Mixing Blocil Potion on 10/18/2004 05:22 PM CDT
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Does anyone know if it's possible to mix Blocil Potion in multiple doses? I have tried and tried and can't seem to mix up anything larger than 1 dose.

Thank you
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Re: Mixing Blocil Potion on 10/18/2004 05:47 PM CDT
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It sure is! You can mix anything up to 16 doses (that's the current limit in place).

You can either make sure your pulp, catalyst and water are in the dose amounts you want (for example, 5 parts blocil, 5 parts seolarn pulp, 5 parts water), then mix as normal. Also note, it may be harder to mix larger batches, so if you are failing, try taking off a dose from each, try again, etc. until you find your maximum dose-mix for your skill.

Or, you can make up 5 (or however many), 1 dose blocil potions, then into a container 'pour my pot into my <container>', grab another potion, repeat. They should combine when you pour them together into one larger potion. Unfortunately, this method won't work for player made salves, those you need to make in the larger portions in order to have them all in one piece.

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Re: Mixing Blocil Potion on 10/18/2004 10:59 PM CDT
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I was using dracon crystals as the catalyst that may be where I was running into trouble. I'll try using seolarn and see if that solves my problem. Thank you so very much for all of the very useful information!

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Re: Mixing Blocil Potion on 10/19/2004 02:00 AM CDT
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It's still not working. I have 16 parts of water, blocil pulp and seolarn pulp in a large vial. When I shake it I get the following:

A sudden turmoil of bubbles and steam rise out of the vial revealing some water now resting in the vial.

I can make the potion if I only use 1 part of each but not more than 1 part. Any ideas what I'm still doing wrong?

Thank you,
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Re: Mixing Blocil Potion on 10/19/2004 04:13 AM CDT
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Your post made me curious so I thought I'd test it. I can make 16 part blocil potions in a vial just fine, using seolarn pulp as a catalyst.

The only thing I can think of is that your water is in two or more pieces. There's a bug in alchemy where water will react with itself if you mix two pieces of water. Make sure each of your ingredients is made up of single pieces, each piece having the number of parts you want.
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Re: Mixing Blocil Potion on 10/19/2004 08:41 AM CDT
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The water needs to be in one unit, not 16 individual units. To do this POUR the water into the jar.

If you are doing this, and still have the problem, you might want to either assist or bug it.

~ Britia

Proud member of:
Zoluren Phoenix
Empathic Shifting Council
and Order of the Empathic Artisians
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Re: Mixing Blocil Potion on 10/19/2004 07:34 PM CDT
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I finally got it to work! The problem WAS that I had the water and the pulps in single pieces. I combined them and shook them up and viola, 16 parts of potion.

Thank you so much to everyone that helped me figure this out! Blocil Potion anyone? ;)

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