Non-Bleeding Bleeders and System Updates... on 08/12/2005 04:55 PM CDT
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Due to the recent outbreak of wounds that should be bleeding but haven't been, I've been reviewing code to find out what's going on. While I don't claim to have isolated every cause of this problem, yet, I have found and fixed two major issues.

1 - Murrula's Flames cleric spell
2 - Nissa's Binding empath spell

These two spells both resulted in the removal of bleeding wounds that would not resume bleeding again without external influence. Both have now been fixed, effective immediately, in all instances.

If you continue to notice non-bleeding wounds that should be bleeding, please go ahead and assist about it, and we'll see if we can't track down any further proximate causes.

GameMaster Towint B'niyvyl
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Re: Non-Bleeding Bleeders and System Updates... on 08/21/2005 09:23 PM CDT
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We think we've finally found and squashed the remaining major causes of the recent outbreak of wounds that should have been bleeding but weren't. For those who are interested, it was related to the recent appearance of the Cursed Ship now sailing the seas of Elanthia. We had some words with her Captain and it shouldn't be happening anymore.

GameMaster Towint B'niyvyl
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Re: Non-Bleeding Bleeders and System Updates... on 08/21/2005 10:56 PM CDT
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Way to go Towint! Glad to hear the good news. Keep up the great work.

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Re: Non-Bleeding Bleeders and System Updates... on 08/22/2005 01:27 AM CDT
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I don't think I ever told you this Towint, but I always thought you had a last name of B'niyvy and added an exclamation mark after it...I always thought, well, if ya like your name, say it loud!, but then I realized that it was an "L" at the end...hehe

~Brady, player of I'm a Lover Not a Fighter Elavin Rismel.

>Your ranks could care less if the paper is blue or plain.

Your mech ranks turn to you and say, "No, no, no! This simply WILL not do! I MUST have the mauve!" -Vision et al
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Re: Non-Bleeding Bleeders and System Updates... on 09/12/2005 04:59 PM CDT
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<<I don't think I ever told you this Towint, but I always thought you had a last name of B'niyvy and added an exclamation mark after it...I always thought, well, if ya like your name, say it loud!, but then I realized that it was an "L" at the end...hehe

<<~Brady, player of I'm a Lover Not a Fighter Elavin Rismel.


Whatever makes you think that that's my name? I don't say, "My name is..." I simply say, "I am..."

GameMaster Towint B'niyvyl
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Re: Non-Bleeding Bleeders and System Updates... on 09/12/2005 05:15 PM CDT
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Say it out loud indeed. Kinda sounds like Towint Been evil or Towing being evil.

Moving stealthily, you manage to grab an origami-paper envelope right from underneath a sales clerk's very nose.

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