Visions Meeting on 10/02/2015 12:50 PM CDT
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Apologies for the late announcement, but there's going to be a vision discussion meeting tonight at 9pm EST, in the aviary at the top of the Great Tower in Shard. It's been a while since the last one, so it's a good time to help remind people where things currently stand with visions. Not just limited to moon mages, everybody's welcome to attend!

- Miskton
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Re: Visions Meeting on 10/03/2015 01:04 AM CDT
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Here is a record from the Meeting tonight!

Thank you!

Miskton says, "Okay, everyone make themselves comfortable, and I think we can begin."

Vianae says, "Oh, I am not from Shard, but thank you just the same."

Xionara softly exclaims, "Aha!"

Jherrisali jubilantly says, "So go make one and drag it in here."

Synamon says, "A bone throne sounds kind of unpleasant unless you make flesh covered pillows."

Klejotogars says, "Pick weaker enemies."

Miskton says, "I'm afraid you'll just have to make do for now."

Jherrisali jubilantly says, "The things people do for comfort."

Synamon says, "Eh, some times breathing makes me a bully. You are fine."

Miskton says, "Okay, thank you all for coming. Those of you who were here earlier already heard me mention this, but there's not much in the way of new visions to discuss. However it's been some time since the last one of these meetings was held, so I felt it would be a good time to review the current state of things."

Miskton says, "Let's see... I think I'll start by going over the visions that are really more interruptions of attempts at seeing visions."

Miskton says, "I saw nothing of the future. No visions formed. No knowledge flooded my mind. It was only after several long moments of observation that I realized the shadows about me were lengthening, deepening and a persistent unease burrowed into me."

Miskton says, "Moments after I became aware of the phenomenon it faded away."

Miskton says, "That's one possible result. Another..."

Miskton says, "Fate hung heavy on me, almost tangible as it dragged at my thoughts and actions. My existence sent infinite ripples into the world about me, chaotic and unpredictable. Imperfect."

Miskton says, "Or sometimes a voice filling my mind, saying, "I see you Defiler. I claim you."

Miskton says, "Though the most direct interruption is certainly Pelag ai Aldam appearing in the mind's eye of a seer..."

Miskton says, "A figure suddenly appeared before me, that of a skinny Human with pale skin and short red hair. His hands were awash with blood that slowly pooled around his feet as he stood motionless. His eyes slowly focused on me and a slight sneer crept onto his face."

Miskton says, ""So easy. So foolish. One has already fallen and we've barely begun. Go ahead, look towards your prophecies. This only ends one way."

Klejotogars says, "That one does give knowledge of the future though."

Fizzbitty distractedly says, "Isawthattoo! itwasscary."

Miskton says, "Well, the future as Pelag wants us to think it will happen, at any rate."

Lasciel says, "I hate that guy."

Lasciel says, "That's why I always drop trash in the Astral Plane."

Miskton says, "Some variant of that sort of interruption has been happening ever since the visions that were seen around the time of the emergence of the Akul'tiz, and Dergati's attacks against us all."

Lasciel says, "Akul'tiz."

Lasciel says, "Of course."

Lasciel asks, "What is that?"

Miskton says, "There's no direct evidence that Dergati and Pelag were working together, and he may just have been taking advantage of her actions and the ensuing chaos. I suppose that's probably the better of the two possibilities."

Miskton says, "Those mole people."

You say, "Those were the naked-mole-rat people... Xitoccanemun was their First."

Lasciel asks, "Seriously?"

Lasciel asks, "Mole-men?"

You say, "They were pretty... weird. Bright green nails and covered in tattoos..."

Whiteburn longingly says, "Blessed Children of Milady, Dergati."

Lasciel says, "You had me at mole-man."

Miskton says, "I still regret that things couldn't have worked out more peacefully with them..."

Lasciel says, "They hate surface-dwellers, obviously."

Lasciel says, "Typical mole-men."

Lasciel says, "Classic."

