You stand back up.
>put stat in nich
You reverently place the Enelne statuette in a small niche.
You kneel down upon the ground.
>off stat
You consider offering the Enelne statuette, but as you focus your thoughts, you feel a strange coldness within your soul.
A burning large fire flutters slightly.
>off stat
You consider offering the Enelne statuette, but as you focus your thoughts, you feel a strange coldness within your soul.
The Enelne statuette tumbles out of a small niche, landing on the ground with a loud crack and shattering into tiny pieces.
The cold draft dies down a bit, then picks up again, the dampness soaking through your clothing.
>look in nich
In the small niche you see a Enelne statuette and a stone sliver.
>get stat
You get a Enelne statuette from inside a small niche.
The shattered pieces crumble into a fine dust.