100th update? on 03/30/2019 11:03 PM CDT
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Hey guys! Just wondering if there has been any rumbling on us getting a 100th circle ability soonish. Anyone heard? Any idea what it might encompass? Sorry if this is the wrong thread for this question, just within crawling distance, so I'm getting eager!

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Re: 100th update? on 03/31/2019 06:42 AM CDT
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I thought the design philosophy moved away from '100th level' capstone type abilities, years and years ago?
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Re: 100th update? on 03/31/2019 07:30 AM CDT
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<< Just wondering if there has been any rumbling on us getting [anything at all] soonish.>>

There's been a couple of spells mentioned in passing as sort of "things they'd like to do at some point", but that's about it I think. I'm not aware of any new abilities slotted for 100th or any other circle being in the works. "Empathy" is going to be old enough to get its driver's license in a couple of months, and it still hasn't covered any new ground whatsoever since it made the switch from "Transference", so I'm not inclined to hold my breath :/

<<I thought the design philosophy moved away from '100th level' capstone type abilities, years and years ago?>>

Plus there's that.

-Biomancer Karthor
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Re: 100th update? on 03/31/2019 09:42 AM CDT
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thanks for the reply guys! I had heard rumors of "plans for higher level abilities" since we have like 70+ circles of nothing (considering hodierna is circle 80). I guess reduction is something, but thats a skill based thing. Oh well.

thanks for the reply guys!
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