an unknown affair on 01/23/2018 10:47 PM CST
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You ask, "Have you been doing alright?"

XXXXXXX looks at you and shrugs.

XXXXXXX says, "Well as good as can be."

XXXXXXX asks, "And yourself?"

You say, "I... uh."

You scrunch your eyebrows together and furrow your brow.

XXXXXXX peers quizzically at you.

You say, "Wanted to ask you something."

XXXXXXX says, "I am an open book."

You ask, "I saw an undead thing with you, a while back. Was that created by someone else...?"

XXXXXXX sighs.

XXXXXXX says, "No, that was a creation of my own making."

XXXXXXX glances at you.

XXXXXXX gnaws on their lip.

(XXXX seems to struggle for words.)

XXXXXXX says, "I'm sorry if that upsets you."

You ask, "...why? You said you wouldn't?"

XXXXXXX fidgets nervously.

XXXXXXX says, "And I didn't for along time.."

XXXXXXX says, "But."

XXXXXXX says, "The more I researched, the more I looked behind the curtain, the more I saw that things weren't what I thought."

XXXXXXX glances at you.

You act puzzled.

You shake your head.

XXXXXXX says, "And I was alone for along time, while you were off teaching new adventurers how horrible we were."

You ask, "It's thread had ended. Can you imagine what it does to the web to bring things back that are supposed to be dead?"

You cringe.

XXXXXXX frowns.

You say, "People like X... not you. Not like those who made a sacrifice but stopped before..."

XXXXXXX asks, "Before I did the same thing the gods do when they are angry?"

XXXXXXX says, "X is reviled even among the Philosophers and the Perverse."

XXXXXXX says, "She is a petulant child who seeks to be involved in everything, and noticed."

XXXXXXX says, "The Zombie.. The ones I make, are animals for one."

XXXXXXX says, "And they are a method of study and safety in a world doing its best to push me out of it."

You say, "I'm... just not sure what to think. I know even Enelne means little to you, but you promised me you would not ... " XXXX struggles for a word, "corrupt her work."

XXXXXXX says, "Your right.. I broke my promise to you.."

XXXXXXX says, "And for that alone I am sorry."

You ask, "The... marbles, those are not animals. Will you begin using those as well?"

XXXXXXX asks, "Marbles?"

You say, "The glass ones."

XXXXXXX says, "'Those I haven't studied at all."

XXXXXXX says, "And I don't use them."

XXXXXXX says, "I have no reason to as all I can see they are for is grief."

XXXXXXX says, "I wanted to talk to you about it.."

XXXXXXX glances at you.

(XXXX seems to be trying to hold back their emotions, failing slightly as a few tears slip down their cheek, quickly brushed away.)

You say, "I don't want to loose you. Not our relationship, and not to the edge, inching towards it."

XXXXXXX shakes their head.

You say, "There is so much behind you, if you would turn from that line..."

XXXXXXX says, "XXXX.. I never wanted us to get here either."

XXXXXXX says, "The edge, that's literally where I have lived since I got my memories back."

XXXXXXX gazes at you.

XXXXXXX says, "Shortly before you told me I had to stay away."

You frown.

XXXXXXX says, "I don't blame you.."

XXXXXXX says, "You have a life outside the shadows."

XXXXXXX says, "And people that rely on you."

You say, "I meant more that... I should. Maybe we should. There was too much going on before and I didn't want you to get hurt."

You say, "Not because of me, at least."

XXXXXXX says, "I told you I wasnt afraid XXXX.."

XXXXXXX says, "To be honest, I've always felt it was more to protect yourself.. And I'm okay with that, even if it did hurt for a while."

You gaze at XXXXXXX with a mournful expression on your face.

You nod.

You say, "That, is true. I am more afraid of the pain of losing you. To have the hounds set on you because they scented the trail from me."

XXXXXXX says, "But that's not why I crossed that line."

XXXXXXX sniffles.

XXXXXXX says, "I'm not afraid of a bunch of zealot bullies."

XXXXXXX says, "I wanted to talk to you before I did it.. I wanted to hear arguments for and against."

XXXXXXX says, "But I didn't want to ruin your happyness."

You rub your neck.

You say, "Guilt, is my own fault. You wouldn't ruin anything."

XXXXXXX says, "But that ship has sailed now.. So we're left with what we have now, and if we can understand each other."

XXXXXXX fidgets nervously.

You ask XXXXXXX, "So, now considered, will you continue or leave the nature of things alone, again?"

XXXXXXX says, "I dont know XXXX.. My reasons for doing what I do are strong, and there not due to anger, hate, or a desire to harm those around me."

You say, "I know you wouldn't."

XXXXXXX says, "'I never say never. But I need to understand both sides."

You say, "And, as with X... I am hypocritical. I tangled strings simply by coming here to see you."

XXXXXXX asks, "What do you mean?"

You say, "Grazhir, travelling in the astral plane. Observing fate and then changing my actions accordingly, creating a catch and splitting more strings off..."

You say, "It is hard to comprehend the web, sometimes. All that even could have been or could be."

