Re: Racial Age Messaging & You on 04/22/2010 09:54 AM CDT
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>I would probably be in favor of allowing everyone to rechoose their age one time once the new system is in place (similar to what they did in Gemstone about ten years ago). Then just fix the character manager to generate non-premium in the moderately young range and let premium choose a much wider range than currently possible.

Would very much want to see this.

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Re: Racial Age Messaging & You on 04/22/2010 09:54 AM CDT
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>>Several RPGs handle aging by making you start young and age throughout your character's career. IMO it makes sense for DR to operate this way as well. Our characters are clearly at the beginning of their careers when they come out of the CM.

This severely cripples RP opportunities though IMO. Unless you're a premie that is and can choose your own age.
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Re: Racial Age Messaging & You on 04/22/2010 10:07 AM CDT
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>>This severely cripples RP opportunities though IMO. Unless you're a premie that is and can choose your own age. <<

It doesn't cripple your RP opportunities any more than not being able to spawn a master swordsman out of the CM, does it?

- Mazrian

The Flying Company

The Public Stat Data Project

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Re: Racial Age Messaging &amp; You on 04/22/2010 10:28 AM CDT
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>>It doesn't cripple your RP opportunities any more than not being able to spawn a master swordsman out of the CM, does it?

No but it's also not game breaking if you want to role play someone that didn't get into adventuring until middle age.
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Re: Racial Age Messaging & You on 04/22/2010 10:56 AM CDT
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>No but it's also not game breaking if you want to role play someone that didn't get into adventuring until middle age.

And likewise, it isn't game breaking if you play an old man that actually can't fight like yoda.

Do you really "earn" your old character the same way you "earn" other things in Dragonrealms? I've got old characters in prime that I played for like two hours a decade ago. I didn't "earn" them being old. I just happened to have a premie account with extra character slots.

>describe boar
It's a boar. It doesn't like you.
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Re: Racial Age Messaging & You on 04/22/2010 11:03 AM CDT
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Why not make something like favors that people have to do at a certain point in their life to "regenerate themselves"? Maybe it can be a big event of finding the "fountain of life". Empaths could have to do certain work to keep it working so it doesn't take away from their age shifting ability... Just a thought :)

On a whim...:

The Zoluren army asks, "We're um.... really sorry about the clubhouse and all... so uh... are we cool?"
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Re: Racial Age Messaging & You on 04/22/2010 11:10 AM CDT
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i like being able to play both old folks and young folks. one particular of my characters is "grandpa" <my plat WM>

You see Grandpa Shvartzgonif Savakiian, Flame Spitter, a S'Kra Mur.
Shvartzgonif has a flexible ridged crest which follows the shape of his skull with elegant arched eyebrows and slitted green eyes, camouflage scales with a pale silver underbelly and a kinked tail.
He is wizened for a S'Kra Mur.

his profiled quote is:

"How can you be a sage if you're pretty? You can't get your wizard papers without wrinkles. - Bill Veeck"

I enjoy having a vast number of possiblities for ages for characters.
I also have a very young halfling that is barely able to join her guild <very young>. That's what makes it interesting to RP.

Out of curiosity, did you make everyone stop trying to kill Lyras so you could go try to kill Book?

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Re: Racial Age Messaging & You on 04/22/2010 11:28 AM CDT
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If I do integration the magic healing bonus into the lifespan, it'll be done in two different categories.

1) Humans and races that are meant to follow the Human norm life cycle will not start slowing down until 35 ("In their Prime"). They will pass through "young" at normal speed and require the same amount of Shifting as now if they want to be perpetually a 20-something.

2) Halflings and races that are meant to be more "vital" and gracefully aged will start slowing down at 21 or 18, depending on my mood on the day.

Elves and Dwarves are special cases due to their incredible lifespans and, frankly, an extra hundred years doesn't do much for them. My intention is that both age at a consistent rate within the race (an Elf looking at an Elf, or a Dwarf looking at a Dwarf), but other races (a Rakash looking at an Elf) see pretty much the opposite effects: an Elf appears to age extremely gracefully, never really affected by senescence before his time is up. A Dwarf spends most of his life looking like a tough old greybeard.

"In our days truth is taken to result from the effacing of the living man behind the mathematical structures that think themselves out in him, rather than he be thinking them." - Emmanuel Levinas
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Re: Racial Age Messaging & You on 04/22/2010 11:47 AM CDT
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>Issue #3

If I got to design it, I would make it so that our adventuring characters stayed the racial equivalent of 18 to 25 for an extra X years then. They'd grow up just as fast as they do now, but stay in the "mature peak physical" state for longer. Eventually empathic intervention would become exponentially less effective, so that the last few age ranges would come as normal.

