With trader magic in place I have a vision of a redeemed moon mage. They would no longer use Astrology or astral travel. They would refrain from summoning shadow servants or shadowlings. They would give up casting teleport, moongate, riftal summons as well as any guild signature spells that required the astrological confound.
In return they would get the ability to use Glowing Iron Fragments or a starlight sphere in place of having a starlight Aura for casting trader spells as well as the ability to permanently learn certain trader spells. It should probably only be available to 150+ characters as they would essentially lose the use of the astrology skill and have no means to advance in the guild.
"An' I'm learnin' 'ere in London what the ten-year soldier tells; If you've 'eard the East a-callin', you won't never 'eed naught else. No! you won't 'eed nothin' else"
Redeemed Moon Mage on 01/22/2020 07:57 PM CST
Re: Redeemed Moon Mage on 01/24/2020 04:33 PM CST
Re: Redeemed Moon Mage on 01/24/2020 09:24 PM CST
>>it doesn't make much sense to allow a guild to tech into another guild's spells
To be clear Trader magic is Lunar Magic "Unconfounded" by astrology. Every guild has a magical confound, such as a paladins soul or a clerics devotion. It makes no difference however to the majority of that guilds spellbook, because whatever confounds exist within each guilds structure is shown through their signature spells that cannot function without those confounds.
Mana frequency also dictates distinct characteristics in the shape of spell patterns physically. Holy patterns are very similar to each other etc. This using of the same mana frequency is also why you don't have to mix to cast scroll spells that exist within your own frequency and risk a backlash.
And as to why....
>> "Why?" The creature responds, "You inherited a debt. Your kind claimed the majesty of the heavens as their own. It is not without price. It is not without obligation. Yet even that... even those who know they are called, fall victim to your hands." "You are the children of foolish, but prideful men. When did you start needing gods to come tell you good from evil? Celestial or cthonic freedom or fate. You wield your ambivalence as a shield. You were called, and you have not answered."
"An' I'm learnin' 'ere in London what the ten-year soldier tells; If you've 'eard the East a-callin', you won't never 'eed naught else. No! you won't 'eed nothin' else"
Re: Redeemed Moon Mage on 01/25/2020 08:36 AM CST
>To be clear Trader magic is Lunar Magic "Unconfounded" by astrology.
And re-confounded by Starlight Aura.
>Every guild has a magical confound, such as a paladins soul or a clerics devotion. It makes no difference however to the majority of that guilds spellbook, because whatever confounds exist within each guilds structure is shown through their signature spells that cannot function without those confounds.
Yes, and this is represented with analogous patterns, runestones, sorcery, magical tattoos, wands, etc.
Every guild has a confound, as you stated, that exhibits a small percentage of their spells which cannot be replicated through any means. Following this logic, there's nothing special about a Moon Mage casting Trader magic versus a Cleric casting Trader magic, aside from the additional ease of using the same mana frequency.
If a Moon Mage somehow renounced fate manipulation the way that Necromancers can become redeemed, they wouldn't suddenly become Traders, any more than Necromancers would suddenly become Empaths. They would just be broken Moon Mages.
And re-confounded by Starlight Aura.
>Every guild has a magical confound, such as a paladins soul or a clerics devotion. It makes no difference however to the majority of that guilds spellbook, because whatever confounds exist within each guilds structure is shown through their signature spells that cannot function without those confounds.
Yes, and this is represented with analogous patterns, runestones, sorcery, magical tattoos, wands, etc.
Every guild has a confound, as you stated, that exhibits a small percentage of their spells which cannot be replicated through any means. Following this logic, there's nothing special about a Moon Mage casting Trader magic versus a Cleric casting Trader magic, aside from the additional ease of using the same mana frequency.
If a Moon Mage somehow renounced fate manipulation the way that Necromancers can become redeemed, they wouldn't suddenly become Traders, any more than Necromancers would suddenly become Empaths. They would just be broken Moon Mages.
Re: Redeemed Moon Mage on 01/25/2020 05:20 PM CST
>>And re-confounded by Starlight Aura.
Not every spell requires a guild's signature confound to operate. Signature spells do. Hence the ability for everyone to use the "majority" of spells on scrolls which do not require a confound. I don't understand what you mean by Re-Confounded.
