Focus Moonbeam metaspell suggestions on 09/25/2015 05:36 PM CDT
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Just in case the underlying rules governing the MM travel niche have been relaxed lately:

Refocus Moonbeam: A metaspell for Focus Moonbeam that allows the caster to focus a new moonbeam at the location where the last beam of that color had faded. This would effectively give Moon Mages the option to indefinitely maintain up to three "home" points.

Celestial Relay: An advanced metaspell for Focus Moonbeam that allows a beam to be focused on a moon below the horizon by using a currently visible planet as an intermediate target to reflect the magical light. Casting the spell in this way produces visually weaker and more short-lived (but fully functional) mooonbeams that have the quirk of being colored the hue of the relay planet when used for Moongates. Naturally, if the target planet sets and the moon has not yet risen, the moonbeam will fade. (This could be used as an IC explanation for "permanent" and green moongates.)

- Player of Rault
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