>post 2115

This seems to me to be the a great way to do it. Hanryu (kaldar) is closing on middle aged (42 of 100ish) but he's never been more powerful or more agile. IMO, he should appear in peak physical condition even if he's lost all indications of "callow youth".

~Hunter Hanryu
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Re: Racial Age Messaging & You on 04/22/2010 12:33 PM CDT
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Is this +100 from magical healing including possible life extension magic practiced by powerful wizards and necromancers, or is that ontop of any arcane techniques; they can also get a boost from empathic life magic. So NMU's and quasi magical practioners will gain the benefit of empathic rejuvenation and sorcerers will have this as well as dark arcane rituals. Or is this magical boost including any possible efforts from the upper echelon of magery.

V, Player of
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Re: Racial Age Messaging & You on 04/22/2010 12:46 PM CDT
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This is altogether, and will have no real formula. The "Upper Class" (Adventurers, Royalty (and probably Nobility) and the otherwise Rich) will have this.

i.e. NPCs and PCs will all be able to be around by lore for a 100 years longer (equates to 25 years roughly IRL time).

Victory Over Lyras, on the 397th year and 156 days since the Victory of Lanival the Redeemer.
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Re: Racial Age Messaging & You on 04/22/2010 02:56 PM CDT
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>Our characters are clearly at the beginning of their careers when they come out of the CM.

This is a big part of the problem with one of my characters in Plat. He's an Elf who is right about at 625 years old. By the Kermorian Timeline, he was born a few years after Shard was built and a few years before Dzree and her lot took over.

It's hard to explain why a six-century-old Elf is unable to tie his bootlaces straight.

- Fuquois

Board Villainy is a lost art.
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Re: Racial Age Messaging & You on 04/22/2010 02:57 PM CDT
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>It's hard to explain why a six-century-old Elf is unable to tie his bootlaces straight.

Not really, my grandmother can't tie her shoes at all anymore.

>describe boar
It's a boar. It doesn't like you.
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Re: Racial Age Messaging & You on 04/22/2010 03:00 PM CDT
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>Not really, my grandmother can't tie her shoes at all anymore.

Frankly, that's what I go with. He looks Ancient for an Elf, so I play him as mildly senile and inept due to his extreme age.

- Fuquois

Board Villainy is a lost art.
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Re: Racial Age Messaging & You (Tangent) on 04/22/2010 03:24 PM CDT
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Since we're also talking somewhat about HOW races age, I'd thought I'd crosspost an idea here:

It occurred to me, that if I were writing the lore, the large majority of Gor'Togs would not age like other races, but remain sturdy slabs of muscle until the day they suddenly dropped dead. Not to say they wouldn't get all wrinkly and old-ish, just not the sickly and weak part.

Magic's Death Caraamon Makdasi, Gor'Tog Barbarian
Hunta Talna Kortok, built by Gor'Togs, for Gor'Togs
Blunts for Sale:
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Re: Racial Age Messaging & You on 04/22/2010 04:52 PM CDT
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I would prefer that the flower of my character's youth be extended proportionately through his lifespan rather than enjoy 100 more years of decrepitude. Just one guy's opinion, of course.
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Re: Racial Age Messaging & You (Tangent) on 04/22/2010 06:11 PM CDT
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>It occurred to me, that if I were writing the lore, the large majority of Gor'Togs would not age like other races, but remain sturdy slabs of muscle until the day they suddenly dropped dead.

You could make a similar argument for Kaldar or S'kra too.

>describe boar
It's a boar. It doesn't like you.
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Re: Racial Age Messaging & You (Tangent) on 04/22/2010 07:28 PM CDT
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I'd still rather have my age just not be included in the description. I've replaced body parts often enough that I don't think people should be able to just look at me and see how old I am, other than that I am obviously old enough to join a guild and function as an adult in Elanthian society.

We can't die. We have access to empaths. I don't think that it would any anywhere near as easy to glance at someone and know their age as we think it would be based on rl experiences. I'd rather age just not show.

"Sometimes you guys scare me."--Annwyl
"You people worry me."--GM Abasha
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Re: Racial Age Messaging & You (Tangent) on 04/22/2010 07:55 PM CDT
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Perhaps the messaging should be, "[Name] looks [adjective] for a [race]," to accommodate the following possibilities:

1. Someone may look old or young for his age (allowing the Empath to alter the apparent age without altering the chronological age)
2. It may be hard to estimate the age of another race.

>>DRAKEWARLORD: We can't die. We have access to empaths. I don't think that it would any anywhere near as easy to glance at someone and know their age as we think it would be based on rl experiences. I'd rather age just not show.

