Re: Confused and bewilidered on 08/06/2014 07:52 AM CDT
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GMs confirmed on Test that pets are based on mana and TM for casting, not stats. Stat boosters and or BUE don't effect them.

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Re: Confused and bewilidered on 08/06/2014 08:06 AM CDT
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>I live eat and breathe PVP in dragonrealms so before you comment thinking I'm so noob that's just throwing comments out there, I taught Hizu, Ragran and Red how to pvp, I've played DR since AOL and dialup

Aside from needing to learn how to communicate like an adult, the above tells me that you're so 1337 that we could never convince you otherwise. Hilariously though, the 'legitimate-o-meter' swung wildly back and forth in this sentence. Starting at 'Ron Paul' with the above, it quickly swung to 'MC Hammer' with the next part;

>I am alittle behind on 3.0

And right back down to 'ShamWow' levels with the next bit;

>but as I see it a equal player of any guild/skill besides maybe trader and empath can beat a equal necromancer easily. (alot has to do with us being survival prime and stealth being so bugged, also the watch command don't help)

Bravo sir. Bravo.
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Re: Confused and bewilidered on 08/06/2014 08:43 AM CDT
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>>I taught Hizu, Ragran and Red how to pvp

I played/PvPed with all of these characters too, over a DECADE ago. PvPing in 3.0/1 is completely different than the DR you claim to have dominated. Your posts show how inaccurate and dated your PvP knowledge is.

>>All I'm saying is they don't have a good core for 3.0 and were more designed towards 2.0

Really? Funny how they needed litle to no changes going into 3.0, and they perform better in post 3.0 than pre IMO.

You don't know as much about Necros, PvP, or DR that you think you do. I'd suggest spending more time reading elanthipedia, training your character, and talking to others who know how to do it right.
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Re: Confused and bewilidered on 08/06/2014 08:50 AM CDT
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FoU isn't DFA it became shield blockable when it was converted to 3.0.

I'll trade you both HE and HH for worms k?
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Re: Confused and bewilidered on 08/06/2014 09:51 AM CDT
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1) Why the heck do you hate DFA above spells? You should be cheering whenever someone casts one against you unless your shield skill is higher than your evasion skill. Why? DFA bypasses shield (and parry, since is ranged) and gives a big boost to evasion. You are survival prime / armour tert so the boost should make the spells weaker.

2) If I understand PvP balance in 3.0 correctly: Cleric = rock, Necromncer = scissors. When scissors wants rock "nerfed" it is hard to take it seriously.
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Re: Confused and bewilidered on 08/06/2014 01:56 PM CDT
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You are correct on Cleric being the rock to a necromancer scissors, but the way cleric is they don't really have a class that counters them, so that's unfair..

But that is not my argument what is the problem is they seem to be weaker than every other guild, when they first came out GM were like well a necromancers strength does not come from magic but from there undead, now they were like risen will be a necromancers strength, but you will have to wait till we release "true risen" now all of a sudden CFB is are Risen spell and honestly they suck, with magic shields are disablers are junk, commanding zombies pulls you from hiding adding round time, so that's roughly 5 seconds with micro management..

Why make a PVP conflicted guild and not release the guilds main offensive weapon, then take CFB and add a pet buff and be like that's good here is you're risen!

Then wonder why almost everyone shelves there necromancer.

In 3.0 Test the GM's I talked to knew Cleric was insanely overpowered, and nothing still has been changed.
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Re: Confused and bewilidered on 08/06/2014 02:04 PM CDT
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Why does everyone who's trying to flame me play a cleric I mean really?

You even support it in you're name, go crawl back under you're bridge, ROFLMAO.
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Re: Confused and bewilidered on 08/06/2014 02:09 PM CDT
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Interesting you consider being corrected about cleric abilities by a cleric flaming. Also interesting you're crying for Cleric nerfs under the guise of Necro too weak.
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Re: Confused and bewilidered on 08/06/2014 02:12 PM CDT
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> Why make a PVP conflicted guild and not release the guilds main offensive weapon

Not to burst your bubble, but if you are expecting Risen to be our main offensive weapon you should start preparing now for a world of disappointment. I believe the current idea is that Necromancers have too many sources of damage available if they use everything available to them and that Armifer is hesitant to increase that any more by adding Risen as another damage source without it limiting another source (zombies, mudmen, etc).

In general, everyone I've talked to doesn't shelve their necromancer because of wild made up claims about what our spells can and cannot do. It either comes down to the playstyle isn't for them or they miss out on a lot of socializing/RP and constantly feel the brunt of events and systems with little reward. Luckily some great things have been helping that really have supported those who feel this way lately.

Necromancers are in a pretty fantastic position right now both with their PvE and PvP kits and the only real complaint I could say is that scrolls are rare. Our kits plus a few other guild spells can make us beasts as many necromancers continue to show.
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Re: Confused and bewilidered on 08/06/2014 02:14 PM CDT
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Actually I'm 13, how did you know?
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Re: Confused and bewilidered on 08/06/2014 02:40 PM CDT
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IMO Clerics aren't exactly the counter to necromancers. They just happen to have some spells that are focused/function primarily on cursed/undead, which necromancers happen to get flagged as past a certain point.