Synamon asks, "Mole-y like squinty eyes or polka-dots?"

Sendithu says, "Either way, really...ugh."

Whiteburn says, "If only I had the opportunity to meet them..."

Miskton says, "But at any rate, though that attempt at wiping us out failed, Pelag hasn't given up, and he's continuing to taunt us and most likely push his agenda in the shadows."

Klejotogars asks, "What do you believe Pelag's relationship with Dergati was and what information do you base this on?"

Miskton says, "That both of them began their assaults at around the same time, with Pelag possibly twisting our ability to see the future in such a way as to distract us from what was really happening."

Miskton says, "As I said, he may just have been taking advantage of the opportunity."

You say, "I do hope."

Klejotogars says, "Do we have other evidence of Pelag being a trickster? He seems pretty straight forward to me."

Miskton says, "I think he'll use whatever weapons he can get his hands on, and his ability to touch us directly in this plane is limited."

Klejotogars asks, "And which weapons has he used in the past?"

Lasciel says, "He just trips people in the Astral Plane, he's a jerk."

Miskton says, "Largely that. He generally can't get at people outside of the Astral Plane."

Miskton says, "Though he's shown some ability to command shadow creatures."

You say, "Unless he's already marked you for death while you're in there."

Lasciel says, "You can still even escape that."

You say, "But then there was the Conclave, and the Nimbii here at the guild awhile back."

Miskton says, "And there's whatever creature invisible to our seer's sight that killed several moon mages some time back... Which may or may not have been under Pelag's control, we don't know."

Klejotogars says, "We don't know that Pelag sent the Nimbii."

Klejotogars says, "He put out a threat and delivered on it from what I saw."

You say, "I don't believe his is ... satisfied. If such is even in his nature."

Synamon asks, "He threatened moon mages with creepy cloud things?"

Miskton says, "Mist was all we could see, at any rate."

Lasciel says, "Well if we didn't go into the Astral Plane I think he wouldn't be so mad."

Miskton says, "The three who are known to have actually encountered it all wound up permanently dead, so further details are hard to come by."

Lasciel says, "I thought he just didn't want us on his lawn."

Munchausen says, "Having red hair can't help either."

Klejotogars says, "We're on his lawn every time we look into the future."

Vianae asks, "Does he not have free will?"

Miskton says, "And the next time Pelag attacks, hopefully we can come up with some sort of countermeasure... as getting help from the Arbiter in Darkness is not a good long term strategy, though I'm thankful Tiv was able to pull it off."

Lasciel says, "I don't think he's human."

You say, "Pelag ai Aldam. The Servant of Fate."

Whiteburn wryly says, "There is ...some truth in that, yes. His power is finite."

Klejotogars says, "He is as powerful as any spirit can be great or small."

You say, "Some say the embodiment of fatalism."

Lasciel says, "He could probably take Drogor."

Lasciel says, "Or one of those other fish gods."

Lasciel says, "Don't even play."

You say, "While the relationship between Fate and the Immortals is curious, I may not wager that far."

Whiteburn says, "His finite power is simply greater than mortal mages, which is far less than that."

Vianae says, "Maybe if he embodies fate he does not have free will."

Miskton says, "He doesn't have free will at all, yes."

Miskton says, "And he resents it."

Klejotogars says, "Even the immortals had to contend with the fate of Grazhir's shattering."

Vianae says, "I could see how that would make a fellow cranky."

Munchausen says, "Then its not his will to kill or not to kill or do anything."

Lasciel says, "Immortals can't stop Fate, look at that thing eating Meraud."

Munchausen says, "Since he has no free will, also he cannot be cranky on his will."

Munchausen says, "Because he has none."

Miskton says, "That is true, yes."

Miskton says, "But while a boulder has no will, that won't make much difference to you if it falls on you."

Klejotogars says, "Pelag can not help the way he is. He must oppose us by his nature."

Miskton says, "Well, I suppose it might, if the boulder could decide to roll back and forth a bit afterwards, really grind you in. But I think you get my point."

