Racial weapons bonus on 01/18/2010 04:07 PM CST
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Racial weapons bonues?

I am not sure if this has brought up before, or if it is a bad idea but any chance of racial weapon bonuses or something? I know a couple of things currently exist with brawling in regard to a couple of the less human looking races.

Eylhaar whispers, "Celitha, to Myself come you now. This life abandon and to the Void yourself give. Without pain or strife My eternal abode is. The touch of the Void feel you now."
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Re: Racial weapons bonus on 01/18/2010 04:21 PM CST
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>>Racial weapons bonues?

There is precedent for this with a few specific weapons (Dwarven tunneler's axes, etc.) but those effects are coded into the weapons themselves, not an overarching system.

At one point there was a plan to introduce racial 'feats' into the game, that could grant something like this. For examples, Gor'Togs would have the option of 'purchasing' a feat to make them superior with two-handed blunt weapons, etc. I'm not certain what the present development status is of those plans, since I haven't heard them mentioned in quite a long while.

An update on what the present dev team thinks of such things would be an interesting read.

Squire Xalahai Zayasero, Player of
"This idea may have worked in another time and another place, but here it immediately fell on its face and went 'Durp durp.'" - Armifer
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Re: Racial weapons bonus on 01/18/2010 07:01 PM CST
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If it was special gear I think it would be cool. Maybe even more fluffy stuff or robes and such.

If it is an innate "racial bonus", well I think that is already there with boons and penalties to training stats.

I like DR because it is not cookie cutter when it comes to character concepts. It is about how and what you train.

I guess I like that not every Tog is slow witted, every gnome a wizened little mage or every elf prances through the forest with flowers in their hair.

Just my quick thoughts on this. I would be interested to see what other views there are also.

Player of Lomelinde
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