Dwarves from Albaria on 03/13/2011 01:10 PM CDT
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Hi all,

Thought I would do some brainstorming on a character concept. What would make an Adamantian (High Hold) dwarf who had been enslaved by the Gorbesh but escaped back to Kermoria be like? What would make them different from dwarves who had maintained contact with the north?

My guess is that given the likely number of dwarves who fled south, there would be some form of community (and it has been ~550 years since they ended up in Albaria).

How would they have made it north? Albarian Kaldar who dared the mountains? Escaped from a Gorbesh war camp?


Moon Mages who get hit with HULP should indulge in their Survival Secondary side and run away.

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Re: Dwarves from Albaria on 03/13/2011 01:25 PM CDT
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> How would they have made it north?

The sea route, while dangerous, has to be less terrifying than trying to make it though the Hand (That's Han's story at least). The Hand might not be the only land passage between the two continents, maybe just the one that's large enough to accommodate an invading army. My tree-loving Kaldar certainly wouldn't question a dwarf if he said there was a complex, yet unmapped, system of caves that connected the two continents. I would think any self-respecting dwarf would boast about tunneling their way to freedom!

~Hunter Hanryu
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Re: Dwarves from Albaria on 03/16/2011 07:27 PM CDT
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I have this vision of dwarves quietly digging with spoons for 400 years under the mountains, and then finally surfacing one day somewhere in the Hiimarhand Shel.

Moon Mages who get hit with HULP should indulge in their Survival Secondary side and run away.

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