Lasciel says, "He seems pretty smug about it though."

Miskton says, "The Wolf."

Vianae says, "Then he is not really opposing, just acting."

Lasciel says, "The Wolf."

Klejotogars says, "We oppose him then."

Klejotogars says, "By looking to the future and change how an event plays out."

Whiteburn says, "Perhaps he is correct in his hatred."

Miskton says, "Projecting our methods of thinking onto a being like Pelag can also be a bit misleading. Though of the beings from the Astral Plane and Plane of Probability, he probably comes closer to mortal manners of thought than most."

Munchausen says, "But if he has no will of his own, those thoughts are not his."

Munchausen asks, "But whatever casts the projection, no?"

Fizzbitty distractedly asks, "Sohe isboundtoFate andhasno waytomakehisown choices? so youaresayingthat hehasto opposeusbecausehe wasdesignedto?"

Klejotogars says, "He has a will to make sure things go a determind way."

Fizzbitty distractedly says, "Aah ok."

You say, "It is something even our eldest council members will sit and debate for hours over brandy and pipes."

Munchausen says, "So he has a modicum of free will."

Klejotogars says, "If there was a belief that no one had free will that would be Pelag."

You say, "That's going to go over as well here as it would in Bard's meeting, I think."

Klejotogars says, "You act because of the situation presented to you."

Klejotogars says, "You think how you do because of what inputs are given."

Miskton says, "To my understanding, Pelag's issue is that he knows everything that is going to happen. He knows what he's going to do before he can even think to decide to do it."

Vianae says, "That would be tiresome."

Miskton says, "But then beings with free will go around and muck things up. I imagine that must make for the equivalent of quite the headache."

Fizzbitty distractedly says, "Isee, iguessthatwould makeme abitgrumpy."

Xionara softly asks, "So if he knew that his actions were going to cause his demise, let's say, he'd be powerless to stop it?"

Miskton says, "I would think so, yes."

Munchausen asks, "Why would he want to ?"

Klejotogars says, "If it was fated he'd want it to happen."

Xionara softly says, "Or would that be impossible to happen because he would change his actions before such a thing could even occur."

Klejotogars says, "But I don't know if you can just kill him or would want to."

Xionara softly says, "That does sound like the makings of a migraine of epic proportions."

Klejotogars says, "All the spirits are angry though."

Klejotogars says, "Not just Pelag."

Munchausen says, "Or he has developed a mind within his mind."

Synamon says, "If he knows what is going to happen before it happens there can't be any mucking because he already knows the muck will be made which is just what happens and muck is not real."

Miskton says, "Obviously, much of this is theory and conjecture, since Pelag isn't one for discussing matters."

Klejotogars says, "The Shaman used to speak to the spirits and now they are silent and angry."

Klejotogars says, "Or many of them are."

Lasciel asks, "What spirits?"

You say, "Let us not forget about his counterpart either, Cashek gand Aldam. The Fighter Against Fate."

Lasciel asks, "How could we forget about him?"

Vianae quietly says, "I did not know about him."

Lasciel says, "He's never done anything, ever, so I mean.."

Klejotogars says, "Her."

Klejotogars says, "It's female."

You say, "I've met her at least twice."

Miskton says, "She doesn't interact with us much, though she'll occasionally help people on their way through the Astral Plane."

You say, "I met her before I met Pelag, actually."

Miskton says, "Let's see..."

Miskton says, "Of the visions of destruction that we started seeing back in that time, there's one that has continued to appear to the present."

Miskton says, "Five towers of light sprang into being about me. They were aglow with chilly starlight, solid and seemingly eternal. Yet as I watched, fissures, dark as the void, spiderwebbed through each of them, causing one to explode in a shower of searing fragments."

Miskton says, "The remainder resisted. For a time. Until the top of another tower imploded, leaving naught but a ragged stump behind."

Miskton says, "The remaining three continued to struggle, though the fissures were now a vast network of absolute darkness, until, they too, could stand no more and crumbled into motes of dying light."

