I have no idea if Demon names count as "big" secrets, or just the book Lord J has of them, so for now I'm being careful with explicitly naming demons.
[redacted]'s Petty Lie
Necromancers debate how much of the slaughterer of truth's power is called upon when weaving this pattern, especially since some feel the spell is a derogatory insult toward what he wishes to accomplish, but the results are still all the same. Calling upon this power allows you to change your appearance to suit how you feel it should be, in gross defiance of what is.
OOC: Utility. Shift for Necromancers. Maybe Lay Necromancy, similar to the age-shifting one?
One is All
A warped (even for Necromancers) version of Worm's Mist, the Necromancer releases a mist to all in the vicinity that creates an extreme sense of loneliness and loss. Those who fall victim to this profane virus do not suffer directly from it, but are instead culled into the Manifold. Anyone who falls victim to the collective's allure becomes linked to those around it in all aspects, including pain.
OOC: Debilitation. Initial "mist" attack is a Mind vs Will. Anyone under the effects of the Manifold "experience" a portion the same harm (through a Spirit vs Fortitude check) as those also under the local effects of the spell as spirit damage. In other words, if you cast this spell in a room with two goblins, hitting goblin A will cause goblin B to get spirit damage. Hitting goblin B will cause goblin A to get spirit damage. I figure the damage doesn't need to function as TM check because you still need to hit A in order to possibly hurt B, and vice versa.
Thoughtless Strikes
A grossly reckless act, this spell submits a portion of the caster's mind into uncontrolled madness. Destruction to those around them is almost certain, but the user is completely blind to how.
OOC: Cyclic Utility spell that makes you temporarily lose the ability to manually cast TM spells BUT you automatically cast one from the synthetic creation (or corruption, if it ever gets one) books every X amount of time without having to target/prep. Spells fire at a rate faster than normal, and you randomly target mobs ahead/flanking you. You pay both the cost of the cyclic and the minimum cost of the spell being cast. Half the cyclic upkeep cost boosts the power of the spell. Every X amount of mana put into the cyclic increases the chance to double-cast the spell being cast, at the cost of it being cast once (ie: you'll pay the upkeep of the cyclic + the cost for a minimum prep ACS or VIV, but you might cast it twice in a row at two random facing/flanking mobs).
Uzmam! The Chairman will NOT be pleased to know you're trying to build outside of approved zones. I'd hate for you to be charged the taxes needed to have this place re-zoned. Head for the manor if you're feeling creative.
Profane Suggestions that Many Might Frown Upon! on 02/02/2018 04:17 PM CST
Re: Profane Suggestions that Many Might Frown Upon! on 02/02/2018 04:24 PM CST
Oh, the one other one I forgot to suggest, based on the previous thread.
Localized Defilement
Tapping further into Necromantic energy streams, the caster briefly pull a greater influence of the Defiler into the Plane of Abiding, seeping his corruption into the nearby area. As a reward for helping him break his seal, he allows his blighted touch to carry a terror of your choosing. Anyone who steps into the area as he temporarily plagues it will face that danger.
OOC: Debilitation. Think Banner of Truce mixed with Hydra Hex, but instead of peace the anyone entering the room risks facing whichever spell you cast upon the area. True to the Defiler's mannerisms, you can't call upon him to corrupt an area again (with a different spell or otherwise) until his current influence leaves the area.
Uzmam! The Chairman will NOT be pleased to know you're trying to build outside of approved zones. I'd hate for you to be charged the taxes needed to have this place re-zoned. Head for the manor if you're feeling creative.
Localized Defilement
Tapping further into Necromantic energy streams, the caster briefly pull a greater influence of the Defiler into the Plane of Abiding, seeping his corruption into the nearby area. As a reward for helping him break his seal, he allows his blighted touch to carry a terror of your choosing. Anyone who steps into the area as he temporarily plagues it will face that danger.
OOC: Debilitation. Think Banner of Truce mixed with Hydra Hex, but instead of peace the anyone entering the room risks facing whichever spell you cast upon the area. True to the Defiler's mannerisms, you can't call upon him to corrupt an area again (with a different spell or otherwise) until his current influence leaves the area.
Uzmam! The Chairman will NOT be pleased to know you're trying to build outside of approved zones. I'd hate for you to be charged the taxes needed to have this place re-zoned. Head for the manor if you're feeling creative.
Re: Profane Suggestions that Many Might Frown Upon! on 02/02/2018 04:43 PM CST
Re: Profane Suggestions that Many Might Frown Upon! on 02/02/2018 04:52 PM CST
Re: Profane Suggestions that Many Might Frown Upon! on 02/02/2018 08:31 PM CST
Re: Profane Suggestions that Many Might Frown Upon! on 02/02/2018 10:28 PM CST
>>Whoa, these are awesome. My only beef is that they're clearly Perverse, leaving us Philosopher behind :(
It could be argued if they were inspired by Perverse teachings or if directly created through partnership with demons.
I also think it would be neat to have a mix of Philosopher, "Whatever I Don't Care", and Perverse magics accessible.
>>I'd only suggest if there are going to be clearly demonically themed/inclined spells, and that choosing them has some ramifications, that there are also some clearly Philosopher themed/inclined spells, as a counter. Choice! It's a good thing.
I'd personally argue that all current spells are Philosopher spells. It gets tricky because Philosopher spells are essentially "spells without demons" for the time being, and have no real theme I can spot beyond that. And that's a bit questionable too, given how Arcane/Necromantic energy is claimed to function/exist in Lord J's book.
Uzmam! The Chairman will NOT be pleased to know you're trying to build outside of approved zones. I'd hate for you to be charged the taxes needed to have this place re-zoned. Head for the manor if you're feeling creative.
It could be argued if they were inspired by Perverse teachings or if directly created through partnership with demons.
I also think it would be neat to have a mix of Philosopher, "Whatever I Don't Care", and Perverse magics accessible.
>>I'd only suggest if there are going to be clearly demonically themed/inclined spells, and that choosing them has some ramifications, that there are also some clearly Philosopher themed/inclined spells, as a counter. Choice! It's a good thing.
I'd personally argue that all current spells are Philosopher spells. It gets tricky because Philosopher spells are essentially "spells without demons" for the time being, and have no real theme I can spot beyond that. And that's a bit questionable too, given how Arcane/Necromantic energy is claimed to function/exist in Lord J's book.
Uzmam! The Chairman will NOT be pleased to know you're trying to build outside of approved zones. I'd hate for you to be charged the taxes needed to have this place re-zoned. Head for the manor if you're feeling creative.
Re: Profane Suggestions that Many Might Frown Upon! on 02/03/2018 07:49 AM CST
>It could be argued if they were inspired by Perverse teachings or if directly created through partnership with demons.
And I think you did a good job crafting those spells and their thematic shtick. I'm saying that mechanically, they fill niches that I'd be interested in seeing filled without forcing the choice of invoking Demons. I do like the choice between leaning Perverse and consequence that may entail, but I also think some holes could use plugging.
>I'd personally argue that all current spells are Philosopher spells.
Well, save CRE.
Re: Profane Suggestions that Many Might Frown Upon! on 02/19/2019 04:43 PM CST
Think Banner of Truce spell but total opposite, Banner of Conflict used to I dunno escape a room quickly or add confusion in battle but once it is casted, anyone who is not the Necromancer auto engages each other and have to try to retreat in order to move around again. Retreating successfully should involve a stat or skill contest against the Necro.
In PvE the critters engage themselves and you can leave or take them out while distracted.
In PvE the critters engage themselves and you can leave or take them out while distracted.