A few necromancer/mechanics questions on 05/08/2020 12:36 PM CDT
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1) Can necromancers use CRE after a holy death (god smite, HE, etc.)?

2) Divine Outrage drain mechanics. The information available says there is up to 2.5 hours/day worth of "drain", but how does that drain function? Is it similar to REXP in the sense that if there is no DO to drain, the clock isn't ticking? Then suppose a necromancer performs an action generating DO, does that drain off (if possible) and then stop the clock again?

3) Barrier mechanics, specifically about Iron Constitution used with other barriers such as MAF (or CH). Is IC applied first and then the second barrier? So say if a hit was going to do 200 damage, but IC stops anything above 100, would the second barrier further reduce the damage? Or does the other barrier work first, potentially reducing a blow below the threshold for IC to trigger at all?
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