In preparation for Guildfest, our first new release has arrived! Tokka decks and divination bowls will work once again!
The next time you interact with one of these prediction tools in game, existing Tokka decks and divination bowls will convert to the new system.
As you know from them not working for so long, the old and new systems were incompatible. As a result, all converted tools in game will have their qualities set as if they were purchased from a standard sect shop. The tools sold at The Essential Sects Shop or future festival shops will have slightly enhanced physical qualities should you choose to purchase one there.
If you run into any issues BUG ITEM is the best way to report them!
My thanks goes out to GM Javac and GM Zadraes for their help with QC'ing.
-GM Ynami
This message was originally posted in The Moon Mages, The Heavens, Predictions, and Divination Tools. To discuss the above, follow the link below.