Klejotogars says, "Moon mages are often depicted as starlight in visions."

Klejotogars says, "Those towers are ours."

Miskton says, "Before the destruction of the Fortress of the Crystal Hand, there were six towers in the vision. So it would seem perhaps that destruction was not meant to be part of it."

Lasciel says, "I'm not super attached."

Whiteburn says, "Light is a meddlesome and intrusive thing. Perhaps these towers are meant to fall and that is just."

You say, "This vision is Pelag's threat... one has fallen..."

Klejotogars says, "And his hands are bloody."

Klejotogars says, "He's only just begun."

Miskton says, "There are also some other visions of danger, though perhaps from sorcery rather than Pelag."

Miskton says, "Silvery threads stretched delicately in every direction forming an impossibly complex web. A thin haze of smoke overlay the vision as several nodes slowly smoldered."

Fizzbitty distractedly says, "Inmy thoughtsa moment."

Sendithu says, "Pardon us."

Lasciel says, "Usually does."

Miskton says, "Pelag wouldn't, most likely couldn't, attempt to attack fate himself. But teleological sorcery causing damage to the web of fate is a metaphor that has been before."

Lasciel says, "I agree with that."

Lasciel says, "I blame Aayveia."

Klejotogars says, "It's a metaphor shadow."

Miskton says, "The world darkened and I found myself watching a bustling crowd in monochrome hues. Interspersed among them, seemingly unnoticed by the crowd, were a handful of beings swathed in vivid purples. Delicate chains of smoldering silver threaded through the crowd, binding the interlopers together."

Miskton says, "I don't know who the beings in that vision are, but the combination of purple and a lack of other colors is a common indicator of teleological sorcery."

Lasciel says, "Pelag will be cooking you breakfast."

Lasciel says, "Every day."

Whiteburn rancidly says, "It's always about balance, isn't it."

Xionara softly says, "Can I refuse? I bet he spits in the cereal."

Klejotogars says, "That's not balance."

Miskton says, "I'm not sure it's even possible, though it seems like the Children of Kalestraum may intend to try."

Klejotogars says, "We have to live with him but not fighting him is giving up because that's the way things have to be."

Lasciel says, "Good on them."

Whiteburn says, "The notion of free will, too, is mortal folly."

Miskton says, "Exactly what Karosti is planning is unclear, but I think this vision is related to it..."

Whiteburn says, "Well then, you had best hope you are correct in that assumption."

Miskton says, "A voice, tired yet powerful whispered through the air, "He will pay for that. Prepare yourself, this will not end without more sacrifice - but I do not intend to splay myself across an altar for that beast."

Miskton says, "A youthful echo, "I will not disappoint you."

Klejotogars says, "The only reason we see visions is so we can CHOOSE a different fate or at least CHOOSE how we will get there."

Miskton says, "I don't know a great deal about him, personally, but he's the current leader of the Children of Kalestraum."

Xohariel says, "You'll have to excuse me, folks. I have other things to attend to."

Xionara softly says, "Nice hat."

Miskton says, "A rather old elf, who's been practicing sorcery for a long time."

Terlockin says, "Tainted mage."

Lasciel says, "Some don't approve of their methods."

Lasciel says, "But they do quality work."

Miskton says, "They've shown interest in the Taisgath obelisk in recent years, so there's another vision that I think relates to them..."

Miskton says, "I glimpsed a gigantic shell swarmed by living shadows. Magic crackled in the air though the vision faded before I could properly orient on the source."

You say, "Like acts of terrorism and attacking our guild..."

Miskton says, "My vision pulled back revealing utter pandemonium. Mage battled mage and massive arcane constructs crashed through towering wards."

Miskton says, "Around them all the shadows grew closer."

Lasciel says, "They're good at what they do."

Lasciel says, "That's a good vision."

Terlockin asks, "They're showing interested in Taisgath?"

Munchausen says, "Oh that sounds like fun."

