Healing Queue on 02/25/2016 06:35 AM CST
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While healing yesterday I was talking with Ceindrech about method of healing queue management similar to the process used in the Hospital.

Essentially a healing list mechanic whereas an empath could join list and their name would be added to a healer queue. A patient would then ring a bell, for instance, and the infirmary attendant would notify the next empath in the queue that patientNAME would like healing. The empath could accept or reject the notification. If they accept their name would be queued to the end of the list. If they reject the attendant would move down the list to the next name but an empath could only reject a small number of times before being removed from the list.

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Re: Healing Queue on 02/25/2016 03:53 PM CST
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>>Liquidtheorems: While healing yesterday I was talking with Ceindrech about method of healing queue management similar to the process used in the Hospital. Essentially a healing list mechanic whereas an empath could join list and their name would be added to a healer queue. A patient would then ring a bell, for instance, and the infirmary attendant would notify the next empath in the queue that patientNAME would like healing. The empath could accept or reject the notification. If they accept their name would be queued to the end of the list. If they reject the attendant would move down the list to the next name but an empath could only reject a small number of times before being removed from the list.

To be honest, I don't see a real need for such a system for player Empaths.

Outside of the Infirmary during peak playtime, it is far more common to be the only Empath (or the only responsive Empath) in the room. Even in the Infirmary, if there are two or more active Empaths, it is not difficult to coordinate sharing patients.

Would your proposed system prevent other Empaths from touching patients that they weren't assigned? If so, there are drawbacks to such mechanics. Sometimes Empaths share a patient, especially when one of the Empaths is new. Sometimes another Empath just chips in with vitality. What happens when a patient becomes unconscious or goes into shock before being able to join the queue?

And if the system locks other Empaths out and makes the patient wait for a response from the next Empath in line (let's say it moves on to the next Empath after a minute or two with no response), patients will generally find longer wait times due to the number of unresponsive Empaths in places like the Infirmary.

"Empathy doesn't make people nice." --GM Armifer

Empath new player guide: https://elanthipedia.play.net/mediawiki/index.php/Empath_new_player_guide

Empath hunting ladder: https://elanthipedia.play.net/mediawiki/index.php/Empath_hunting_ladde
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Re: Healing Queue on 02/26/2016 10:27 AM CST
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It seems like it could be useful for new empaths who 'want a turn healing', but this is pretty niche and easily circumvented by, as a new empath, simply saying 'Can I heal the next patient?'
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