Changing your sect on 08/28/2019 05:48 AM CDT
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As a rule I do not dabble in the forums. For this topic though I felt the need to weigh in. I vote 100% yes it would be amazing to be able to change sects at least one time. You can erase spells and feats for a price, why not be able to leave a sect? Also, what if a player wants to RP a stance of not being satisfied with the sect they are affiliated with for whatever reason? +1 on your idea OP and thank you for bringing it up.
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Re: Changing your sect on 08/28/2019 11:45 AM CDT
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Thanks, I appreciate you chiming in for this one!

RP is the 100% main reason that I want to be able to switch if needed as well. I think I'm in the minority anymore, but I mostly play DR for the RP (I'm not into circling endlessly), so little things that can enrich Role Playing will go a LONG way IMO
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