And another thing.... on 05/12/2003 07:51 PM CDT
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Forgot to talk about publishing. Aliyrek alread mentioned this to the winners, but to put it in OOC terms (and since I'm sure others are curious), the publishing process is a separate entity from the contest, so the books will have to go through the regular procedures, QC, etc. Unfortunately, they likely won't make it in for HSN, but I'm going to see what I can do about getting it in before Hot Winter Nights. To a certain extent, though, that's out of my hands, but I'll be doing what I can to make sure things get taken care of, etc.

GM Westryl, Moon Mage Liaison
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Re: And another thing.... on 05/12/2003 08:00 PM CDT
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I want it to be known that I find the fact that the books won't get published until winter (if ever) terribly dissapointing. Espicially considering Cadaya and Rigby were all but begging Mozzik and I to write MWP books at the last Simucon. I'd think Cadaya (the library guru from what I understand) would be motivated to get our work seen since he specificially asked for it. We had to wait how many months to even hear the results of the contest and now our hard work possibly won't ever be used? And even if it does get used it'll be in 6 months or more?

It seems to send a message that our work is worthless or at the least not as important as GM's work though I'm sure everyone who submited an entry spent a GREAT deal of time on it.

Vivviane Abdel-Messihh
Prophet of G'nar Peth
Vice-Speaker Fyearikloa'i Rensh'a
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Re: And another thing.... on 05/12/2003 08:14 PM CDT
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<<I want it to be known that I find the fact that the books won't get published until winter (if ever) terribly dissapointing.

I didn't say they wouldn't be published until winter, I said, "Unfortunately, they likely won't make it in for HSN, but I'm going to see what I can do about getting it in before Hot Winter Nights." I completely understand how much work everyone put into their entries, as the consistent high quality of the entries left no doubt. I intend to do what I can to get them published as quickly as possible, but I do not make promises I can't keep, and I do not presume to make claims about someone else's workload. If it were entirely up to me to get the book published, I'd be happy to try to give a firmer timeframe, but it certainly wouldn't be fair for me to make any kind of commitment on another GM's responsibilities.

GM Westryl, Moon Mage Liaison
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Re: And another thing.... on 05/13/2003 08:01 AM CDT
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<<I want it to be known that I find the fact that the books won't get published until winter (if ever) terribly dissapointing. Espicially considering Cadaya and Rigby were all but begging Mozzik and I to write MWP books at the last Simucon. I'd think Cadaya (the library guru from what I understand) would be motivated to get our work seen since he specificially asked for it. We had to wait how many months to even hear the results of the contest and now our hard work possibly won't ever be used? And even if it does get used it'll be in 6 months or more?

It seems to send a message that our work is worthless or at the least not as important as GM's work though I'm sure everyone who submited an entry spent a GREAT deal of time on it.>>

I think for them to put any of the books in the game at all is very generous of them. It shouldn't matter how long it takes, afterall there are a few slightly more important things (like massive overhauls for whole systems) for them to get done for HSN. And the contest was a voluntary thing for players, I'm sorry you feel like you were forced to participate.

''Genius may have its limitations, but stupidity is not thus handicapped.''
Elbert Hubbard
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Re: And another thing.... on 05/13/2003 08:31 AM CDT
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The process for all books (not just player written ones) is very exacting. This shouldn't be taken as a measure of the quality or work in any way whatsoever, but simply reflective of the steps taken before books are made live in the game.

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Re: And another thing.... on 05/13/2003 08:33 AM CDT
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Are you guys forwarding all the books to Cadaya, or just the winners? If it's just the winners I'll take it upon myself to submit my losing book.


The Fyearikloa'i Rensh'a
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Re: And another thing.... on 05/14/2003 12:40 AM CDT
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I won't be forwarding them, but feel free to send them to, (and feel free to send any other book submissions there as well). At some point I saved all the files in a really icky format that violates just about every one of the guidelines (and oddly, no, I didn't save them in Word <g>). Took me ages to get the kinks out of just two of them so Cadaya doesn't behead me. I've let him know he can expect your books.

GM Westryl, Moon Mage Liaison
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