit? Bug, feature, unrelated? on 03/26/2017 08:01 PM CDT
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No buffs at all, and no weapons. Same armor/shields. This was chaining appraise on my GS. It seemed to transition every 15 seconds or so. At one point I was holding a focus in my right hand, but that was the same for all 15 original appraisals.
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