>>Yes, and this is represented with analogous patterns, runestones, sorcery, magical tattoos, wands, etc.
What? No. Guild confounds are not represented through these.
>>Every guild has a confound, as you stated, that exhibits a small percentage of their spells which cannot be replicated through any means. Following this logic, there's nothing special about a Moon Mage casting Trader magic versus a Cleric casting Trader magic, aside from the additional ease of using the same mana frequency.
Again i'm not sure what you are trying to explain. The entire concept of a redeemed moon mage operates within the premise of seeking atonement, or aspiring to rise up from your fall. Moon mages are very much the children of the fall. The reason the lunar mage Trader is not a Child of Grazhir is purely because of the means which they became Lunar Mages.
The Negotiants offer a path to redemption for the Lunar Mage who was forged through the confound of astrology and not starlight. Its purely a character's ability to choose their own way to deal with fate.
>>They would just be broken Moon Mages.
Is a redeemed anything more than a broken necromancer? One does not seek redemption for power.
According to Armifer on being a moon mage; "The fiction often revolves around questioning how much control the Moon Mages have over their own destiny and what the proper way to confront it is."
For the redeemed moon mage this is very much within the spectrum of coming to terms with their own existence. And as to how this functions mechanically would be the Moon Mage giving up Astrology and not getting the confound of starlight in return. But instead, receiving the limited ability to use ulterior means such as holding glowing iron fragments or using the aura from a starlight sphere to fuel spells that they can already cast just fine if there is un obscured starlight or a bright moon above the horizon.
This would not be a method for moon mages to be able to cast Signature Trader Spells, but rather a way for them to permanently learn spells they can already cast fine from scrolls such as Blur or Finesse, while sacrificing their ability to cast spells like Seers Sense or moon gate.
"An' I'm learnin' 'ere in London what the ten-year soldier tells; If you've 'eard the East a-callin', you won't never 'eed naught else. No! you won't 'eed nothin' else"
Not every spell requires a guild's signature confound to operate. Signature spells do. Hence the ability for everyone to use the "majority" of spells on scrolls which do not require a confound. I don't understand what you mean by Re-Confounded.
>>Yes, and this is represented with analogous patterns, runestones, sorcery, magical tattoos, wands, etc.
What? No. Guild confounds are not represented through these.
>>Every guild has a confound, as you stated, that exhibits a small percentage of their spells which cannot be replicated through any means. Following this logic, there's nothing special about a Moon Mage casting Trader magic versus a Cleric casting Trader magic, aside from the additional ease of using the same mana frequency.
Again i'm not sure what you are trying to explain. The entire concept of a redeemed moon mage operates within the premise of seeking atonement, or aspiring to rise up from your fall. Moon mages are very much the children of the fall. The reason the lunar mage Trader is not a Child of Grazhir is purely because of the means which they became Lunar Mages.
The Negotiants offer a path to redemption for the Lunar Mage who was forged through the confound of astrology and not starlight. Its purely a character's ability to choose their own way to deal with fate.
>>They would just be broken Moon Mages.
Is a redeemed anything more than a broken necromancer? One does not seek redemption for power.
According to Armifer on being a moon mage; "The fiction often revolves around questioning how much control the Moon Mages have over their own destiny and what the proper way to confront it is."
For the redeemed moon mage this is very much within the spectrum of coming to terms with their own existence. And as to how this functions mechanically would be the Moon Mage giving up Astrology and not getting the confound of starlight in return. But instead, receiving the limited ability to use ulterior means such as holding glowing iron fragments or using the aura from a starlight sphere to fuel spells that they can already cast just fine if there is un obscured starlight or a bright moon above the horizon.
This would not be a method for moon mages to be able to cast Signature Trader Spells, but rather a way for them to permanently learn spells they can already cast fine from scrolls such as Blur or Finesse, while sacrificing their ability to cast spells like Seers Sense or moon gate.
"An' I'm learnin' 'ere in London what the ten-year soldier tells; If you've 'eard the East a-callin', you won't never 'eed naught else. No! you won't 'eed nothin' else"