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Question on an idea for Moonblade on 03/30/2020 01:21 AM CDT
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In an effort to make this spell more useful, and bring back an iconic spell for the guild, could moonblade not be changed to be a cyclic spell that runs on target magic instead of weapon ranks? It’s not outside of reason in lore/concept for a pure mage guild structure. It would not be over powered since, as a melee range spell, it would still be held back by what your defenses can handle. (Plus it would still need a moon out) Shape moonblade could just integrate with the original spell and form into a blade/blunt size mirroring your highest weapon type or reverting to regular size if no weapon ranks available.

I’m betting this idea has already been submitted and I just couldn’t find it but I figured I’d put it out there.
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Re: Question on an idea for Moonblade on 04/04/2020 10:31 AM CDT
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Personally I wouldn't want to see such a drastic alteration to Moonblade. I agree it would be nice to have a second cyclic TM in our book that was able to be used during daytime, even if it required moons.

I would like to see moonblade be able to be shaped into Steelstars and lodged into players with throw. Also have dazzle reverted back to its old function and be able to Explode lodged steelstars and cause eye damage on its own instead of just a roundtime stun. I know i'm not alone in wanting to see the return of the Dazzle and steelstar combo as well.

"An' I'm learnin' 'ere in London what the ten-year soldier tells; If you've 'eard the East a-callin', you won't never 'eed naught else. No! you won't 'eed nothin' else"

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