Encounter with Naarg on 04/21/2005 03:53 PM CDT
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Don't try to hide on Naarg...he doesn't like it.

Naarg point at you revealing your hiding place.

Without pause, Naarg grabs you by the head roughly. Cackling loudly, he bends forward rapidly then suddenly jerks back flinging you end over end through the air roughly thirty feet before you slam into the ground. The impact jars your head soundly and stars spin wildly before your eyes.

You see Chieftain Naarg Stonesmasherr, an Ogre of the Clan Stonesmasherr.
He has craggy face with large glowing red eyes and curved tusks. Twice as broad as a Gor'Tog, but only half as tall, yet much more muscular, he has pale skin and a bald head.

It is hard to tell how old he really is.
He is in good shape.

He is holding a shadow-black double-stringed crossbow etched with the image of the dark god Urrem'tier in his right hand.
He is wearing a hauberk of black-steel and dark silver rings, a dark battle-worn weapon harness, a black leather belt with a dull gold buckle, a black leather travel pack, a dark long hooded cloak, a round gold amulet with the likeness of the god Urrem'tier etched upon it, a black leather thigh quiver, a pair of worn black leather boots, a visored black chain helm, a kyanite gwethdesuan and a jadeite gwethdesuan.

You gaze upward in a daze, everything around you appears hazy and indistinct.

Man..that's some throw....

I managed to survive...then got hit several times by his little ogre minions...and eventually died.

Good times though...was fun.

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Re: Encounter with Naarg on 04/21/2005 06:25 PM CDT
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>Without pause, Naarg grabs you by the head roughly. Cackling loudly, he bends forward rapidly then suddenly jerks back flinging you end over end through the air roughly thirty feet before you slam into the ground. The impact jars your head soundly and stars spin wildly before your eyes.

Ummm...Ahriana? Either Naarg maybe cracked your skull or you have a really, really warped sense of what fun is. That sounds about as fun as leaping off the gondola to Shard halfway across the chasm. Hon, you've GOT to get out more. However, if that really is your idea of fun times, I know of a Surmirae Anladorlo brawling tournament you could enter... ::hums::

~ Gwynfydedig

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Re: Encounter with Naarg on 04/21/2005 07:55 PM CDT
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Heheh...yeah...he did hit my head pretty hard. That part wasn't really the fun part...it was the danger, excitement and thrill of being out in the battlefield and saving people's lives.

I've missed triage.

And um...I'm working on brawling...maybe next year...


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Re: Encounter with Naarg on 04/22/2005 07:04 AM CDT
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Yeah, I'm working on brawling too...seeing that evasion is probably my best bet for a survival, but it's not going to be easy dragging him out of the guild...he's grown attached to the cabinet, or something.

~Brady, player of I'm a Lover Not a Fighter Elavin Rismel.

Your mind hears Taygar thinking, "(I)"

>get my amar
You get a burnt orange amaryllis.
>wear my amar
But you don't have any hair! Where are you going to put it? Don't answer that!
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Re: Encounter with Naarg on 04/22/2005 12:49 PM CDT
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>>he's grown attached to the cabinet, or something.

Great! We finally got a disposal bucket!

In the end all things return to Chaos

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Re: Encounter with Naarg on 04/22/2005 05:09 PM CDT
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Wow, talk about a garbage-pail kid! :)

J'Lo, no that other one
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