BUE Metaspell: +First Aid on 12/31/2017 02:52 AM CST
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I think most people (rightfully) call First Aid a dead skill after a certain number of ranks; you reach a point where the only reasons to keep training it are for TPDs or as a requirement for circling. But now that First Aid plays a part in how well necromancers can stitch together their Risen monstrosities I find myself wishing for a way to boost it. Adding +FA to Butcher's Eye via a metaspell seems like a good way to go about it.

I realize that if you also throw Chirurgia into the picture BUE could end up boosting 4 skills at once, but please consider it. If it came down to which one I would rather have: +FA or +SE, knowing what I know now about Risen I would pick FA. But admittedly I say that as someone who only trains SE as a circling requirement.
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Re: BUE Metaspell: +First Aid on 12/31/2017 11:02 AM CST
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Having an additional metaspell that allows for a TOGGLE between an FA and an SE buff would be pretty neat. As it is, Chirugia makes me think of +FA anyway, jokes about modern medicine aside. While I do enjoy having a non-sorcerous +WeaponSkill ability, even limited to just +SE, I for one wouldn't complain at all if Chirugia was changed to +FA.
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