I disagree for the reasons that RUBYTU stated. Maybe (depending on our races) I would have a hard time telling your age, but unless you are completely concealed by your clothing, I should at least be able to guess.

Mr. Gorbachev, tear down this wall rank!
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Re: Racial Age Messaging & You (Tangent) on 04/22/2010 09:11 PM CDT
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>>but remain sturdy slabs of muscle until the day they suddenly dropped dead.

I don't imagine the fundamental biological process of cellular degradation would be much different because they're taller and their skin is green.

Unless they're Gandalf.

Right now the Moon Mage place on the "combat pet totem pole" is the part that's sunk into the earth to lower the pole's center of gravity.
-Armifer de Dragonrealms
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Re: Racial Age Messaging & You (Tangent) on 04/22/2010 10:33 PM CDT
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>I don't imagine the fundamental biological process of cellular degradation would be much different because they're taller and their skin is green.

Ignoring for the moment the fact we are talking about a world where warm blooded mammalian humanoid supposedly live almost 500 years.

There are several instances of reptiles, fish, and amphibians exhibiting a complete lack of age-associated cellular degredation even past the 150 year mark.

Magic's Death Caraamon Makdasi, Gor'Tog Barbarian
Hunta Talna Kortok, built by Gor'Togs, for Gor'Togs
Blunts for Sale:
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Re: Racial Age Messaging & You (Tangent) on 04/23/2010 12:11 AM CDT
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>Ignoring for the moment the fact we are talking about a world where warm blooded mammalian humanoid supposedly live almost 500 years.

This is called suspension of disbelief.

>There are several instances of reptiles, fish, and amphibians exhibiting a complete lack of age-associated cellular degredation even past the 150 year mark.

Suspension of disbelief only goes so far. I recall it being stated in the past that all of the Elanthian races age in roughly the same way, it's just harder to discern those differences in the longer-lived races because their physical appearance changes more slowly. That being said, I'd argue that pretty much any adventurer is going to remain in peak physical condition until the day they die of myocardial infarction or what have you.
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Re: Racial Age Messaging & You (Tangent) on 04/23/2010 12:43 AM CDT
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>>Suspension of disbelief only goes so far.

This, pretty much.

I mean, it's a fantasy setting: Elves and Dwarves have to live for hundreds of years. Those are the rules Mr. Tolkien made. We realize they're different races.

That said, they are all carbon-based mammalian life forms (even S'kra... well, I know they're warm-blooded, so I would assume mammals too). I think seeing our stats start to get penalized past X number of in-game years is about as likely as our characters dying of old age, but "Gor'Togs maintain full strength till death whereas everyone else gets enfeebled with age like normal" seems like it would be one of those strange, inexplicable inconsistencies in the lore that doesn't detract from the experience but doesn't really add anything, either. Best to stay consist where possible unless there is something to gain, IMO.

Right now the Moon Mage place on the "combat pet totem pole" is the part that's sunk into the earth to lower the pole's center of gravity.
-Armifer de Dragonrealms
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Re: Racial Age Messaging & You (Tangent) on 04/23/2010 12:56 AM CDT
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>it would be one of those strange, inexplicable inconsistencies in the lore that doesn't detract from the experience but doesn't really add anything, either.

How is that any different from "Elotheans think they're the god's thoughts manifest" or that S'kra Mur can't breed with any other race.

It's just something that adds to the depth of the world, and seems appropriate for a race that's so incredibly physically centered.

Magic's Death Caraamon Makdasi, Gor'Tog Barbarian
Hunta Talna Kortok, built by Gor'Togs, for Gor'Togs
Blunts for Sale:
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Re: Racial Age Messaging & You (Tangent) on 04/23/2010 01:45 AM CDT
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>>How is that any different from "Elotheans think they're the god's thoughts manifest" or that S'kra Mur can't breed with any other race.

The first is culture. If you had said that Gor'Togs personally believe they don't weaken as they get older, and maybe older Togs were sensitive about suggestions of weakness, I'd say that's a stroke of brilliance. Culture != biology, pretty much anything is feasible for culture.

As for the second, that's biologically credible. House cats can't (to my knowledge) breed with lions but they're genetically close. Horses and Dobermans can't produce offspring, even though they're both mammals. To find something that doesn't follow the same cellular rules of biology, however, you have to start looking at things like plants, single-celled organisms, bacteria, insects, etc. the closest thing to "us" probably being very rare and unusual species of reptiles or amphibians, like you mentioned.

