Missing Elothean Houses on 08/28/2013 03:12 PM CDT
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I was just curious if there were any plans in the near or mid future to add [(re)build, (re)open, make live, etc.] the other 4 or 5 Houses that are missing from Shard. It seemed like there was a whirlwind of activity getting the last 2 or 3 ready and released, then the project seems to have fallen by the wayside. Perhaps someone knows if it was mentioned at the Elothean culture fair back in April? Sadly I wasn't able to attend.

- Anuind Lyndon

When naming your holy weapon consider the following: Everyone has a Holy Avenger or a Divine Vengeance. Why not go with something your foes will never accept the shame of being smote by, "The Fuzzy Kitten".
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