You say, "But things that could have been do not have the same nodes as those that do... and..."

You wave your hand distractedly.

XXXXXXX looks at you and shrugs.

You give a half-hearted smile.

XXXXXXX says, "I hear and see so much contradiction regarding the web."

XXXXXXX says, "Everyone had their own idea of how to use it, protect it, hurt it.."

You say, "I would ask how to save it, if I could. I'm not sure it's possible. And if so, not even Harawep knows, considering she was about to just burn the whole thing."

XXXXXXX snorts, loudly.

You say, "I've missed you though, that much I know. I'll come out more so we can have time together."

You pull XXXXXXX to you in a tight hug.

XXXXXXX hugs you, and you wrap your arms around their with a warm smile.

XXXXXXX asks, "Does that mean you're going to run off without listening to my thoughts?"

You say, "Of course not."

XXXXXXX says, "Sorry, just nervous."

You say, "Is it unfair of me to ask another promise? Could there be a line at sentience? I ... have a feeling that your studying may need to branch in that direction."

XXXXXXX asks, "Define sentience?"

XXXXXXX peers quizzically at you.

You ponder.

You say, "I, self-awareness? Or, speech? It.. it is a hard line to draw, grey on grays."

XXXXXXX says, "So long as your willing to argue this point with me, I will stick to those not recognized among the sentient races."

XXXXXXX says, "But.."

XXXXXXX says, "I will say that the gods have not followed that rule."

You give a half-hearted smile.

You say, "I know of that opinion we differ. I feel the gods have rights to interact with their creations, even if we must fight for ourselves, they gave us that ability."

You say, "But neither do I doubt that it is impossible to reach that sort of immortality and power ourselves."

XXXXXXX says, "I don't think were their creations XXXX.. They are powerful, and some of them seem good. But they are not my creators."

You say, ", I feel maybe I can understand? But maybe not."

You say, "Either way, I am willing to try."

You manage to give XXXXXXX a sad-eyed grin.

XXXXXXX leans on you.

XXXXXXX says, "The world isn't full of easy answers.. But there are a few members of the Philosophers that I work with that have helped."

XXXXXXX asks, "Are you familiar with the differences between the Philosophers and the Perverse?"

You say, "Only by second hand. Perverse flirt with demonic power, philosophers try to avoid it."

XXXXXXX says, "Thats a simple way to see it, but yes. The philosophers seek to understand how the world was created, how we were created, and the lift us up out of the cycle of death. Away from our souls being used as currency between the gods.."

(XXXX's lips twitch slightly as if refraining from a comment.)

You slowly and deliberately empty your filled lungs.

XXXXXXX says, "XXXX, you can argue if you want."

You say, "Sometimes it is hard to remember the privilege that the powerful obtain, gaining favor or even not, and still becoming revived while so many others will fall and walk in the stars."

XXXXXXX says, "By the time we are usualy even questioning things like this, you're either a have, or a have not. And yes, the mindset can color everything."

XXXXXXX says, "Those that aren't subject to almost daily empathic healing, or don't curry the favor of the gods.. Be they someone's little sister, brother or whatever, could be long dead while you still walk Elanthia."

XXXXXXX says, "A simple fall down the stairs.."

You frown pensively.

XXXXXXX says, "All while the gods fight to see who will get the soul."

XXXXXXX says, "While the world around us is the battleground."

(XXXX wraps an arm around XXXXXXX and holds you close.)

XXXXXXX sniffles.

XXXXXXX hugs you, and you wrap your arms around them with a warm smile.

You say, "I'm not strong enough to continue thinking down that path. Things are terrible. I suppose we all just do the best we can with what we have."

XXXXXXX says, "It's why I do what I do.. Because someone has to be strong enough.."

You ask, "Have things been alright, otherwise?"

XXXXXXX says, "They have, though mostly because I have been hiding out here without a gweth."

XXXXXXX says, "Haven't been privy to any of the current nsanity."

You say, "Lucky you."

XXXXXXX gives you a gentle poke in the ribs.

XXXXXXX says, "Then someone brought the Insanity back."

You say, "Things seem to have calmed down on the gweth, but the Empath's in Crossing is often harassed. People keep releasing mechanical mice or hafwa in there."

You say, "You don't have to turn on all the channels. I can always reach you without issue either way."

XXXXXXX says, "Good to know, and I probably won't."

You say, "I hear a lot of it is ire for people that keep kicking others out. Not because they were being violent but just because they rubbed them the wrong way."

XXXXXXX says, "Elitism..."

You roll your eyes.

XXXXXXX says, "People lash out in all the wrong ways sometimes, instead of working to make the problem itself go away."

XXXXXXX says, "Its the same with Necromancers."

XXXXXXX says, "Some seek to fix a problem, some are hurt children lashing out at the world."

XXXXXXX says, "And then there's X.."

XXXXXXX snorts, loudly.

XXXX splutters

You cover your mouth with your hand.

(XXXX gives out a soft sigh, relaxing finally and letting their eyes close.)
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