Perception Spellbook Changes on 01/05/2016 09:06 AM CST
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The follow changes to the Perception spellbook will go live in the next few minutes.

Piercing Gaze - Reduced to 1 slot, removed locksmithing bonus, now castable on others. Changed to Utility from Augmentation.

Locate - ART is now a valid preq.

Distant Gaze - ART is now a valid preq.

Tenebrous Sense- ART is now a valid preq. Fixed an obscure bug that caused the spell to vanish from the caster if renewed on another person.

Unleash - ART is now a valid preq.

Seer's Sense - Preq changed to AUS instead of DG & Locate. If you do not meet the new requirements you will be able to keep the spell, though if you unlearn it you will need to meet the new requirements to relearn it.

Artificer's Eye - Preq reduced to CV. Reduced to Basic. Fixed the same bug as TS.

Machinist's Touch (New Spell) - 2 slot advanced augmentation spell that enhanced your locksmithing and engineering skills. Requires either TS or PG.


"It was wise enough to know itself, and brave enough to BE itself, and wild enough to change itself while somehow staying altogether true." ― The Slow Regard of Silent Things
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