Vianae exclaims, "I saw that!"

Lasciel says, "Massive arcane constructs doesn't sound like our magic."

Miskton says, "One of them made an attempt to do... something... with the obelisk a few years back, but was driven off."

Terlockin says, "Oh."

Klejotogars says, "You'll notice the shadows aren't siding with anyone. That encounter wont end well."

Munchausen says, "A magnetic ballista with legs."

Miskton asks, "Who knows what the guild is working on? Have you seen those guardians they have patrolling Throne City?"

Lasciel says, "Construct and arcane sound like necromancy to me."

Miskton says, "Well, the Children of Kalestraum probably wouldn't be above allying with necromancers, I suppose."

Lasciel says, "Maybe, maybe not."

Klejotogars says, "But no sane Moon mage would ally with necromancers."

Miskton says, "Or at least making use of them with the intent to kill them later."

Jherrisali jubilantly says, "Sorry to ask, but who are the Children? I'm not familiar with that group."

Munchausen says, "Right."

Synamon says, "Me."

Munchausen says, "Like how sorrow was in league with necromancers."

Klejotogars says, "I don't think they're aim is total destruction. Surely they've seen the visions as well."

Munchausen says, "Din turn out too good."

Xionara softly says, "My brother is a moon mage and he's quite sane."

Klejotogars says, "They've touched by the stars the same way we are."

Miskton says, "The Children of Kalestraum are an offshoot of the Tezirites, responsible for developing teleological sorcery."

Vianae hesitantly asks, "Sane?"

Miskton says, "They've also engaged in various terrorist attacks."

Lasciel says, "They blew up the turtle."

Jherrisali jubilantly says, "So all the thread breaking stuff."

Lasciel says, "That was cool."

Jherrisali jubilantly exclaims, "Not the turtle!"

Klejotogars says, "Allying with necromancers is something different than terrorism."

> Munchausen says, "Yes."

Munchausen says, "Its ultra terrorism."

Rifkinn says, "While people speak of the children using Necromancers, don't forget to look at how Necromancers could be using the Children."

Klejotogars asks, "Have we seen links of the Children and Necromancers?"

Miskton says, "They're willing to shred the web of fate as it is. So they may either not care, or think they are more powerful than the fate we see when looking at necromancers."

Miskton says, "It was just a possible explanation of the appearance of massive magical constructs attacking Taisgath."

Rifkinn says, "I didn't hear about that."

Klejotogars says, "It was the last vision."

Munchausen says, "I don't think magical constructs apply only to necromancers."

Synamon says, "Necromancers are the only ones that can create them."

Miskton says, "I'm sure there's experiments going on in various magical labs."

Munchausen says, "Akigwe's tower hosts magical constructs."

Fizzbitty distractedly exclaims, "Well if the two areworking together thenthe Childrencouldcut thethreads ofpeople tohave the necromancers raise them andusethemforan undeadarmy!"

Fizzbitty distractedly exclaims, "Oooexperiements!"

Klejotogars says, "We have the Y'shai."

Miskton says, "Anyway, the specifics of the weapons involved worry me somewhat less than the general prospect of a three way war happening on Taisgath."

Lasciel says, "Better evacuate that one guy who lives there."

Lasciel asks, "I learned a cantrip there?"

Terlockin says, "Hopefully our grazhir shard that was lost in the Children's attack will surface."

Lasciel says, "Maybe..."

Terlockin says, "Otherwise, meh."

Lasciel says, "I am not linked to any spirits."

Lasciel says, "I don't even believe in spirits."

Jherrisali jubilantly asks, "What spirits?"

Lasciel says, "It's made up mumbo-jumbo."

Klejotogars says, "The Nimbii that attacked the guild are spirits."

Klejotogars asks, "Do you not believe what you see?"

Lasciel says, "Those aren't spirits you can talk to."

Alsiel says, "Only half..."

Alsiel says, "Believe nothing you see and half you hear."

