Non-Olvi smoking teachers on 12/21/2014 06:04 PM CST
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It seems like non-olvi are able to teach smoke images with enough practice. I wasn't smoking at this time.

You see Astral Traveler Longs, Battlefield Scribe, a Human Moon Mage.

Longs starts to tell you about the bandit smoke image.
To learn it from her, you must LISTEN Longs.
> listen long
You start paying attention to Longs's advice on how to make a bandit smoke image.

Your concentration wanes and you forget what image you were trying to learn from Longs.

Also there's this weird first/third person view swap when certain smoke images are blown at someone.

Lofting some smoke from her mouth, Longs creates an image of a mischievous pixie with wings aflutter, pirouetting and dancing through the air.
Lofting some smoke from your mouth, Longs creates an image of a mischievous pixie with wings aflutter, which pirouettes and dances through the air waving a tiny wand over your head.


I like to imagine that the popping sound of PD is kind of like the fire swamp.
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