Character Manager Update on 01/11/2008 05:54 AM CST
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In order to facilitate the creation of a new character, particularly for new customers, we've removed statistic rolls from the character manager. When a player touches a race figurine they will be assigned max statistics points distributed according to the +/- modifications for each race.

Objectives of this change are as follows:

- Assist new customers by simplifying the character generation process.

- Get new characters, created by new or existing customers, out of the CM and into the game -- more fun!

- Remove the need to use "auto rollers" thus reducing some strain on the system.

- Better starting stats (generally) means better survivability at the lower levels.

This change is live in The Fallen only. More information will be forthcoming as the change makes it to Prime and Platinum in the coming days.


"Over thinking, over analyzing separates the body from the mind."

This message was originally posted in The Races of DragonRealms, General Discussions - Races. To discuss the above follow the link below.
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