Alsiel says, "Golden rule of wisdom."

Klejotogars says, "You can talk to them whether they choose to talk back is another thing."

Lasciel says, "I can talk to trees too."

Klejotogars says, "And they used to talk back. Something changed. . ."

Alsiel says, "I never expect anyone to talk back to me."

Miskton says, "There are two other visions that I'm aware of that are still being seen. One is most likely of Tiv..."

Miskton says, "An old man sat in darkness. Alone. In his hands rested a cracked crystal that softly glowed with a sterile light, illuminating his frosty eyes."

Miskton says, "He remained silent, his mind bent inward."

Miskton says, "The crystal shattered."

Lasciel says, "That's one thing in the Astral Plane."

Lasciel says, "There aren't a multitude of magic spirits floating out there."

Klejotogars says, "There are at least two in this room."

Rifkinn asks, "Has you been seeing that vision for some time?"

Miskton says, "He's still in seclusion as he recuperates, so asking him his thoughts on the matter hasn't been an option."

Lasciel says, "Those are not spirits."

Klejotogars asks, "What are they?"

Lasciel says, "Shadow creatures."

Rifkinn asks, "And was it thought it could be the Zoluren Court fellow who the Elpalzi took?"

Klejotogars says, "Shadow creatures are spirits."

Terlockin says, "Hardly."

Lasciel says, "That isn't true."

Klejotogars says, "If you want to hold a strange definition of spirits then there are none."

Rifkinn says, "Another take on it, that is, trying to remember."

Zandrith says, "I'm drinking spirits."

Miskton says, "I suppose it could be, though the eyes stand out."

Lasciel says, "I'm going to remember you're the guy who has conversations with shadowlings."

Miskton says, "Tiv's eyes were changed by his experience."

Miskton says, "The remaining vision... I'm still not sure what to make of it."

Miskton says, "I found myself soaring through the air, a crow accompanying me on each side. The wind tugged at my clothing as a sense of freedom filled me. I heard a cry to the left causing me to look towards the crow on that side. Crimson dribbled from its peppered brown feathers as its flight grew increasingly erratic."

Miskton says, "It fell in silence."

Miskton says, "At least the first part is a pleasant experience. Flying is quite exhilarating."

Synamon says, "No one cares about the zoluren guy getting tortured."

Klejotogars says, "It foretells a loss of freedom or someone that has given freedom to another."

Terlockin says, "Maybe it represents someone finally Kssarh out his window."

Terlockin says, "Tossing Kssarh, that is."

Rifkinn asks, "Do crows mean anything significant to you moonies?"

Xionara softly says, "Crows remind me of Lyras."

Miskton says, "Just a moment."

Miskton says, "A middle aged Elothean stood before a horde of faceless foes. Though she tried to fend them off with staff and shadow, one eventually pierced her defenses and at the first touch of the blade she simply turned to shadow and melted away."

Miskton says, "The scene changed and I found myself watching the same woman, apparently unharmed, but also seemingly unaware that a crow perched on each of her shoulders."

Klejotogars says, "That has happened. What ever it symbolizes we do not see it in the future anymore."

Klejotogars says, "The vision of flight is yet to be."

Xionara softly says, "That makes me think that two necromancers were watching her."

Klejotogars says, "She is flying."

Xionara softly says, "I always find things with crows on them in the far west."

Jherrisali jubilantly asks, "Aren't crows associated with Rakash gods? why would they be necromatic?"

Miskton says, "The idea of the Crowthers has been brought up before, yes."

Klejotogars asks, "Did the tezerite have a battle or fight they had to retreat from?"

You say, "I do not think Mrod would have much interest in an Elothean, but it is possible."

Rifkinn asks, "Aren't Crowthers linked to the children?"

Xionara softly says, "Maybe my assumption that crows are necromantic symbols is in error then."

Terlockin says, "The progeny have always retreated."

Jherrisali jubilantly says, "Does that have something then to do with the taint on Meraud? I know they are not similar but..."

