Training the shards (learning) on 05/29/2016 06:44 PM CDT
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ok so once you hit 100th how do you "learn" the different shards ive tried to focus on them and that didn't work?
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Re: Training the shards (learning) on 05/29/2016 06:53 PM CDT
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<<ok so once you hit 100th how do you "learn" the different shards ive tried to focus on them and that didn't work?

You have to do the level 40th astral plane quest at which point you unlock the ability to learn the shards. Circle 100 only unlocks the shortcut to the astral plane.

If you're free to play then I don't think that you're able to make use of either ability since the astral plane is restricted to subscribers only, although you can do the 100th level quest in order to be able to advance past circle 100.

If you've already done the 40th circle astral plane quest then you just STUDY <shard name> while in the room with it several times until you learn it. There is a skill requirement for this, and shards are not created equally. The easiest ones to learn are in haven, throne city, crossing, and leth. The hardest ones are on the islands. You should easily be able to learn most of them except perhaps the ones on Aesry and Mer'kresh at 100th circle depending on your skill.

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Re: Training the shards (learning) on 05/29/2016 07:02 PM CDT
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> If you're free to play then I don't think that you're able to make use of either ability since the astral plane is restricted to subscribers only, although you can do the 100th level quest in order to be able to advance past circle 100.

I would hope f2p characters could still make use of the version that doesn't take you into the astral plane.
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Re: Training the shards (learning) on 05/29/2016 07:07 PM CDT
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<<I would hope f2p characters could still make use of the version that doesn't take you into the astral plane.

I don't think so, since there's lots of little shortcuts that cross province lines via the use of it. Plus, it requires knowledge of the shards which F2P can't obtain in the first place.

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Re: Training the shards (learning) on 05/29/2016 07:24 PM CDT
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>> You have to do the level 40th astral plane quest at which point you unlock the ability to learn the shards. Circle 100 only unlocks the shortcut to the astral plane.

Requirement isn't 40th. You can do it as soon as you have Moongate. Possibly sooner if you have a Teloish guide.

@thayelf //

"But you must know that if corruption is powerful enough, it's not corruption at all — it's law. Unspoken, unwritten, but law." — Robert Jackson Bennett, City of Stairs
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Re: Training the shards (learning) on 05/29/2016 07:31 PM CDT
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Well, it's skill based so most people tend to have it around 40th. I think I did it at 36th. Either way, it needs to be done in order to learn the shards.

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Re: Training the shards (learning) on 05/29/2016 08:02 PM CDT
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The only real check is needing enough concentration to survive the trip long enough to get to the quest area, beyond that I am fairly positive there's no skillcheck. In theory you could do it at like 5th circle if you had the concentration somehow. You wouldn't be able to learn any shards until more like 40th-50th of course. This used to be okay since failing to learn a shard actually taught a few skills really well but now...

@thayelf //

"But you must know that if corruption is powerful enough, it's not corruption at all — it's law. Unspoken, unwritten, but law." — Robert Jackson Bennett, City of Stairs
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Re: Training the shards (learning) on 05/29/2016 08:30 PM CDT
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I'm pretty sure the researcher won't give you the quest in the first place if you don't have enough skill. I know I had to ask him a few times before he would give it to me.

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Re: Training the shards (learning) on 05/29/2016 08:56 PM CDT
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There is no skillcheck, and never has been AFAIK. It only checks for knowledge of Moongate. I don't even think that part is working correctly.

@thayelf //

"But you must know that if corruption is powerful enough, it's not corruption at all — it's law. Unspoken, unwritten, but law." — Robert Jackson Bennett, City of Stairs
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