Repeated spiteful rebirths on 04/18/2015 01:21 PM CDT
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Question for folks here. I recently saw a necromancer perform what I believe was spiteful rebirth three times in a very short period of time (within minutes of each other). It looked like this:

NECROMANCER's corpse begins to shake violently, its roiling flesh sealing up gaping wounds. The convulsions reach a fevered pitch and then abruptly stop when NECROMANCER's eyes snap open! [IT] drags himself upright, wracked with pain and gasping for air, but clearly alive.

I was under the impression that this could only be done once in a certain period of time, and I was under the impression that spirit deaths prevented this from happening.

Is this a new.. ability? Troubling if it is. Necromancers could go virtually unaffected by death if it is.
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Re: Repeated spiteful rebirths on 04/18/2015 01:32 PM CDT
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There are two limits. First, it can't be used while under the effects of death's sting. Once the stat debuffs wear off you can use it again, so this could conceivably be a few minutes later. Second, there's a hard limit on the number of times it can be used in a 24 hour period based on spirit health and stamina. I'm not sure what the formula actually is, but three is certainly conceivably within this limit.

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Re: Repeated spiteful rebirths on 04/18/2015 01:37 PM CDT
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Do functions which clear death's sting impact being able to re-use this ability?

Like the...thing...that was from the spider-fest a few years ago (I think I had one that was a torus) could strip DS from you (as well as cast halo, divine radiance, and...something else)
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Re: Repeated spiteful rebirths on 04/18/2015 01:42 PM CDT
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> I was under the impression that spirit deaths prevented this from happening.
Pretty sure this is true for preventing a resurrection on "normal" folk. For Necromancers, I think you must kill them with Harm Evil or Harm Horde to block the Rebirth.
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Re: Repeated spiteful rebirths on 04/18/2015 01:58 PM CDT
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>First, it can't be used while under the effects of death's sting.

My necromancer has definitely SRE'd quite rapidly in the face of screwing up going back for a weapon... I'm didn't realize deaths' sting was part of the timer.
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Re: Repeated spiteful rebirths on 04/18/2015 02:06 PM CDT
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There is no way a favorless person could shrug off death's sting within a few minutes (like, maybe three between SRE uses)... is there?
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Re: Repeated spiteful rebirths on 04/18/2015 02:26 PM CDT
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Did he have the Gift from HE 2013? That can remove death's stings instantly. A cleric (?mule) can also cast remove curse (if their DO is low enough)
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Re: Repeated spiteful rebirths on 04/18/2015 02:33 PM CDT
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There was a cleric there, but I didn't see them take any action, and the Uncurse spell shortens the duration of the sting but.. I mean.. I've cast a capped uncurse on some of my favorless alts before and I can't make the sting wear off /that/ quickly. And s/he may have had the HE gift but I didn't see it used (not sure if it shows outwardly if it is used).
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Re: Repeated spiteful rebirths on 04/18/2015 02:59 PM CDT
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Log reviewed. Necromancer in question SREed within about 20 seconds. The only thing that happened between deaths was the time it took to cast a spell.
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Re: Repeated spiteful rebirths on 04/18/2015 10:24 PM CDT
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I honestly wonder if deaths sting is a roadblock - I could have sworn I've died, SRE'd, grabbed my weapon, gotten stuck in combat before I can flee, died again, paused a moment, SRE'd...
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Re: Repeated spiteful rebirths on 04/18/2015 10:34 PM CDT
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Does death's sting even apply when you are (re)dead? Always thought that it was your charisma that affected your ability to use multiple SREs. Mind you, I haven't used SRE but once long ago due to trying to hold off forsaken status, so my memory could be wrong from the distant past post.
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Re: Repeated spiteful rebirths on 04/20/2015 04:34 PM CDT
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since this came up in another sub-forum, any word on how this is possible? how to SRE in less than a minute of a previous SRE? To do so would seem to completely ignore death's sting. The greater point to the question is how could I help a necromancer avoid the temptation to SRE immediately as to not risk the attacker slaying him/her a second time?
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Re: Repeated spiteful rebirths on 04/20/2015 05:00 PM CDT
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I wouldn't object to depart, MF, and SRE having a sort of 'grace' period that applies to the newly standing PC. Something like a 8-10s no interact, they can't be cast at, attacked, advanced on, affected by AoEs, anything, and in turn, can only pick up items (can't drop something, like, say, a glass orb). It could be short enough to prevent some kind of exploit, but long enough for the necromancer to pick up their dropped weapon(s), make a Scoobie Do villain claim, and get out of there.
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Re: Repeated spiteful rebirths on 04/20/2015 10:12 PM CDT
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MF makes the room safe. I think it'd be a perfectly fine idea to give SRE some sort of grace period. maybe.. safe until they make their first action. Talk, move, think, whisper, ooc, conc, prep, face, hide. any action un-safes them.

Just an idea.

But seriously. No one knows how they (or at least one) are currently able to SRE without limit and with no cooldown between? MF has two steep cooldown mechanics built in.
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Re: Repeated spiteful rebirths on 04/20/2015 10:27 PM CDT
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Well, I know...

ASGM Ricinus
Core, Logistics, Survival
Cleric Advocate
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Re: Repeated spiteful rebirths on 04/20/2015 11:26 PM CDT
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>>Well, I know...


Uzmam! The Chairman will NOT be pleased to know you're trying to build outside of approved zones. I'd hate for you to be charged the taxes needed to have this place re-zoned. Head for the manor if you're feeling creative.
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