I don't think implementing it would stain the in-game lore or something, I just don't see it as in the same category of believability as a race of people who average about three feet tall. Fantasy settings don't follow the rules of biology to the letter but they're still based on Earth; a creature that essentially doesn't age at the genetic level sounds more like science fiction to me, a non-terrestrial form of intelligent life composed of silicon or something.

Right now the Moon Mage place on the "combat pet totem pole" is the part that's sunk into the earth to lower the pole's center of gravity.
-Armifer de Dragonrealms
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Re: Racial Age Messaging & You (Tangent) on 04/23/2010 01:45 AM CDT
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>>How is that any different from "Elotheans think they're the god's thoughts manifest"

This is different because you're not asking for Gor'togs to think they're mighty right until death, you're asking them to be mighty and muscular till death.

>>or that S'kra Mur can't breed with any other race.

This...really has so little to do with Gor'togs remaining physically fit that I'm not certain how to respond. It's as valid a connection to make as if I were to say "Gor'togs should remain mighty until death because Elves have pointed ears," or "Gor'togs should remain super muscular because Gnomes are small."

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Re: Racial Age Messaging & You (Tangent) on 04/23/2010 01:58 AM CDT
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Actually yeah, in the effort of being constructive, I am really liking the idea if you change it to Gor'Tog culture claiming they never weaken. That makes total sense to me.

It wouldn't even be something they needed legends to prove (though there would be legends, of course), they'd just know it at a fundamental level. We Tog, we don't weaken!

Right now the Moon Mage place on the "combat pet totem pole" is the part that's sunk into the earth to lower the pole's center of gravity.
-Armifer de Dragonrealms
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Re: Racial Age Messaging & You (Tangent) on 04/23/2010 02:40 AM CDT
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>This...really has so little to do with Gor'togs remaining physically fit that I'm not certain how to respond. It's as valid a connection to make as if I were to say "Gor'togs should remain mighty until death because Elves have pointed ears," or "Gor'togs should remain super muscular because Gnomes are small."

Let's see, how shall I put this?

For a species bred for extreme strength and sturdiness, it is not that much of a stretch to have the fact their muscle cells do not suffer from cellular degeneration due to aging. If you want, IM me at CaraamonDR and I'll give you as much biology and genetics as you can stand on how not only is this well within the realm of possibilties, something similar actually does happen in some of the stranger real world species.

However, since we're not talking about the real world, but a world with trolls that turn to chalk when they die, living pools of water, and other such things, I'm having a hard time seeing how thir is such an issue. If you have to twist your mind, just think of it this way, Gor'Togs muscles have Elven lifespans while everything else doesn't.

Magic's Death Caraamon Makdasi, Gor'Tog Barbarian
Hunta Talna Kortok, built by Gor'Togs, for Gor'Togs
Blunts for Sale:
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Re: Racial Age Messaging & You (Tangent) on 04/23/2010 03:08 AM CDT
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<<The first is culture. If you had said that Gor'Togs personally believe they don't weaken as they get older, and maybe older Togs were sensitive about suggestions of weakness, I'd say that's a stroke of brilliance. Culture != biology, pretty much anything is feasible for culture.>>

the only thing wrong with that is - the Togs WERE specifically <biologically> bred for strength, endurance during their period as slaves to the s'kra. Not particularly for long life though. But it would give credence to - "muscular big green man that stays that way until he falls over dead some day."

Out of curiosity, did you make everyone stop trying to kill Lyras so you could go try to kill Book?

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Re: Racial Age Messaging & You (Tangent) on 04/23/2010 04:34 AM CDT
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I don't really see what the issue is re: togs. Saying they remain muscular doesn't mean they can't also age like other races. Muscle will become more dense with time, but it's certainly possible even for humans to retain muscle throughout their lives.

As an example, a former Mr. Olympia, in 1968:

Same guy, modern day:

The fullness due to a greater percentage of fat and less dense muscle fibers is gone, but he hardly looks like a withered and feeble old man.

Just my two cents to toss into the mix.

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Re: Racial Age Messaging & You (Tangent) on 04/23/2010 08:03 AM CDT
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I'm not saying they shouldn't. Gor'togs could sprout wings when they turn 100, I wouldn't really care. All I was saying was that the argument for it didn't make sense. The argument that it should be that way due to the fact that it's biologically possible, and pointing out that they were bred specifically for their strength are both better reasons for it than "Elotheans think X."

BTW, I was just kidding about Gor'togs getting wings at 100 years of age. It should be elves. Gimme.

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Re: Racial Age Messaging & You (Tangent) on 04/23/2010 08:17 AM CDT
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actually, at one time there was one bug that gave people wing wounds. and it was elothean empaths that could heal 'em.

