Contest Item Ideas on 07/04/2003 06:31 AM CDT
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Please forgive the length of this post, but I liked these ideas.

What I want to see more of are tools that can be used roleplay predictions on things more intangible than skills ranks, such as love, luck, fortune, etc. Things with random output to interpret but no actual effects. In that spirit I suggest the following items:

First, I propose a certain type of dice for fluff divination. Each single die would be its own item and used separately. And I hesitate to be stereotypical because of the current debates, but as dice, they'd probably be best suited to Fortune's Path, though there's no reason we all couldn't use them.

** a <color> destiny die (colors are red, yellow, blue, possibly more)

LOOK: The small cube is painted with a different pictograph on each of its six sides.

THROW: You toss the <color> destiny die, letting it tumble across the ground. It comes to rest with the image of <image> facing upwards.

Images for a red destiny die might be: a red heart, a sealed envelope, a hairpin dagger, a perfect circle, a golden key, a snow-white feather. (Romance-oriented)

Images for a yellow destiny die might be: a pile of coins, a tiny map, a four-leafed clover, a deep well, a skeletal apparition, a wine glass. (Fortune-oriented)

Images for a blue destiny die might be: a sturdy castle, a crimson droplet, a withered tree, a mist-veiled mountain, a bright lantern, a gust of wind.

So, for example, if you were to roll each and get a "red heart" on the red die, a "tiny map" on the yellow, and a "gust of wind" on the blue, you might announce that a trip (the map) will soon bring a fleeting (the wind) romance (the heart). I think the large number of possible combinations and flexibility of interpretation would make them an effective tool.

Second, along those similar random fluffy-functional lines, I'd like to propose the following mechanical box for the members of the Celestial Compact, because I think it would be best suited to their level of sophistication. The idea of it is that it spouts some random messages when used, which could be open to broad interpretation in relation to a given issue/question (like a glorified, obscure magic 8-ball!)

** a small brass and glass box containing replicas of Elanthia and its three moons

The glass sides of the small box are dotted with a few painted constellations.
Within it, a tiny Elanthia figurine rests at the center of an intricate apparatus of brass gears and rings, which also supports three gems made to represent the moons in orbit. The surface details of the planet itself seem to have been crafted with a painstaking attention to historical accuracy.
A polished turn-crank juts out of the box's top.

A neat inscription along the base reads: "Seek your answers in the heavens."

You turn the box's crank a few times and allow world inside to take to motion.
The three miniature moons within momentarily glide along their brass rings, circling the spinning planet in a celestial dance. When they slow to a stop, (insert one of the following random messages:)

the ice-blue crystal Xibar glistens coldly as it reaches a very distant point in its orbit.

the refracted light of the ruby Yavash casts a crimson stain on the tiny Elanthia as it draws very near in its orbit.

the surface of the black pearl Katamba shimmers eerily.

the crystal Xibar and black pearl Katamba approach conjunction.

the crystal Xibar falls into position between the ruby Yavash and tiny Elanthia.

the black pearl Katamba sets itself against the ruby Yavash in defiant contrast.

all three moons cluster on one side of the tiny Elanthia.

all three moons sparkle energetically as they take scattered positions in their orbits.

the three moons distance themselves from each other around the tiny Elanthia, striking a balance in the imaginary sky.

the moons come to rest unremarkably.

And that's how it all goes. Thanks.

--Rault Eldgrithien

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