AFAIK, it's not like those spells are stronger/better explicitly because they're focused in the scope of who they harm.

>>Then wonder why almost everyone shelves there necromancer.

Maybe it's you. Everyone else in this thread seems to be pretty okay with their necromancers, and that includes people who play one as a primary.

Uzmam! The Chairman will NOT be pleased to know you're trying to build outside of approved zones. I'd hate for you to be charged the taxes needed to have this place re-zoned. Head for the manor if you're feeling creative.
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Re: Confused and bewilidered on 08/06/2014 02:56 PM CDT
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>Why make a PVP conflicted guild and not release the guilds main offensive weapon, then take CFB and add a pet buff and be like that's good here is you're risen!

Again, zombies are immensely powerful relative to the casters TM. And no one has said 'that's good here you are [heh] risen!', as it's been mentioned time and time again that Risen are still in development.

>Actually I'm 13, how did you know?

It's a combination of your grammatical and spelling errors (which are really bad, for what it's worth), the way you are trying to insult things, and your inability to both bring up firm points supporting your claims and refute points brought up countering your claims.

Seriously, take a deep breath and try and approach this discussion rationally.
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Re: Confused and bewilidered on 08/06/2014 03:31 PM CDT
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>but the way cleric is they don't really have a class that counters them, so that's unfair..

Not really a Necromancer issue...

>with magic shields are disablers are junk

CH is a pretty solid physical damage shield. WORM is pretty powerful magic shield, and should help shield you from spells while you command your Zombie.

>commanding zombies pulls you from hiding adding round time, so that's roughly 5 seconds with micro management..

If only we had another way to stay out of sight when commanding a zombie... hint hint. Also clever use of Zombie stance/behavior settings can reduce the need to micromanage them.

>Why make a PVP conflicted guild and not release the guilds main offensive weapon, then take CFB and add a pet buff and be like that's good here is you're risen!

While its true that the Necromancer Guild was built to be involved in conflict, it was not necessarily designed to be GOOD at it. If you pay any attention at all to the theme of the guild, you will see the guild is mostly meant to be hunted and prosecuted. That's not to say they are terrible, there are some pretty amazing PvP Necros out there. Maybe you should switch gears from complaining and instead ask them for some advice?

>Then wonder why almost everyone shelves there necromancer.

You should probably reassess this view, the large number of posters in this thread disagreeing with you shows quite the opposite.

mundus vult decipi, ergo decipiatur
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Re: Confused and bewilidered on 08/06/2014 06:01 PM CDT
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>with magic shields are disablers are junk
>that's good here is you're risen!
>everyone shelves there necromancer.

I don't want to be that guy but *HED ASPLODE*

- Starlear, Warrior Mage and Lieutenant of Ilithi's Crystal Vanguard -

- I maintain the Warrior Mage Beginner's Guide at:
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Re: Confused and bewilidered on 08/06/2014 07:19 PM CDT
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Valcer, is that you?


Moon Mages are totally Jedi. -Raesh
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Re: Confused and bewilidered on 08/06/2014 08:24 PM CDT
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>>Valcer, is that you?

Too much punctuation.

Uzmam! The Chairman will NOT be pleased to know you're trying to build outside of approved zones. I'd hate for you to be charged the taxes needed to have this place re-zoned. Head for the manor if you're feeling creative.
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Re: Confused and bewilidered on 08/06/2014 08:43 PM CDT
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How about Shinrui? Man I miss that guy's insane rambling and penchant for emailing people after getting his timeouts on the forums.
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Re: Confused and bewilidered on 08/06/2014 08:55 PM CDT
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I've been gone quite a while, hard to tell what I think necromancers are currently doing on the totem pole.... Perhaps we shall see?
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Re: Confused and bewilidered on 08/08/2014 12:12 PM CDT
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So I have been gone awhile and am catching up on threads and this one is the best thus far.

I just want to say I have loved my Necromancer from day 1. Is he the best absolute pvp out there? Heck no. Change to cleric if you want awesome crazy spells for 99% of situations. Can a Necromancer hold his own in pvp? Even with a similar skilled cleric? YES. it's hard and you will generally lose if you really are near in skills. But I have pulled it off often enough.

Necromancer's are in some of the best shape they have ever been by far. Are they complete? No. Are they good enough to play? Absolutely.

>BLB needs some work done, yeah. I have a plan approved for it but it's turning out to be slightly nightmarish in practice to implement. May need to go back to the drawing board with the spell.

I really hope this works out. For now the spell is not even worth buying.

-Zerreck Arkarm
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Re: Confused and bewilidered on 08/23/2014 08:51 AM CDT
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>my empath has 200 tm, necromancer has 300...
>Necromancer circle 80
>way underpowered

Try again.

>I really hope this works out. For now the spell is not even worth buying.

Bonus damage and/or unique ignite effect if it strikes a bleeder, perhaps.
Or something to that degree.
I dunno.
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Re: Confused and bewilidered on 08/23/2014 12:41 PM CDT
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Yeah, we were going with the idea that Blood Burst might set the body part on fire w/o naphtha, but this is turning out to be more annoying than it would be in a reasonable world.

"In our days truth is taken to result from the effacing of the living man behind the mathematical structures that think themselves out in him, rather than he be thinking them." - Emmanuel Levinas
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