Out of curiosity, did you make everyone stop trying to kill Lyras so you could go try to kill Book?

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Re: Racial Age Messaging & You (Tangent) on 04/23/2010 08:23 AM CDT
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Let's remember to stay constructive and on topic, about racial aging.

Thank you!


Any questions or comments, please contact me at or Message Board Supervisor Annwyl at
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Re: Racial Age Messaging & You (Tangent) on 04/23/2010 09:19 AM CDT
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>BTW, I was just kidding about Gor'togs getting wings at 100 years of age. It should be elves. Gimme.

Do those come with heart plugs?

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Re: Racial Age Messaging & You (Tangent) on 04/23/2010 10:41 AM CDT
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Gnomes should gain yoda-like powers at the age of 900.

>describe boar
It's a boar. It doesn't like you.
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Re: Racial Age Messaging & You (Tangent) on 04/23/2010 11:27 AM CDT
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I just think that the default should be to not display an age.

I don't think that most people can just look at someone and tell how old they are in a world with empaths that regularily replace body parts and no age related changes happen. Hair does not grow. (though beards do. so odd) Teeth don't fall out. Eyes don't deteriorate and spectacles are merely an rp device. We don't wrinkle, get grey hair, slowly develop penalties to our stats and skills. We don't die of old age.

I think that people may have an 'air' of maturity about them, but that's an rp thing. It would be nice for those that want some sort of 'air' to be in their description to be able to toggle in the default based on their ig age and to be able to get that date shifted, and hense the default description, by empaths, if they want that as part of their rp. Otherwise, that should just not be in their description at all.

"Sometimes you guys scare me."--Annwyl
"You people worry me."--GM Abasha
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Re: Racial Age Messaging & You (Tangent) on 04/23/2010 11:55 AM CDT
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It's pretty easy to tell if someone appears 18, or appears 30, or appears 50.

It is not like it gives your exact age and birthday.

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Re: Racial Age Messaging & You (Tangent) on 04/23/2010 12:39 PM CDT
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>>DIMINISHEDANGEL: That said, they are all carbon-based mammalian life forms (even S'kra... well, I know they're warm-blooded, so I would assume mammals too).

At the risk of derailing this thread, S'Kra Mur are not mammals. (That's why they don't have hair or breasts.) GMs have stated that S'Kra Mur are physically and reproductively identical to Squamata (scaled reptiles). (I would cite the post, but I think the forum ate it.)

Teilan: PHA = Healer Union. They charge for healing based on your injuries. We will now pause while everyone gives their opinion on this.
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Re: Racial Age Messaging & You (Tangent) on 04/23/2010 01:14 PM CDT
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>>DRAKEWARLORD: I don't think that most people can just look at someone and tell how old they are in a world with empaths that regularily replace body parts and no age related changes happen.

Like modern medicine, Empathic healing extends one's lifespan, but it's not the fountain of youth that you describe. If I lose my right hand to a trapped box, I don't get a better or younger-looking hand when I see an Empath. I get a hand that looks the same as the one I had before. Similarly, if I have had my face shifted to look older (for example, laugh lines or a missing tooth), I don't emerge from empathic healing with a younger face, even if my whole head was replaced.

>>DRAKEWARLORD: Hair does not grow. (though beards do. so odd) Teeth don't fall out. Eyes don't deteriorate and spectacles are merely an rp device. We don't wrinkle, get grey hair, slowly develop penalties to our stats and skills. We don't die of old age.

GM Armifer has already explained that people die of old age in Elanthia. Simutronics just doesn't kill off PCs, because that would be bad for business. However this isn't something your character would know. It wouldn't be part of his worldview and wouldn't factor into how old other people look to him.

I think the other issues that you've described are also mere business decisions that do not reflect the underlying nature of Elanthia. Despite these OOC limitations, there are many IC references to the frailties of old age, both in the NPCs you see and in books. (For example, one book says, "it is not uncommon for an elderly S'Kra to be utterly blind.")

However, even if everything you said about aging were true, I should still see some indicia of age when I look at you. I should be able to assess (accurately or not) your apparent age.

Mr. Gorbachev, tear down this wall rank!
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Re: Racial Age Messaging & You (Tangent) on 04/23/2010 01:48 PM CDT
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On the two tangents.

1) Gor'Togs have the Human standard life cycle (albeit slightly extended) and I won't be changing that.

2) Not displaying a visible age is not an option.

If those are the only issues people wish to discuss at this point, we can start drawing this thread to a close.

"In our days truth is taken to result from the effacing of the living man behind the mathematical structures that think themselves out in him, rather than he be thinking them." - Emmanuel Levinas
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