Concentration on 10/06/2016 09:28 AM CDT
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I have a question about concentration. The formula must have changed because I just trained discipline and only received 1 more concentration for it, where it used to be 3. My understanding of concentration is our magic like Mental Blast and Sleep and Mind Shout are completely dependent upon it. Also, before this magic change I was able to mind shout genis with no problem. Now they don't even notice it when I cast it :( I can still sleep them and mental blast them but no more mind shout, bummer.

I guess my question is, what is going on with concentration and why did mind shout get nerfed?
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Re: Concentration on 10/06/2016 09:59 AM CDT
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Could it be related to this?
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Re: Concentration on 10/06/2016 10:31 AM CDT
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Not ingame to check this, but I'm pretty sure forest geni are stun immune, and by extension immune to Mind Shout. MB works on them because of the secondary success effect of sleep. (it might even still say they're stunned as a status) Sleep works because they aren't immune to sleep.

MS, MB and Sleep success doesn't depend on concentration. Concentration does share some stats with the mind contest (INT/DISC/WIS).

But yes, concentration was tweaked recently. I think someone might have even posted a rough idea of the new formula somewhere in that thread.

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Re: Concentration on 10/06/2016 11:29 AM CDT
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<<But yes, concentration was tweaked recently. I think someone might have even posted a rough idea of the new formula somewhere in that thread.

The formula was confirmed to be: (new concentration) = 300 + (old concentration)/2,%20Skills%20and%20Magic/General%20Discussions/view/4187

I don't think the image at has been updated.

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