...over in the survival folder, the 'staying alive' one dealing with foraging. This isn't the first of this thread, but it's where the conversation begins to speculate on weather we actually do have a bonus to finding healing herbs:
In a nutshell, there is someone putting together a list of the ranks needed for different things. I posted awhile back when I had found eghmok moss (at around 180 lessons), and then to add to the chart here, I posted that I had found yew woods around 195 and honey comb around 200. However, it seems that rangers tend to find eghmok around 200, and the yew while still in the 180's.
We need to get more numbers on this, and the next healing herb I'll be coming into range of is jadice pollen, but that won't be for awhile yet. If you have an interest in helping with the testing of this (it's harder now with winter, bleh), might pop over and read this thread from the start. It would be pretty interesting, and would make sense, if we had a healing herb bonus...