Finally stumbled across the chamber of history in Hibarnhvidar, and it looks like there is a timeline inconsistency that could be reconciled. The panels of dwarven history show (presumably) the founding of Hibarnhvidar, followed by the settlement of the Siergelde Shel, then the events around the Iron Kingdom. However, Kwarlog was founded in ~1800BL, while the events of the Iron Kingdom happened in ~2500BL. Accordingly, it looks like either Kwarlog should have been founded earlier (would make sense given the timing of High Hold / Adamantia and the Iron Kingdom), or the events around the Iron Kingdom happened much later. Placing Kwarlog's founding closer to that of the Iron Kingdom (~3150BL) would fix this inconsistency.
On a related note, I heard rumor of an updated dwarven timeline that was supposed to be almost ready a year ago.... any further work on that?
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