Miskton says, "The Crowthers and the Children do spring from the same source, a long time ago, but they've been split for quite a long time."

Jherrisali jubilantly says, "I only know of the thirteen really, I just read things and get stories from it."

Miskton says, "Let's see... By my notes, it was first seen in the year 408."

Klejotogars asks, "And do you know when the visions ended?"

Miskton says, "That I couldn't say for certain, but it's been at least several years."

Klejotogars says, "We would need an event with the Tezerite that took place around the time that vision stopped appearing."

Miskton says, "Anyway, that covers the topics I had prepared for discussion tonight."

Vianae says, "Thank you! I learned a lot."

Miskton says, "If anybody has any additional subjects they'd like to bring up, feel free to do so. Otherwise, I think we can wrap things up."

Jherrisali jubilantly says, "I learned a lot also."

Miskton exclaims, "Glad to hear it!"

Vianae nervously says, "Enough to give me nightmares."

Munchausen says, "Interesting to learn."

Miskton says, "The name sounds vaguely familiar, but can't say much more than that."

Synamon asks, "I know of him, didn't he just have too much to drink?"

Jherrisali jubilantly asks, "I was curious about the Meraud thing and how there were curious colors around the stars, is that suggesting magic is tainted in someway?"

Klejotogars says, "There is a red and purple-brown canvas against the stars and they smolder fitfully against it."

Klejotogars says, "Red is not a good color and purple is the color of sorcery."

Terlockin asks, "Who made that claim?"

Jherrisali jubilantly says, "So maybe its just showing more people are practicing sorcery than before."

Terlockin says, "Ah. I don't worry about a ranger. That sounded an awful lot like someone trying to bring Tezirah back."

Terlockin asks, "Why would a ranger dabble in such magics?"

Xionara softly says, "Maybe he wasn't really a ranger."

Terlockin says, "Then the next time he awakens, be sure to stab him repeatedly. We lost enough during the Mirror Wraith Prophecy, and I won't see that witch come back ever again."

Miskton says, "It sounds worth keeping an eye on. Even if he is just crazy, he might hurt someone."

Synamon asks, "To look for the key?"

Whiteburn says, "That would be ideal."

Rifkinn says, "Ok im off."

Synamon says, "I will help look, i am pretty familiar with the tower."

Rifkinn says, "Safe paths all."

Miskton says, "Worth looking into. Although the staff of the temple might object to taking anything out, even if something is found."

Zhirrisk loudly says, "Best case scenario, we waste our time."

Synamon says, "They would have to know it happened."

Whiteburn says, "If it comes to the matter of such an artifact being needed to stop a demon from being summoned, then the staff of the temple will have to accept it."

Jherrisali jubilantly says, "You'd think they'd want to help."

Miskton asks, "So other than it not being a literal key, we'd just be looking for a magical artifact of some sort?"

Jherrisali jubilantly says, "Demons and all."

Zhirrisk loudly asks, "Question, though... This is the first I've heard of Tezirah being... brought back. Was it on Ratha that she vanished?"

Munchausen says, "Give him the key."

Munchausen says, "Summon the monster. and loot the tomb."

Grizzlefang says, "Why thank you."

You say, "If you'll pardon us."

Terlockin says, "Ratha wasn't discovered until after Tezirah fell."

Fizzbitty distractedly exclaims, "Thankseveryone!"

Terlockin says, "That's not to say that there's magics out there that we're not aware of."

Vianae says, "It was good to see you."

Zhirrisk loudly says, "Aye, there are... the passage to Taisgath, after all..."

Jherrisali jubilantly exclaims, "Thanks for the lesson!"

Xionara softly says, "I'll take my leave then as well."

Klejotogars says, "Well leave then."

You say, "I'm sure someone will be having a moongate back north. I have to slip off though."

Klejotogars asks, "Is there a gate?"

You exclaim, "Thanks for joining us!"

Xionara softly says, "Thank you for the meeting, it was interesting."
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