150th Circle Ability on 02/21/2020 09:00 AM CST
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Ok.. so I was thinking a lot about high level perks. As a Moon Mage reaches the top circles in the guild what is there to look forward to? I have tons of open spell slots and a new title.

Some thoughts on directions a 150th circle ability could take:

1: Improved Astral Travel: Perhaps at 150th circle the chance of death in the astral plane goes to zero. Perhaps the Moon Mage can exist there without having to harness mana. This also ties in with the idea that perhaps there are places in the astral plane that can be visited? Hunting grounds perhaps? Pocket dimensions or areas to explore? I believe the planes are an area that could be expanded upon more.

2: Improved Prediction: Perhaps a Moon Mage can store predictions and activate them later. Perhaps they can shape fate in a new way that we have not thought of yet? Ideas?

3: Improved Riftal Summons: Someone posted a while ago the idea of using Riftal Summons to travel to a person rather than summon a person to you. Perhaps at 150th Circle a Moon Mage no longer has to shift beams around, but can use the Riftal Summons spell to rift directly to a person.

4: Goldcaps or Y'Shai: Induction / transformation into either of these at 150th circle? Or maybe at 150th you can choose the path to go down with it being fully realized at 200th?

Anyone have other thoughts on interesting high level Moon Mage abilities for 150th or 200th circle?
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Re: 150th Circle Ability on 02/21/2020 02:16 PM CST
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5: If in a room with a grazhir shard or moongating to a room with a grazhir shard, you have no moon requirements. Useful for buffing.
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Re: 150th Circle Ability on 02/21/2020 02:50 PM CST
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I really like the idea of becoming a Goldcap or Y'Shai and working towards improving as such until 200.

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Re: 150th Circle Ability on 03/02/2020 05:12 PM CST
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I really like idea of having a 150th ability and also having things to work for post 150 aside from TDP. Especially if TDP as we all know it is going away in the future.

"An' I'm learnin' 'ere in London what the ten-year soldier tells; If you've 'eard the East a-callin', you won't never 'eed naught else. No! you won't 'eed nothin' else"

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Re: 150th Circle Ability on 03/03/2020 01:44 AM CST
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Ya. I feel like the big high level points are 100, 150, 200. I feel like having guilds have something at those points that is notable would be nice. Not every guild has a 100th circle ability. We are fortunate to have one. I'd love to see some other high level love though. Something to shoot for, for 150 and 200 even. I am sure most guilds would like this too.
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