Letter to the Khalo (IC) on 01/31/2011 01:26 PM CST
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Date: 9 Moliko 400

Dear Khalo,

I hope that this letter finds you well. Unfortunately, I must relate some treacherous news. Recently, the Empaths' Guild -- and in particular the Infirmary -- has become a haven for necromancers and their supporters. It seems that some Empaths don't view necromancy as the threat that it is.

On numerous occasions, I have attempted to remove notorious necromancers such as Hizu and Pariah, but it is difficult to get many of my fellow Empaths to cooperate. Some of them simply tolerate their presence; others have taught or even healed necromancers. (A few Empaths are willing to heal anyone in the name of training.) Others are simply cowards whose fear of reprisal prevents them from taking a stand.

Today, I was threatened for upholding the sanctity of our guild by removing Pariah from the premises. In retaliation, Nefidyne murdered the other Empath (in the Infirmary, no less) who removed the necromancer. Nefidyne later warned me "to lay off" that necromancer.

As you know, Empaths were once hunted like dogs and exterminated by a fearful mob for forbidden practices. I fear that if we continue our passive stance, we will draw the unwelcome attention of the Inquisition or the Hounds.

I truly hope that the Khalo will act to send a clear message -- both to Empaths and to the rest of society -- that Empaths do not support necromancy and that those who knowingly support necromancers in our guild will face consequences.

Mortician Sarkranis, Fanatic of Velaka

"PHA = Healer Union. They charge for healing based on your injuries. We will now pause while everyone gives their opinion on this." -- Teilan
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Re: Letter to the Khalo (IC) on 02/01/2011 09:48 PM CST
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My empath doesn't really know much about necromancers.

Neither does his player.

Both would certainly like to be educated - in game.

- The holder of the VISA card that pays for Illcram The Evil Empath

Please rephrase that command.
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Re: Letter to the Khalo (IC) on 02/01/2011 11:54 PM CST
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>>Cramnevets: Both would certainly like to be educated - in game.

OOC: The main purpose of the letter is to get some sort of reaction from the guildleaders, but if I run into you, I'll see if we can't find a way to strike up a conversation. When I'm in Crossing, I'm often in the Infirmary.

"PHA = Healer Union. They charge for healing based on your injuries. We will now pause while everyone gives their opinion on this." -- Teilan
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