Shifting Your Age and Modifying your Age on 04/24/2010 02:29 AM CDT
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^(Changed the title)^

As far as I am aware choosing age is only a platinum option.

In reference to more shift changes I think it was a stated goal (at least something to do with Shifts for 2010), not that a goal is a guarantee or anything, but a lot of head way has been made on that list.

Victory Over Lyras, on the 397th year and 156 days since the Victory of Lanival the Redeemer.
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Re: Shifting Your Age and Modifying your Age on 04/24/2010 02:38 AM CDT
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>>As far as I am aware choosing age is only a platinum option.

Premium can also.

Vashir: one day I will devise a weapon fueled by the tears of warrior mages
Vashir: it'll be unstoppable
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