Three cheers--plus a smooch-- for Obseden! on 06/21/2005 10:54 PM CDT
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Speaking with you in person made all the craziness in flying stand-by to get to (and home from) the con well worth the trip.

Thank you so much not just for your gracious answers to my questions but your seeming to be genuinely interested in my opinion.

You gave me something to look forward to...

...the next con ; )

And now that I think on the fact that it will be perhaps a year before I can repeat that wonderful experience of chatting with you, I feel quite the pang of disappointment.

I'll admit to looking a bit hopefully toward the Cocoon-thingy spell (I don't know the spelling of crysalis and am lazy to check it).

Anyhow, was very wonderful to meet you. Thank you, Obseden!

~Lisette (the player), Amorisse (the character)

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Re: Three cheers--plus a smooch-- for Obseden! on 06/21/2005 10:57 PM CDT
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Well least next year you get to try and find me again at the Con...hehehe, Which I doubt you'll be able too...AGAIN! :P

Nice job on the titles Obs


"I do have Squirrelly Wraith you know...Its one of our 'Hidden Nature' things.."~Foamy
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Re: Three cheers--plus a smooch-- for Obseden! on 06/21/2005 10:59 PM CDT
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And me too, if I can wangle it :P

I'm looking forward to next year's con. Meeting all you crazies will definitely be worth all the soda I won't get to drink in the course of saving my money.

You hear the ghostly voice of Mandorsgar say, "No, I always make sure I have consent."
You hear the ghostly voice of Mandorsgar say, "Prevents sexual harassment suits."
You hear the ghostly voice of Inouvu say, "That's not what the bear said."
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