Training Attunement 1k+ on 10/29/2015 10:47 PM CDT
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Needing some ideas on what else i can do to train attunement as a moonie after 1200 ranks..


I'm sure I'm probably missing something.. it's been a long time since needing to actually train it. Also does anyone know the timer before i could recycle the commands above to train again? any ideas are appreciated thanks!

Damian, a voice from the distant and long-forgotten past.
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Re: Training Attunement 1k+ on 10/29/2015 11:13 PM CDT
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Though I don't have a MM in those ranks, on my characters that are 1000+ attunement I gave up with "traditional" training methods and just use magic research. I use STREAM (15 min, safe) or ENERGY (10 min, dangerous) depending on the situation. This saves me a lot of time and trouble. It might not be what you're looking for but it's a nice option if you're frustrated with your experience gains.

PERC MOONS is also a decent teacher. It does all 3 moons at once. PERC PLANETS is also fairly decent, but moons seems to teach my MM better for some reason. I think the teaching cool down is about 2 minutes per command but I'm not 100% on that.

Never attribute to malice that which is adequately explained by stupidity.
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Re: Training Attunement 1k+ on 10/30/2015 01:52 PM CDT
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I didn't get to 1k, but at 800, preparing a spell that taught well (ie, using symb and casting it just below what backfires) at the min prep, and harnessing the rest, possibly in chunks, locked attunement fairly quickly.

I have seen about a dozen people come back to DR after Magic 3.0 in TF. Every single one of them dislikes the new magic system right out of the gate, specifically because they cannot lock their magic skills. After a while though, after they find the right spells to cast at the right mana amounts, they all come around.

It's just different, it's not bad. Just find the right spell and mana and you'll be fine.
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Re: Training Attunement 1k+ on 10/30/2015 07:32 PM CDT
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prep symbiosis is a must. don't forget to astral travel.
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Re: Training Attunement 1k+ on 11/01/2015 11:52 PM CST
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Thanks folks, appreciate all the responses!

Damian, a voice from the distant and long-forgotten past.
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