Question on 09/22/2003 11:38 PM CDT
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I get slight internals on my limbs (mainly legs) all day long from snoblins. I eat a yelith root 3 times (never more than i should) and it takes close to 15 mins to completely take it away. Yet last night i get a severe internal, drink the proper potion, and in 10 mins its down to slight. Yet for 15 mins I can't remove a slight internal left leg with yelith. Anyone have a comment other than: I don't know?


Shifting, Simu's way of giving us plastic surgery; and the costs are equally accurate!
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Re: Question on 09/23/2003 12:47 AM CDT
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Alcohol cures all.

Illcram the Evil Empath
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Re: Question on 09/27/2003 03:58 AM CDT
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>I get slight internals on my limbs (mainly legs) all day long from snoblins. I eat a yelith root 3 times (never more than i should) and it takes close to 15 mins to completely take it away. Yet last night i get a severe internal, drink the proper potion, and in 10 mins its down to slight. Yet for 15 mins I can't remove a slight internal left leg with yelith. Anyone have a comment other than: I don't know?


A few thoughts:

Firstly, it sounds like you're comparing yelith with another herb. You mentioned that the severe internal was cured by a potion. A potion of what, and where was the internal? Assuming it wasn't yelith potion, keep in mind that yelith works simultaneously on SIX body parts (internal right and left hands, arms, and legs) and thus its effect on any one of those six is less than an equal dose of another herb that targets a single body part (like ithor potion) is on the part that it heals (internal chest).

Secondly, there might be potency differences in the particular herbs you ate/drank in the case you're talking about. Potency varies from root to root and potion to potion depending on a bunch of factors. Further, the method you use to take an herb has an influence on its efficacy. For example, drinking a potion is better than eating it. And you can also rub a salve or other semi-liquid herb on a specific body part to get a localized effect, so if you RUB HISAN SALVE ON MY LEFT ARM you'll see faster healing of that arm than if you just RUB HISAN SALVE.

The last thing that comes to mind is that it we're assuming that herb efficacy stays constant as wound severity decreases. It could be that the less serious a wound is, the more slowly an herb will heal it. My main character is an empath who eats a LOT of herbs, so I can say pretty confidently that I've never had reason to think this the case. But it's within the realm of possibility that you're picking up on a subtle effect that I haven't noticed.
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Question reguarding herb messaging on 08/22/2004 09:17 PM CDT
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Typically when herbs heal, I see something like this:

You feel an itching sensation around your right eye, abdomen, chest, right hand, right leg, right arm, neck, and head.
You feel slightly better.

However there are times when I see something like this:

You get an itching sensation in your right arm.
You get an itching sensation in your left arm.
You get an itching sensation in your right leg.
You get an itching sensation in your left leg.
You get an itching sensation in your chest.
You feel an itching sensation throughout your body.
You feel slightly better.

Can anyone tell me why/if theres any difference between the two?

~ Britia
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Re: Question reguarding herb messaging on 08/22/2004 09:18 PM CDT
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The first one is from one herb affecting more than one body part. The second list is from different herbs each affecting one body part.


[anon] I don't want to marry him, just drag him around for a bit.

A plain origami horse asks, "Wanna ride?"
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Re: Question reguarding herb messaging on 08/22/2004 09:21 PM CDT
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Ahhh ok well that makes sense :) Thanks Dulci.

~ Britia
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Re: Question reguarding herb messaging on 10/05/2004 01:17 AM CDT
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However there are times when I see something like this:

You get an itching sensation in your right arm.
You get an itching sensation in your left arm.
You get an itching sensation in your right leg.
You get an itching sensation in your left leg.
You get an itching sensation in your chest.
You feel an itching sensation throughout your body.

Actually, if you are using hisan and cebi roots, you get an itching sensation in a specific body part when the herbs does NOT heal that part.
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Re: Question reguarding herb messaging on 10/05/2004 01:32 PM CDT
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However there are times when I see something like this:

You get an itching sensation in your right arm.
You get an itching sensation in your left arm.
You get an itching sensation in your right leg.
You get an itching sensation in your left leg.
You get an itching sensation in your chest.
You feel an itching sensation throughout your body.

>Actually, if you are using hisan and cebi roots, you get an itching sensation in a specific body part when the herbs does NOT heal that part.

That's the opposite of my experience when using herbs. In fact, I sometimes use the cebi and hisan messaging to let me know which parts still have scars so I can cast HS on them. There's no question that the list of body parts in the herb messaging shows you which parts are still infjured and being healed by the herb. When a particular body part is completely healed, it won't show up in the next pulse's message.
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Re: Question reguarding herb messaging on 10/05/2004 02:05 PM CDT
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I've heard all sorts of stuff about messaging like that, anything from it's healing a bleeder (which I've discovered is not true because it does it on scar herbs at times) to where I had first thought it might be healing it completely (again I've discovered as not true).

Personally I've come to believe, it doesnt mean anything and that the GMs stuck it there to see how many people come up with wierd reasons for it grins

~ Britia

Proud member of:
Zoluren Phoenix
Empathic Shifting Council
and Order of the Empathic Artisians
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