Dwarf Social on 10/08/2013 02:50 PM CDT
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Heya been a while since we had one, and I've seen a lot of long lost Dwarves around lately... so this Saturday 9pm est, at the Brodger of Stone Clan. Tell a friend, tell two.

~Worrclan, Dwarf of the Realms-

Cause some of you asked, why did I stop having the socials and disappear. Well my dad had 12 surgeries since September of last year all related to an aneurysm and it's been 12-18 hour days keeping him ticking. Betterish now, so I'm back.
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Re: Dwarf Social on 10/12/2013 11:26 PM CDT
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We had a great turnout, lots talked about, and many ales drank. Hope to have another in the near future.

Baergar the son of Muckele, soon to be owner of the hoy showed up.(Yah whippersnapper!)
Goi of Goi's gem shop... pierowall?
Vathbiirk one of the only survivors of the crossing Keep.

[Lairocott Brach, Forkbeard's Brodger]
This hall is distinguished by a large table and two stone benches that run the length of the tavern. At the far end of the hall is a large roaring fire, the smoke slowly curling up towards the hole in the ceiling. Along the walls are hung various furs, skins and mining implements. Hakon Forkbeard is standing behind the imposing marble-topped bar, working and whispering intently to several of his customers. You also see a pile of rocks, a pile of rocks, the menu, the large tavern doors, Forkbeard and a sturdy wooden stool with a stein of Biiskbowr beer on it.
Also here: Jarlix, Vathbiirk, Master Blacksmith Baergar, Staanwrit Goi, Kertig Heart Magdar, Gemrardi, Ranger Arandrowse, Kalkomar, Basher Biast, Tradesman Sortny, Kurell, Battle Lord Galahant and Idol Thule.
Obvious exits: none.

More showed up later to.

~Worrclan, Dwarf of the Realms-
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Re: Dwarf Social on 11/09/2013 11:03 PM CST
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Was a quick meeting, too many folk stuck at the fest... So we decided to invade the Bard Party, and steal all their ale. A stomp was sung and a bard guild leader made to learn to stomp. Huzzah!

~Worrclan, Dwarf of the Realms-
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Re: Dwarf Social on 01/09/2014 05:19 PM CST
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Good to see you around again Worrclan!


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